Tree of Savior Forum

Nerf Coursing + Retrieve combo. Nerf/fix hunter in gvg/TBL

Pvp can be done since day 1 from duel.
“Oh but in the past…” yeah yeah in the long past hunter was not that

but today he is.
And thats why this complain thread exists.

Already said it if pet dies just cloak and try again. Easy.
Of course it is not a stay put and win
but with little moviment skills can be easily done for real

You know that the evil spirits from warlock will hold your pet hostage? that people can oneshot the pet? I insist, it requires someone very ignorant to make hunter viable. killing the pet every 5 seconds? hard? It doesn’t even have full HP after it is killed once.

Yeah and whats the cooldown for evil spirits? It lasts forever? Just cloak and wait and stay a little away from the warlock wait for evil spirits to go off and your pet to ressurrect and then atack.

The reality is that hunters that is ignorant over their potential with other class ranks like scout

Your pet will be alredy near him when it wears off and it wont need to be full hp to atack if u dont know that…

Ehm did they not actually keep spawning after killing an enemy? such as that pet that is immobile there? It last long enough to disable the pet for a whole round.

And again with cloacking. it is scout that makes anything’s PvP viability 10 fold. Go ahead, dare to be uncloacked.

Kabbalist, one shot your musk.
Kabbalist, one shot your cannon.
Diev, imunne to your musk/cannon.
Inq, one shot your musk/cannon.
Sage, immune to your musk/cannon.
Catagon, rush your ass.
Scout, kick your ass.
Anyone with CON build, kick your ass.

Stop embarrasing yourself. Hunters needs to be fixed. Not because it’s op. But because it’s buggy as ■■■■.
Other classes needs reworks and nerfs too.
But hunter comes first, because it’s not a matter of unbalance. It’s a matter of game breaking bugs.

Play a hunter again deary. It is not as rose colored as you make it sound.
Or as you remember it.

There are way too many ways to disable the pet. because you can even cast earthquake on it if timed right. Ideally, you would just waste 1 second of your time to kill that pet again after 5 seconds.

There’s counters to hunters. or rather, you can parry a hunter. Or run away in the oposite direction the pet is chasing you, it will never reach you on its own. There’s far too many things that can be done to mess with a hunter. I know because I have been dealt with and I’ve dealt with hunters. Archer’s heavy shot is an easy one.

Swordsman with their knockbacks like from rodelero or peltasta. Magues with their subzero shield, dark theurge, joint penalty. Clerics oneshoting you, or diev’s statues are a giant and obvious shield, those darn owls!

You’ve got plenty of ways to deal with a hunter! if they grab you, yes you’re done! unless your team saves by killing the hunter and healing you!

How’s that different than being one shotted by malleus? It is only different because you get to die slowly instead of instantly!

And I once more say, there’s plenty of ways to deal with hunters.

Dude are you dumb or are just trying hard to look like one?

It’s possible to deal with the pet? Yes.
It’s possible to counter play if the pet grabs you? No.

No counter play? Yes.

So needs a nerf.
Basic logic.

Is it possible to counterplay bleeding if you’re not a cleric?
If the answer is no, is because you need a team! you can be healed by a cleric while being held. you can also make sure to hurt the hunter.

Counterplay from outside sources is requires and it is available. it is not impossible. how hard to grasp is that?

others can make their pet invi, others can make their pet CC even after a round of TBL purposely, i thought youre talking about those bugs.

otherwise, anything else hunter can throw can be countered, same as other classes, they just vary in difficulty

Man in your way to think there is no unbalance.
Just lazy players who dont have the counter measure needed.

Everything can be countered with some other but once get by the pet is the end. There is another skill that cant be countered with full con? Or full atack? Or hide? There is not.

Thats the one skill that make even a lv 100 win over a lv 330. Not easy in this gap but with 100% sure

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Yes, You can survive with fine equips. More farm for you.

Then git a better teammate because that is what is required to win against a hunter. same logic really.

then FARM to survive Hunter attacks then or you can simply counter the hunter with the least expensive way there is.

That’s it. You have some mental issues.
I’ll just ignore you from now on.

Man you’re funny. So biased and blinded. Because a hunter killed you.

There is no farm of itens when you face a hunter.

“Hunter is so retard that a lvl 150 hunter c2, can kill anyone lv330 with 200k hp stage 10 armor. No counterplay.”

That the problem there is no equips or hp that can stand a eternal cc and with wugushi poison and musketer atack no matter the defence or hp

a lv100 will die instantly against a lv 330, there is no 100% sure.

just use 1 skill, the lv 100 dies, no hunter to command the pet, or just use 1 skill, kill the pet, then kill the hunter.

why is it hard to comprehend that simply killing, kb and kiting the pet and the hunter will make them useless? thats a whole 1 to 3 class rank that becomes useless in a blink of an eye

What a silly one. /20202020

Why do just have to say that things that apply only in a 1 v 1 are the rules of the whole arena?

In 2 v 2 sure it disables 50% of the team. in 5 v 5 it disables 20% of the team. It is by far if your teammate knows what he’s doing not a lost fight. or if your teammate is a meta cleric.

You guys are taking things in a context and bending it to favor your point, why are you guys doing 1 v 1 with a hunter? it is. the hunter kingdom. but that’s just for the lulz, there’s no reward tied to it. you decided to face him when clicking “accept”

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