Well, I have to say I’ve never seen such a server sync problem (I won’t rule out an exploit) from anyone else.
I see server sync problems all the time too; it’s part and parcel of playing the hunter class.
And that still doesn’t quite explain the simultaneous hit on all of the targets (Korasai, the caltrops, and me) unless the server recognises us as close enough for a swordsman melee attack to cover us all.
If we were to consider a scenario where multiple attacks were actually bunched up and only displayed together, I’ll just point out that I hadn’t really seen anyone try to melee attack caltrops in TBL; it’s not a particularly common thing to do.
For that matter, do swordsmen actually use melee attacks much in TBL as a starter?
This isn’t a one-off incident, but spanned multiple matches and rounds, so it’s certainly not some odd, occasional glitch either.