Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] Klaipeda - Attack Range Hack?

GM’s and Staff are smart and reasonable?

Obviously you haven’t visited the bot forum thread to see the reports and “all the timely responses” folks get. Took them 3 months to get ban the billion silver bot trio.

Oh wait, you’re a player using those same bot hacks!?

Consistent long range AOE attacks? Do you even know how hard it is to edit videos to make it look that real? Stop trying to defend yourself and your deeply cheated TP pockets.

I bet your cash ain’t even real, probably using a stolen credit card or some hacked steam account. HUUUEEE

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Everyone knows about photoshop, you lamer.

As someone who does video editing and visual effects, no one is going to take the time to edit all that footage of multiple videos. Frames will look glitchy if not done professionally.

What rhyme with Chespin? A lot of things, gulliable ain’t one of them.
Go google what rhyme means because you’re clearly using it in the wrong context.

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Just flag the hell out of this silly troll,the gms are too damn slow to do anything.

man you’re delusional