Tree of Savior Forum

New cleric class Exorcist

Bokor3 Druid2 Exorcist2

Hmm… I’m so going to make my Bokor3 Druid2 Exo2

transmit prana is working to self buff again?

Since one of the first reworks, Transmit Prana started to give the caster a damage buff based on your minimum matk and pychokinesis property. Using a Psychokinesis skill grants a higher buff for that skill. You can still triggers the very first effect of the skill, which is giving a portion of your INT to another character.

There was a bug when they changed the mechanic that you could get your buff but also, casting and jumping forward, you could get that INT portion that was supposed to go to another character.

but it a % of the minimum mATK? or all if it, if it’s % how much is it? im doing the same build in ktos, hope to hit 300 this week

Don’t remember now. Have to check in a simulator or something. I know that the psychokinesis get 50% extra from the bonus that the buff provides.

You can see in the video of the guy doing the CM, that Possession with Transmit Prana deals more than the double of the damage whitout the buff. Rubric goes from 19k to 24k If I’m not wrong

rubric is psychokinesis damage ?

Rubric is holy damage. All exorcists skills are holy attribute.

so Prana doesnt work to Exorcist i dont know sadhu looks kind shame isnt druid c2 a better option?

Transmit Prana does add psychosis elemental damage to magic attacks, hence it affects skills Exorcists do.

Another synergy, Chaplain x Exorcist, credit to @Mikumo


Transmit Prana adds 65% of your minimum matk value as additional psychokinesis property damage to your magic attacks at level 6.

If the affected skill has psychokinesis property, it will add 1,5 times of this value instead.

That’s ± the effect of the self-buff of the skill.

While it is good to gain additional damage, it provides the largest boost to Sadhus own skills and is a bonus for mutihit skills. Given that Exorcist has lost a large amount of hits with the last adjustment, this value decreased by a lot. Rubric and Aqua Benedicta lost about 25% of their hits,
so the Transmit Prana boost lost about 82k-110k of potential damage.

It’s still potent, but I doubt going Sadhu just for that is viable,unless you build sth like C1>Krivis3>Sadhu3>Exo2 with the goal to go for Taoist on the next Ranks for more multihit skills and lightning boost.

does aqua benedicta consume holy water now? :tired:

yes it does:

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스킬 사용시 소모되는 아이템이 추가됩니다.

소모 아이템 : 성수 1개

Yes, Prana work with any magical skill, cause it is a % addition to any magic skill + bonus if the skill is Psychokinesis property (which, in Cleric Tree, only Sadhu possess such skills so far)

Yes, Sadhu is underwhelming so far, even with the past changes it has been to. There are only 2 damage skills that are only… decent… with Prana buff on. Vashita is unecessary and the last 2 skills are to pop in/out your spirit. Combinations with Diev and Krivis are to increase the usability of Prana more than relying on Sadhu damage. Exorcist would do the heavy damage part.

Yes, Druid2 is a better option. In fact, is is a good option for a lot o builds, cause provides heal over time, invulnerability, crowd control and magic damage. Plus, you can gimmick transform for fun.

(Latin)aqua benedicta = (Spanish)agua bendita = (English)holy water


oWo my exorcist is finally happening 00 tnkx IMC

now IMC please create necklace of holy skills ! and a book shield giving exorcise/magnus +1 lvl <3

I wonder how long it would take for us to get the new classes,Vel,Bless gems change and the guild recruitment feature.

Also is the Ktos class planner will be updated with the new classes?

Velcoffer and Blessed Gems are supposed to be released this month or in the first week of june, if i’m not wrong.

Peltasta changes, Wugushi/Sapper offhand + minor tweaks, and this last patch, nothing announced so far I guess.

tos.neet might take a while. Nak Muhay took 1 month I think.


to be honest, I can’t reach the kTest.neet site anymore. No idea what is happening there.

hmm… not sure tho… 1month probably?? @_@a
Im still waiting for this asdffgghjkl