Tree of Savior Forum

Need Feedback Regarding my Wiz Build (wiz3/Ele3/War)

So after testing my Ping and getting 343, I was told to avoid archer class like the plague. Wanting to play rdps I decided to try Wiz

After asking advice I decided to go with a Wiz3 > Ele3 > Warlock Build

Any thoughts on my Skill Selection

I heard that for Stats I should go 4int : 1con

Any feedback would be helpful

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My ping is also around 300 so i am also making a wiz same build as u , i have done a lot of research on this build , here it is

and i am going 3:1 int:con

Not that exprienced, but why do you have only 1 point in a lot of skills

not a expert too :slight_smile: , but made this after asking ppl on the forums who have played this game .

Earthquake and Lethargy for CC , i think no more points needed for these skills as they scale badly and need my skill points for other skills

And Elementalist Prominence is just for filler

As you play you’ll get a feel for why people might invest one point into skills. My only strong recommendation is to max out sleep. Lethargy needs level 3 at most.

Put 15 points into sleep, and put electrocute instead of max freezing sphere (i would leave at level 1). 1 point in rain and 1 in proeminence just for utility. The scaling of electrocute is much better than freezing sphere. Here is one of my builds

Cool. Question though

Im new, but what kind of Utility does Earth Quake, Prominence, and Freezing Sphere provide?

I get that Rain decreases enemy Speed

Earthquake can knockdown enemies giving you some breathing room. Prominence and freezing sphere are just there for additional damage. They’re not good enough to level but having 1 point gives you an additional spell that still does some damage.

Rain is there purely for increasing the damage of your electrocute.You should pay more attention to the skill descriptions. They help you find out nice combos for the skills. A lot of skills become stronger through their attributes as well. Attributes are those tiny circles you see at the top right of each skill in their respective pages. They either increase skill damage or grant them additional effects.

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Wow, same reason here. Ping is around 180ms, so Im gonna play wiz3 ele3. Thanks for the feedback =)

Freezing sphere 1 cause u will use it as cd filler, but it’s better to invest more in electrocute than freezing sphere, since rain and frozen enemies by hail gives u more damage. And electrocute scales better also

Your build is pretty good, but here are some recomendations:

Energy Bolt lvl 5
Reflect Shield 8 is more than enough for pve and pvp.
Sure spell 5 is enough since you can keep it up forever, take it to lvl 6 is a waste since the cats of it can’t be interrupted.
Hail 12 is enough (random damage).
Electrocute 15 (sure damage)
Invocation must be lvl 5 (read attribute)

Other than thart your build is really good.

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thanks mate i will give my build a look again

U dont need electrocute level 15 as u already hit 9 targets at level 14, so u can spend this point somewhere else. Every point in hail adds 1 more second to it’s duration besides the damage increase, so i would put level 14-15.

U can actually leave meteor at 7-8 cause the damage is so insane anyways and u cast it faster. Maybe putting 1 point in stone curse as well (but it sux right now)

you can put electrocute to 15 if you happen to get the monster gem. lv 16 should be hitting 10 times.

I am not even answering this xD

so dont, cause u just did =D

If you think that is an answer that explain a lot xD

If you go cryomancer then u miss either wiz 3 or ele3…

I’m also interested in a wiz3/ele3 build; I want to make something more conventional before making something gimmicky/fancy. Here’s my planned build:

I have some questions:

  1. Should Meteor be maxed out? Even with quickcast, it will still take five seconds. Do higher Meteor levels have a bigger AoE? Does level 1 Meteor and level 10 Meteor have the same AoE?

  2. There was one person who recommended Electrocute 14 because of the 9 target cap. Someone else recommended 15. Why? Is it because of the extra damage? Or was it being implied that the +1 to Electrocute gem is necessary for the build?

  3. Why 5 Energy Bolt? I read in other threads that Energy Bolt should be left at 1; gear and INT will be add more than skill levels.

  4. Why particularly level 8 for Reflect Shield? Is it the number of hits? Is it the duration of the buff?

  5. Is it even worth taking Stone Curse level 1

Advanced thanks.