Tree of Savior Forum

New paladin build guide for physical Attack type

Sadly we still don’t have any of the monk buffs (neither knockback/down removal attributes, nor the strike debuffs). Smite + Conversion does work here though.

What I meant was more in the sense that since game has been out much longer there, the standard gear level as well as skill attribute levels isn’t nearly as comparable to us here. Especially with how much easier it seems to get silver in KTOS (130 dg with 5 daily entries ftw). Also, given how much balance patches they’ve had, comparing the paladin DPS to other classes would also be quite different in our versions, even if paladin itself hasn’t been changed much.


According to this

Conviction reduces “all properties resist”

This would imply it also works with holy and dark damage. Since you already have a c3 pally, can you please verify? With Sacrament or something.

not all. only 5 element ( fire ice poison earth and lighting ) . Sadly holy and dark are not reduced

I’m new in ToS and I have to ask: Is it possible to use the 2nd circle of dievderbys after the 3rd circle of paladin? If the answer is yes: Is it recommended?

Well, you can take diev c2 at rank 7 after taking paladin c3.

But I wouldn’t recommend it. You’re losing on both opportunities to go Kabbalist c2 or PD c2 at rank 8 and just Diev c2 isn’t all that great. Carve World Tree is nice but you’d want Ausrine too from Diev c3, and for that, ditching a rank 8 class is very likely to be a terrible idea.

If you’re a physical build, Carve Owl would be pretty useless as well, making Diev c2 after Paladin c3 even less worth it.

Kab c1 or PD c1 will give you much more supportiveness (and dps) than Diev c2.

I was thinking about something to replace the monk class in the build.

You can replace Monk c1 with either PD 1 or Kab 1 for more utility and support.

Assuming you’re a physical build (like the one described by OP) and aiming for Inquisitor at rank 8:

  • Monk c1 will be nice coupled with Breaking Wheel from Inquisitor because of Hand Knife’s armor break and Double Punch the wheel (Double Punch also gives a debuff that increases strike damage by 30% if I’m not mistaken). Picking Monk c1 is straight out the “more dps” choice.

  • PD c1 will be nice to spread Conviction among targets (with Pandemic) while Breaking Wheel is on cooldown (remember God’s Smash deals double damage on targets with Conviction!). It also opens up the choice of getting Healing Factor for an awesome survivability in pvm. Status Immunity from Bloodletting is also welcome in pvp and in some rare occasions in pvm.

  • Kab c1 gives Ein Sof and Revenged Sevenfold which are both nice for pvp. Aside from that, you can use Ein Sof’s attribute to fully recover the sp of one player (including yourself).

I think other class choices aren’t good enough to fit in rank 7 with that build (such as Diev c2).

I think I’ll take Kb, thanks!