Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] Klaipeda and [SA]: An Update on Account Restrictions and Item Seizures

i have trade a lether for a plate on the same “bug” day, perma ban? ç.ç


I’M F■■■■■■ IN

Thanks for everyone involved and I’ll see you in next the next patch

Didi you get in? haha

who is the hipocrecy? THIS IS HIPOCRECY.- WELL DONE IMC


Is the unblock process still going? I still can’t login

It should be going through in batches. Sorry about the delay.

@STAFF_Ethan Just unblocked. Ty for the answer :slight_smile:

Hmm, I can play the game fine, and my account doesn’t have the market/trade restrictions, but I didn’t get the compensations:
(1) [Event] Token: 30 Days x1
(2) Letitia’s Secret Cube 10+1 x1
(3) Enchant Scroll (14 Days) x20
(4) Instanced Dungeon Reset Voucher x10
(5) Earth Tower Entry Voucher (14 Days) x10
is that normal?

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Same here, i can trade/use the market, but i didnt get my compensations.

Understand that no one - nor who they called CLASS C - acted in bad faith. No one expected a fair solution from this company, then they rushed to make sure they would not be left behind.
It’s a joke to see the IMC talking about taking advantage when they started selling PRACTONIUM for real money.
Deleting all the videos and guides about this game that never left the Beta.
Thank you guys who participated in the channel!

@Remhad, @mAtztar

The compensation may take a while to get to get there since it is loaded with good things. :slight_smile:
If it is not there within a few hours, please send a ticket and we’ll take a look into the issue.

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Does anyone still belives in this company? Well, just saw a ton of people just quitting tos, and i understand why, imc never made a good thing happen. My Advice for all Gm/Staff of imc, GET OUT AND FIND A NEW JOB QUICK, IMC WILL drag you all down with her.

There is not a list so we can know what judgments you gave us for this “error”, since I can not access, but several friends who surely abused the bug are online with their free gifts … @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy

You do not answer my ticket, do not respond in the forum, I have never suffered so much neglect in a game in my life, really regrettable.

The funny fact is a lot of people are online, with their gifts and a lot of battle bracelet’s…
I’m still blocked and idk if i’m in A,B or C…

I want a list to know in which category I am, or are you still going to stop me from playing for another 3 days?

@STAFF_Ethan , @STAFF_Yuri , @STAFF_Ines , @STAFF_Letitia , @STAFF_Amy

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/1/7/17e70279ba5803ce83ae68c65c0b6bd9af80bfd3.png" width="479" height="500"> whats means this mensage? i banned? dafuk, why?

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@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia

thats means i get banned?

Now i can farm my items on the 315 hg ? or the bug still?..
and i loose my equips btw

@STAFF_Ethan i’ve sent you a message, please read. It’s really important.