Tree of Savior Forum

New paladin build guide for physical Attack type

this is really rare and interesting, does this have better damage than monk in ktos? has the buff to monk been implemented in ktos?

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recently in Ktos monk got berfed very much
skill dmg berf, strike weaken deburf with double punch, additional attributesā€¦ so now quite stronger
I thinkā€¦ it will be applyed soon in Itos

do you out dps archers too? Iā€™m looking for a str/dex type cleric and it seems like only choice would be monk, but this opened up something for me, looks good, are you still doing good in other contents of the game?
with the monk buff would you prefer playing a monk now than this paladin build?

dont expect cleric too out DPS a DPS class lol

he alrdy said that once you reach rank6 with conviction 5 you can do same dps as an archer and wizard does or maybe even stronger

well thats is differ in each situation
generally its hard to overcome archer
but if there is high kick and lethergy you can over come most archer and wizard (+enem is devil/mutant with plate ā€¦its more easy)
for example my smite dmg is 74000 per each hit with rethergy and highkickā€¦
But impossible to win fletcher3 based on ranger3 ā€¦ they are too strong
hmmā€¦ monkā€¦ well I have 255lv another monk charcter. butā€¦ Im sure this build is mu~~~ch stronger

honestly at rank 6
I never saw anyclass stronger than this
this build is strong especially at rank 4, 6
but at 7 rank there are no special skill like convion-smite.

Hey, Ish, I made a quite similar build as yours before reading this thread :smiley:
Iā€™m glad that I made the correct choice because I was quite worried whether my build will excel in late game or not. Well, just want to thank you for ascertaining my doubt. :smiley:

Iā€™ll seek you for advice when I happen to have doubts regarding my build next time :smiley:

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This ( thinking cleric will out DPS a DPS class ) is what make people dissapoint making STR paladin. Try for your own sake but this is for sure Cleric wont out DPS a DPS class.

and ish4244 are you sure your smite deal 74k damage ? i dont think even archer can have that much damage.

cause people build str type paladin and qq about it, and this guy builds a dex crit type, maybe its much more effective together with diev circle too, all i see are paladin with krivis or paladin priest and cleric etc

with hight kick deburf all strike dmg +200%
with lethergy deburt all strike dmg +100%
with conviction deburf smite dmg + 150%
to devil/mutant smite dmg + 100%
to plate armor all strike dmg +50%
actually all these are not common situation.
but in this situation you can do smite dmg 74k
generally hight kick is hard to see but lethergy is very simillar
request to your partyā€™s wizrd to use rethergy (it have to point attribute)

yes ā€¦ because paladinā€™s skill have great dmg itself
priest and krivy is not badā€¦ but I think diev is more effective

with recent patch to blessing, maybe its best to go cleric c2? now it scales with int + spirit which we dont have, only thing would benefit us is monstrance, or maybe a krivis would be better for rank 2?

wellā€¦ even blessing got berfed that require high spr and 15point to blessing
as you said only thing get from priest is monstrance
irs so nice but I think C2 have more advantage

hmmā€¦ krivy with high sprā€¦

yous better see this video
he is spr/dex paladin based on krivy
I think it also good
its zalchai and daino and Barrieragic resist so strong
but crilate is lee than me (too much rely on zalchai)
its up to you

which c2 are you pertaining too that has more advantage? the cleric c2 or priest c2? but with priest c2 I wonā€™t be getting dieve which is vital for this kind of build

I mean C2 have more advantage
divine mite, heal 10 x 2, safety zone enhance attribute, fade
P2ā€¦ yes good but as you said if you take P2 you wont take div1
so if you want monstrance
go C1 P1 D1 P3 M1 (jts my build)
but it supporting is not very good
this is specialized to solo or duo play

Do you think this build + 80-100 CON + full dex, no str is good for end game content ( earth tower ) ? or can you give me for the good stat ratio between dex con str for end game content ?

Do you think this build is good for the future ? rank 8 "Lama"is coming soonā€¦

In term of DPS, -100 elementla property means if you have 1 lightning for example, the damage is the same as 100 lightning property? and for final equipment at lv 280, what equipments do you suggest to make maximum property elemental damage at that stage ? using the equipments mentioned above is the best choice? how about lolopanther stuff?

Im sorry Im asking too much, and my english is kinda broken, not my first language sorry

yeah was wondering too, since crit rate can be reached through items, would a mix of str dex be decent than going pure dex just for crit?

Is it okay to go kabbalist with this build. I was leaning more on towards to more of a support build in which I think ein sof is a good skill to use along restoration and revenge seven fold seems like a fun skill to use.

iā€™m sure kabbalist is worst choice.
youā€™d better take priest than kabbalist
this build is specialized for physical attack
I thinkā€¦ if you want to support your team youā€™d better take another build