Tree of Savior Forum

NEW! Giltine’s Team Clash

Red Team to Blue Team: WE HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!!!


Have won two days with blue team. Yes, red has an advantage but a lot of depends of actual classes your team have.

i have win as blue team, but yes Red team does have advantageous on how the mob take their route
however, i found class build have more impact on these event, found youself a Cryo Kino Onmyoji and your team will almost be impossible to lose

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@GM_Francis clarification is kind of needed as i had cases where player will dc if they got into blue or is losing. they probably wanted the 15 wins, and they’re resorting to underhanded methods which can be unhealthy for this new event concept (which i kinna enjoy tbh)

can anyone at least clarify if it is in fact 15 wins or 15 participation?

this is giltine we’re talking about afterall, and she isn’t always as she seem owO;;;

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yeh, though imagine you on blue, and you have a not so good team composition Owo;;

and rules says 15 wins. kinna brings out the worst in some peeps when winning badly matters to them Owo;;

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I can assure you that even you lose, it still count but, only 1 participation per day.
(Basically every time you get the rewards, it counts. No matter if you win or lose.)

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yes, i did confirm that too, but that’s participation count as opposed to the news that specifically said

which may be the reason why some people are resolving to underhanded methods to win

if using the word “victories” rather than “participation” is supposed to give players the drive to be competitive, it’s kind of getting abused by others who are going for a 15 win streak Owo;;;

Due to leeching mentality of ToS players this event is absolutely terrible

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I would actually wish that this kind of event should separate out low level range and high level range players as well (since high level players have a decent amount of advantage due to most of them having 4 circles in their class tree). It is actually impossible to kill the monsters fast unless you have high damage or decent aoe.

I was honestly upset because I thought that I could get coins when I tried again after my first round of loss, but apparently it only applies to the first attempt for the prizes :frowning:

All dmg is 1 though, so it’s more about the specific class rather than the damage

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i must be really unlucky then because i have seen players killing the monsters in 1 - 3 times. (i am not sure what classes are they) :frowning:

Thank you for clarifying :slight_smile:

The real problem of this event is poor design. So everyone just afk to get a box, no one cares about winning for coins.

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sadly, yes :frowning:

well thank god, imagine the frustration to play an event where one team is at a severe disadvantage (blue team) because IMC can’t code their game properly, I’d surely be mad

I won as blue team too but this doesn’t mean that it’s done badly and I’m happy that losers get the main rewards too

I can win easily with a build full of low CD multi hit skills or full of deploy and forget skill
IMC try to encourage ppl to be active in this by adding winner extra reward and try to balance the gap between high level well equipped and newbie, however, the map design is favouring red team and specific build have easy mode just show how poorly they have design this event

For the first week I was doing this event with maybe 5 or 6 accounts. But then - why even bothering…

My experience in the event has been very positive and in fact I consider it easier to defend in the blue team, the key is to define the role you will take in the team since those who damage area or multi hit must defend and the rest must summon the mobs

I’m on the SA server and I have not met any AFK

you also have to consider the players’ build which gives the same gap on being on team blue

would be nice if we get the unrealized pvp soccer game that was tested before owO

well maybe not soccer, but a more ToS related sports, like blitzball for spira Owo


This is the kind of event that needed a map designed just for it. Or maybe a better selection of map instead of the usual “Hey let’s make an event, better throw it inside Klaipeda and hope for the best” kind of approach.

@kobalis You are very lucky then, out of the 12 times I entered, 10 were with an AFK on my team or both teams.

Yesterday I ran into two afk in the opposing team and the only one who gave a fight ended up giving up when it was over, maybe if the prize is only for those who win and could be repeated until you get your first victory of the day