Tree of Savior Forum

New cleric class Exorcist

I tried Kabba C2 with Exorcist C1 because that gave me the attributes for Merkabah and Nachash, but Exorcist feels really weak without the C2 attributes, specially Rubric, but still was nice because Nachash and Rubric cds had nice timing.

It feels like Fencer Matador all over again to be honest.

So far I’m enjoying Cleric C3 -> Krivis C3 -> Kabbalist C1 -> Exorcist C2
I just hope they fix Engkrateia duration soon and figure what the hell Koinonia does, since it doesn’t appears to be a buff (can’t extend it with Melstis)

Does anybody used Koinonia properly in ktest to understand what it does and how it does?

Koinonia is a party-wide zealot fanatic illusion-like skill. Need 3+ members to cast it.

@Therra yes, most ktest -> ktos patches have been fast lately.

Imo cleric c2 bokor2-3 for mackangdal miko and exorsist are a base build
Just for dance up on the holy water use the exorsist beam and May be effigy on death times

Any video showcasing it? Wonder how it looks and how much damage it deals with and without other clerics


The hairstyle is always the same?

I got no clue actually but I assume it’s always the same.

Damage of Rubric at C1:
14 hits a 664% (level 5) = 9296%

Damage of Rubric at C2 without speed reading attribute :
14 hits a 804% (level 10) = 11256%

Damage of Rubric at C2 with speed reading attribute:
27 hits a 804% (level 10) = 21708%

Damage of Aqua Benedicta at C1:
20 hits a 258% (level 5) = 5160% per overheat, 15480% in total

Damage of Aqua Benedicta at C2, without Last Drop attribute:
20 hits a 313% (level 10) = 6260% per overheat, 18780% in toal

Damage of Aqua Benedicta at C2, with Last Drop attribute:
27 hits of 313% (level 10) = 8451% per overheat, 25353% in total

I still have no idea if it is possible to have several instances of the last drop debuff on one monster [judging from the showcased videos, the debuff doesn’t stack, so either you wait or you only have 1 debuff running after using multiple Aqua Benedicta instances].

It’s more likely to cause only one last drop debuff per 3 overheats [unless you ruin your DPS/stall it just to get the 7 extra hits per overheat, which would take 3x 8,5 = 25,5 seconds, triggering the CD on average 17 seconds later],
which would result in 20971% against bosses on average[ignoring enhancement attribute and elemental weakness].

Still one of the most potent damage skills (if not the possibly strongest one coming froma single Class) as it’s easier to hit than Creeping Death Charm and has the advantage of holy property.
It too features the same amount of hits ± as Creeping Death Charm (20 pro overheat + 7 additional after all ran out) at level 16/17,
which makes it pretty solid in terms of additional damage via Enchant Lightning/Fire/Blessing/Aukuras/Zendu/etc.

Koinonia seems the most interesting skill,though. A party mainly made from Clerics with Exorcist in their builds might be able to deal great amounts of damage with this skill;
242% per 0,4 seconds with 20 seconds duration is equal to 50 ticks, = 12100%[+ extra damage every tick], which is augmented by skilllevel and the Clerics in the party [somewhat similar to Chorus or Banding skills in Ragnarok Online].
With 2x Exorcist, you can have 100% uptime of this damaging debuff, resulting in at least 36300% damage per minute.

Kabbalist C2 is still in a bad position since you lose your C3 Class attributes, doubled Ein Sof (really useful if you macro the attribute, you can refill your SP and then double your HP with the 2nd instance), Gevura.
Nahash at level 5 isn’t even worth mentioning, it’s 5125% damage(level 5)…

Well, if you get Exorcist, you don’t need to worry about that,though. Rubric and Aqua Benedicta bring way more damage than you can ever dream of.on Kabbalist with less investment.
I’m actually considering going Exorcist C1 over Kabbalist C3 and readding C3 at Rank 10 [or going Exo C2 and readding Kabba C3 at R11 or R12] since this game doesn’t really reward me for being tanky.

Also, non-holy skills simply suffer too much from being weak against most endgame monsters.
Sure,gimmicky farming with Damballa + Gevura or Effigy+ Double Chance is nice, but it doesn’t really
bring something helpful for myself to the table. I don’t play the game so that others have fun and I get the short stick.
And somewhat this update nailed the coffin on Kabbalist. Another Heal? No thank you.
If the others die at e.g. Velcoffer or Demon Lords, it’s not my fault. Shifting the blame and weakness onto Cleric support is the eternal bane of the RPG.
I don’t want to repeat this experience I have from Dragon Nest and other MMORPGs where I only played Cleric because I like being a tanky character that can heal itself. I didn’t play it to wipe someones behind[basically what the Monk master Taomun says in Ragnarok Online].

Exorcist is the light at the end of the tunnel imo.
Stable holy property damage with some pros and cons, low CD times, a nearly 100% uptime Pain Barrier at C1!!! with high damage reduction against devils is all I need to be hyped for that Class.

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I just wish they implement it on iToS that fast huehueee :eyes:

it seems soo perfect I hope they wont nerf it out sooner or later

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can go cleric1 > priest3 > chap > druid2 > exorc2 if u want to RP while maintaining your rubrik (sterea)

Sadhu exo seens nice.

That light hadouken is sweet.

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Hmmmmmmm… thats quite a good build tho… thanks for this! :two_hearts: What stats should I invest on this build then? :thinking:

either full INT, then get CON/SPR from gears or 100~130 CON/SPR, the rest INT (exorcist has surprisingly low sp costs for an r8 class, unless imc tweaks it that is)

Nice… very reasonable stat distribution tho… :ok_hand: :two_hearts:

It is??? OMG thats good then! I still wanna see the outcome of it when they finally release it in iToS

the first one is my Sadhu PD build, but if I find exorcist to be good am changing PD for it :3


Now that Rubric got the Possession treatment, it feels really good to mow down large groups of enemies, however the speed reduction is kinda noticeable, what a trade off

Also why increase the CD of entity? just remove overheats if it’s too spammable

Cleric1 Krivis3 Sadhu3 Exorcist2

Apparently, this person didn’t notice that Sadhu has Transmit Prana =.=

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He probably never have much experience in playing krivis sadhu. I’ve yet to try this build out, waiting for my daily reset in ktest so today should be able to reset to it :3

I’m thinking, if the purpose of having krivis is to have meletis to extend Transmit Prana, would Cleric2 Diev1 be a good alternative too? Both Sadhu and Exo have skills with low cooldowns, hence we wouldn’t need that many offensive skills.

While we lose out on a 100% uptime TP and other spells in the Krivis kit, we gain more heal tiles, Fade (which works nice with OOB/ABS) , a cooldown statue + a filler rank of rank 7 and below.

Edit: Oh wait I forgot that Cleric1 Krivis3 Sadhu3 has a 5 sec TP downtime without divine might. Meletis and statue of laima+divine might is as actually pretty close in terms of TP uptime. That fuc----- Exorcist <3 haha