Tree of Savior Forum

New Drop System in kTest/kToS

Yup. GvG is the only thing that can make ToS a really good and long-lasting game.

i know what youre saying about 0.1% drop but thats a dpk item not a card like in RO man.

Cards were 0.01% in RO.

why do you need to be hostile about something like that?

There did you see any hostility? It’s just that I have a very low tolerance to bullshit.

We all know that % are really really low.
And they have changed only drop system, not % system.
So things will be the same.

This is the proof that IMC don’t even listen us.
We always told (almost who has more Like in comment) that DPK is “fine” but they have reduce DPK kills: instead of 20.000 mobs, should be more less, even 500 are too much (talking about HG cubes), since we need equip with this new combat system as I’ve told.

We play the game, only we know how must work the game to keep us playing.

They should have:

  1. reduce DPK
  2. increase drop rate.

Nice try IMC, but not enough.

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But the top down dpk is exactly waht you are talking, you can drop 2 itens in a row now, with a small chance, but you can. The system today is pure rng with a progressive increase in the chance drop. When the item drops the only difference is that the rate will increase for all of the map again.

Alot of people in this thread dont seem to get that


We have a full fledged RNG drop system and that drop rate increases until a drop occurs to return back to the original drop rate.

Wrong. If they want to make it easier, all they have to do is increase the drop rate. No dpk involved here.

The problem is not the system. The problem is the people not undersatnding and not taking time to understand how it works before coming in the forum and complain about high dpk vaues. There is no such things as a dpk value. Even TOS base got it wrong. The widespread misinformation is the problem.
Also, the drop rates are pretty low for a modern game in the western world of crybabies who expects a big arrows over their head telling them 100% of the time where to go and expect to have the best weapon in the game by farming 2 hours so they can be as strong as that players who played 4500 hours and waddle around in town with his +26 Skarnis and call him a whale or a cheater to fell better.

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Stop it already. Pure RNG with no funny rules is what the majority want. If you don’t like this change you can quit.

Where in my message have you seen me complain about the pure rng system? Quote it for me.
I complain about people crying in the forum about a mechanic they don’t understand.

I have seen nowhere people asking for a drop rate reduction though. But guess what, plain RNG is exactly that.

It’s like a kid who would like to eat candies for dinner. He really wants it. He knows he wants it. But anyone who lived long enough knows that eating only candies for dinner will make you sick eventually. I see a really strong comparison to the drop system there.

You just proved my points. You did’nt like to be clueless so you want to be able to understand. Making an only rng system allows you to undersatnd it with no efforts. Much better!

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Plain RNG will make the population drop.
Since IMC won’t change the drop rate, many players will leave as soon as they won’t drop the items they’re searching for.

My 50 cents.

Do they even understand RNG ? :>

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I think most people understand it fine, doesn’t make it any less shitty.

Channel-Based is the big problem. This makes solo farming for something terrible. Just make it pure RNG, that way anyone can come into the game at any time, and feel like they have an equal chance for things to drop.

It is mostly a mental thing. People want to know their time wont be wasted, and RNG does that well. DPK or even top-down DPK puts the wrong idea in your head.


There is no channel based anything currently. Also, no DPK.

But I get what you mean with the impression of time wasted because you increased the kill count without having a drop.

But it is a false impression. That is why I find it frustrating. You want to stay until a drop occurs because you know a drop will occur. In pure rng you can farm for hours without being sure anything will ever drop. How is it better to never have any assured drop? Only a low %. Now we have a low % + an assured drop if everyone ahve bad RNG.

Your post is the exact representation of the current knowledge of the player base over the drop system.

And I don’t blame you. IMC’s communication skills are not exactly perfect, or good. This is a major problem. There have been a lot of changes and it’s hard to track what changes.

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Tell me how it makes it shitty in comparison to RNG
because top down is in fact rng but only better

Scenario 1 : what we have now

Item droprate starts at 0.2% and increases constantly until it reaches 100%, then it resets back to 0.2% again

Scenario 2 : what we will get

Item droprate starts at 0.2% and just stays 0.2 the whole time

Tell me which one is better, where do you exactly feel someone is taking your effort? What makes scenario 1 shittier?

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I really find it funny how people think their effort are invalidated or something when more people are farming the same thing

I personally always join maps where lots of people are farming, all the others help me increase the droprate constantly the same way I help them
This is also what IMC had in mind when they planned the system, but autistic kids got their panties in a bunch and started crying that someone is stealing their farm


But people prefer to see everyone fails. It makes them feel better than seeing someone succeed while they failed.

What confuses people is that the devs say in their interview there’s no dpk but then two sentences later they start using the term dpk. Do they even know what they implemented? Or are communication skills that lacking?


That’s the point…nobody likes even the slightest “complex” drop system, they just want a simple % drop rate. So IMC is doing this right.

Appealing to the uneducated masses is doing it right?
You’re a ■■■■■■■ donkey get your head checked


Why do you think Trump got elected? Lmao.

I don’t care if its 0.1 or 0.0001%, I don’t farm stuff. I farm silver and buy the materials instead.

hahaha this one made me laugh.

It’s funny cause it’s true!

You’re going to be suffering more from this though, less drops = higher price

IMC is kind of obligated to increase the drop rate a little bit if they remove the topdown. Well I really hope they will. Else, I hope that they will change absolutly nothing and just state it’s now pure rng. So everyone would understand, but we would keep our better drop rates.