Tree of Savior Forum

New Class Advancement System

…but he will have to party up with Chronomancers because he chose Thaumaturge over it, so it’s about the same.

So let’s take an example.
You’re a cryo, and you have to fight an ice story boss. You’re “stuck” because you can’t do a lot of damages, due to the element res/abs. And then what? You’re forced to backtrack (to lose a rank possibility) and choose pyro to pass it?
Forced to backtrack for the rest of your adventure?! That sucks… :sweat:

You’re not forced, but now you have the option to do so if you wish. Before you could not.

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Or you could buy a stat reset scroll and full STR beat down then reset again :stuck_out_tongue:

You couldn’t backtrack to pyro in the old system so what point are you trying to make?

At least you can backtrack in the new system. And I guess you can’t party up for story bosses now huh?

You can do the same thing with new system as you could with the old.


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I don’t understand why someone can’t wrap their head around going Pyro and Cryo but has no problem with Elementalist wielding fire, ice, and lightning.

Flavor was never the issue >.>

You don’t get the point. It’s not strictly a matter of Cryo/Pyro (it’s an example amongst others, the same goes for quarrels/ranger or sadhu/pally), it’s a matter a choosing every class of the same rank.
It’s a strange evolution possibility.

Arukado seems bent on being able to go Pyro and Cryo. He’s said multiple times that you shouldn’t be able to select both classes in a rank using Rank 2 wizard as his example. There’s a reason he’s not using Highlander and Peltastar (I like saying that) as his example.

Yes if that was his example he will constantly refer to it rather then write a new example each time. Whats your point with this?

And what’s the point of not being able to select both classes in a rank which is the point of our side discussion. If it’s not able the specific skill sets you can now obtain or being 2 classes that are polar opposites, then what’s the point in locking out classes? Because you don’t like it? Why shouldn’t we go Pryo and Cryo or Krivis and Priest? Will choosing both classes in rank suddenly break the game?

Fact is that we now more customization of our characters and players can now pursue more specific builds to suit their playstyle and goals.


Actually, Highlander (yes I can read korean letters, it’s pretty easy .- . not the meaning tho) is greyed in that one, assuming that means it’s locked this is a slight improvement over the original idea (where you only pick one of the pair classes, i.e. no Hoplite + Barb combo)

It’s not locked, it’s just so people can differenciate better the buttons of the classes they can advance in circle, the new ones and the ones from previous Ranks.

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ToS, like every MMORPG, gives you the possibility to create a ton of characters. Why not doing it?

I repeat, I’m okay for having more possibilities of paths (fact is we have them now), but not TOO MANY possibilities.
The system must keep some restrictions (the rank limit and the skill points are the only ones now), for easier balance.

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You still can, and you should.

You have more possibilities now, but you can’t pick everything still on one character.

Oh btw, I’m not sure if anyone ever thought about it from this angle:

But what about the role-players? Y’know, the ones who want to role-play a certain calss combination?

Because I wouldn’t be surprising if someone do something like this in the new system:

“I used to be Squire (or any class you want) like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee…and now I’m a Pirate (Corsair) ARRRRRR”

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What? I dare say people will want to make even more characters now BECAUSE there are MORE possibilites. There are exponentially more builds to test/play. You had the option to go Pyro3 Sorc2. In the new system, you can make another character to go Pyro3 and Cryo2. It’s like you’re arguing against yourself.

There is a thread in this forum that hashes out the math in an excel sheet and shows all 224 possible class combinations for 6 ranks. So on paper, there is no reason to make more than 224 characters. Now just imagine the number of combinations now. You would have to make much characters to play every single build now.

Yes those numbers are impractical and unrealistic but the logic is sound. More possibilities = more reasons to make more characters.

And you still can’t pick every thing on one character. there are 11 different classes in each branch up to rank 6. You still can only experience at most 6 classes by rank 6.

I don’t think that’s RP i think thats schizophrenia.

[quote=“Arukado, post:400, topic:39433”]
The system must keep some restrictions (the rank limit and the skill points are the only ones now), for easier balance.
[/quote]I guess these are good enough.

I don’t think there will be a lot of combos that will need nerfs/balancing, since a lot of skills have weapon restriction, type of attack restriction or simply don’t work well togheter (I can’t see a specific reason to go Pyro + Cryo like you said, except if someone wants to go for an elemental Wizard only, and then will also take Elementalist later, so what?).

I am in favor of letting people make mediocre builds that they will be happy with, than forcing them to go for something they don’t like (and that was the reason I was not planning to make a Warrior and a Cleric before the change of class progression, now I will).

True. And = more “low-level” builds… (I wanted to say useless, but that’s not correct. Some can be fun)
I mean, okay @ Rank10 you can choose to be a Archer3/Ranger3/QuarrelShooter3/Falconer… But comparing to a “more traditionnal” Rank10 Archer class, you’ll be weak…

There’s no real purpose for making a path like this (except for fun maybe). So 80% of the possible paths will be like that… :frowning: Too much freedom.