Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] Klaipeda - Attack Range Hack?

Well, I have to say I’ve never seen such a server sync problem (I won’t rule out an exploit) from anyone else.
I see server sync problems all the time too; it’s part and parcel of playing the hunter class.

And that still doesn’t quite explain the simultaneous hit on all of the targets (Korasai, the caltrops, and me) unless the server recognises us as close enough for a swordsman melee attack to cover us all.
If we were to consider a scenario where multiple attacks were actually bunched up and only displayed together, I’ll just point out that I hadn’t really seen anyone try to melee attack caltrops in TBL; it’s not a particularly common thing to do.

For that matter, do swordsmen actually use melee attacks much in TBL as a starter?

This isn’t a one-off incident, but spanned multiple matches and rounds, so it’s certainly not some odd, occasional glitch either.

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Added a new video for the second report.
2v2 TBL; I’m pretty sure that’s not how swordsman’s melee attacks’ range work, at least.

I would like to say I’ve seen melee characters in Dina Bee farm, swinging at the air like they’ve jammed down the attack button, and hitting bees all over, well outside melee range.

atk range hack is real just look at all archer bots in lower lv map

After the new proof and new ones not on this thread about this particular player “Bluehound”.

Its definitly using Hook64.


Yes, he is using it. :v

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@bluehound17 This is the first thread / post (chronologically) reporting you. Thus, that statement makes no sense.

Do go ahead and tell that to the others instead, though.

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Let’s use an ANALOGY… well, no.

You’re using cheats and some of these people likes to bring attention to other topics or mess up. You’re doing it.

Theoretically speaking… we’re waiting @STAFF_Max either reply us to stop the spam or do something with your hacking things :’)

Until then, I guess we can keep posting all the time anywhere we want… because a simple thing!

If you ever hack in any match I’m in, spectating or I know your name, I’ll be recording and spamming your name all over the forum to show that you’re cheating. Be warned if you’re reading this, that one person from Orsha and others all over the place :’)

Bluehound’s case is the example of what you can expect about spamming your name with reports. As well example of the image of yourself that you give to people during it. It is not nice okay?!

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Bad news. I’m Brazilian with a bad connection. I’m pretty used to what we can call a desync and what we cannot. Your cheating is far from what we can call a desync with ping lower than mine :neutral_face:

Right? @STAFF_John, @STAFF_Max and @STAFF_Amy, desync doesn’t affect the range you can hit like that nor let you have weapons in hidden slots o:

he post his ip address? maybe a fake. lol.

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And I’m from the other side of the planet with worse latency than that (to Klaipeda) usually and even I don’t desync like what’s being shown in these videos of you.

Honestly now, the range of those simultaneous attacks can’t be explained through desync.

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Please, he is trying to save face here, dont argue with him. He clearly cheats and continue to do so, we can only hope for his ban.

@GM_Francis why it takes so long?


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GM’s and Staff are smart and reasonable?

Obviously you haven’t visited the bot forum thread to see the reports and “all the timely responses” folks get. Took them 3 months to get ban the billion silver bot trio.

Oh wait, you’re a player using those same bot hacks!?

Consistent long range AOE attacks? Do you even know how hard it is to edit videos to make it look that real? Stop trying to defend yourself and your deeply cheated TP pockets.

I bet your cash ain’t even real, probably using a stolen credit card or some hacked steam account. HUUUEEE

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Everyone knows about photoshop, you lamer.

As someone who does video editing and visual effects, no one is going to take the time to edit all that footage of multiple videos. Frames will look glitchy if not done professionally.

What rhyme with Chespin? A lot of things, gulliable ain’t one of them.
Go google what rhyme means because you’re clearly using it in the wrong context.

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