Tree of Savior Forum

Need Feedback Regarding my Wiz Build (wiz3/Ele3/War)

  1. No, around 7~9 is fine, you can max it but the damage doesn’t change that much.

  2. If you have your mind on getting the specified gem it’s good to have it at 15, honestly is the elementalist skill with best scaling so I’d put it 15 anyway.

  3. Cast time. It has 1 second cast time at any level, so when your bar is charging you can release a level 5 energy bolt at 1/5 of 1second to have a level 1 EBolt. With quickcast you cas EBolts with 0,1s cast, mostly a quicktap, at 1 you won’t use, it’s just not worth 1 second of cast.

  4. Mostly duration, for early game it’s pretty useful, also not taking knockback is good for some situations. You can even have it at 0, it’s up to what you like.

  5. Some say yes, some say no, up to you, I’d put 1 point in case it gets buffed or some upper rank class benefits from it.

If u wanna depend on gems on ur build, then u go electrocute 15. Ur build is fine, but i would leave lethargy at level 1 (the atribute for level 3 is awful, scales terrible, it’s a waste of money, the good one is the additional damage which works on level 1).

I would also leave hail 13-14 and put these points into meteor, but it doesnt really matter at the end of the day, both options are fine.

People are not getting reflect shield cause it is terrible, depends on SPR and scales linearly, so u take a bunch of damage and reflects the same small amount everytime. So people prefer investing on EB and some people like surespell higher than level 5 just to get some extra “uptime”.

Stone curse Looks bad now, the AoE is small, is kinda weird spell tbh.

About energy bolt, the more points u put into, the faster u can cast a level 1 energy bolt (the cast time is fixed, so when u level it up u can release the level 1 EB faster).

Sorry for not putting in order but there it is

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Dont u get knocked back even with Reflect Shield on? I really dont see the point of that skill. Needs to be buffed.

Thanks for the replies! I’ll incorporate your advice into the revisions of my build.

Some things are getting asked again and again and again and again in like EVERY rate-my-wiz-build topic =( I don’t know why you guys never read…

Reflect shield prevents knockback.
Energy bolt lv1 casts faster the more points you invest in the skill.
Lethargy above lvl 1 is useless.
Stone curse sucks.
Mastema sucks.
Earthquake scales badly, lvl1 is enough for pushing mobs away.
Meteor - the aoe gets bigger with levels (hits 10 targets though, it is not a true aoe)

Also apparently stone curse increase the enemy def by a lot.
the cd is 80s for 5s CC. i’d just drop this skill for 1 point more to other skill.

No Problem thx for the insight