Tree of Savior Forum

[ My Whole iCBT Feedback Experience. ]

Hello Community, hello IMC Developers, I’m really glad that I can finally play this game, I really loved RagnaröK Online when I played it in my childhood, and I feel that this game, Tree of Savior, could re-incarnate it’s spirit.

That said, I want to express my feelings, critics(constructive ones, sure!) and my favorite ones, some suggestions to improve the AWESOME experience I had by playing this game !

So, let’s start, this will be a REALLY long topic, so I would like to have a ‘spoiler box’ so that I could separate the Sub-Topics for people chose to read what they want to read, but whatever, I’ll think in something…!

1. :yellow_heart: Gameplay.

1a. Starting the game:

Firstly when you enter the game you pass through a ‘Training Zone’ / ‘Tutorial Map’ like in RO1, that’s nice, it helps new players, and even veteran players, I liked that and it even works as a “Rush” zone also, because you can level really fast there, so the player that skips it, will lose a little bit of extra advantage later on, this gives a nice sensation of choices with a heavy impact on the development of the character.

1b. The ‘First’ City

Well, here is where the ‘problem’ begins. Klaipeda is a really nice city, and it has everything a player needs. It works really well as a “main” city, what I mean by “Main” city ? Well, basically, it’s a place to chat with friends, trade stuff, check the market, see your attributes, your jobs, repair, buy, sell, etc etc etc. I’ll use some metaphors to improve my communication since my english it’s not the best (I’m Brazillian). Klaipeda on it’s current state is like a ‘Tool Bag’ for the player. You can access everything you need/want there. And that’s awesome.

Problems / Suggestions:

:broken_heart: • You spend the most of the early stages of the game there. And that’s it. There’s no other city to visit ? Neither a place to explore ? This is an Open World Map game. The player NEEDS the feeling of exploration. I’m level 84 with my Barbarian and i’ve never visited any other city until now. In my honest opinion, I think at this point I should have visited at least 2 or 3 cities. Villages doesn’t count, because (at least for me) the players will feel they’re just “Quest Maps”.

:heart: • Increasing the number of cities is a nice idea, even using the standard Quest System to guide the player to those cities, increasing the Quest Diversity, rewarding the player with the choices made with each quest. For example, you start as a Mage, and when you go to Klaipeda you see 4 events happening and you can chose to follow only one, a kidnapping, an invasion, some houses burning and the other main quest from uska to mines village. Each event will direct the player to a different “main quest” which will “synchronize” with the others later. Get some revelations first, others later, etc. As a mage, you chose to stop the Burning Houses and gain a really useful item for the magic based classes/builds, but the mage can chose to stop the invasion instead of the burning houses and get something to increase it’s defensive power/survivability, I really think that would increase the replayability by a lot.

1c. Classes

The classes are really fun, and the versatility on them are AWESOME. I’ve spent days, weeks, planning builds and discussing them with my friends, but there’s also some problems.

• Swordsman:
:heart: Strong, Resistant, Quick, Solo-viable, Independent, Great Progress Curve.
:broken_heart: Not much SP, Auto-Attack dependent, Gear dependent.

:yellow_heart: Well, seriously, I don’t know what to say about this class. It’s simply awesome. It’s my favorite class until now, It’s quick, it feels so good to play. It’s a melee version of wizards for me. Also, Centurion (I know it’s removed from the game until now) what a GREAT GREAT innovative and original Idea to implement on a party-heavy game like ToS. Really liked it. It has almost no defense against magic monsters, but who cares, everything needs a down-side to have balance. It’s an awesome class, it doesn’t have the Stat Pressure that other classes have, and it’s quick and it can deal high damage with Auto-Attack, I think it’s the most balanced class until now compared to the other classes.

• Archer:
:heart: Strongest, Quick, High Auto-Attack damage, Natural Grinder.
:broken_heart: Gear dependent, Squishy, REALLY bad SP problems, Auto-Attack dependent, Heavy Cooldowns, Bad Progress Curve, Auto-Targeting sometimes sucks.

:yellow_heart: Well… Here we go… Archers. I felt that they’re a really powerful class, but with the same problem as Clerics, their progress curve is really bad early on. And it’s because of various factors. SP, the class you want to play, sometimes is far away and will take a long journey to get there, but at least it don’t have the lack of skills that Cleric has, it’s auto attack is good, and for God’s sake, it’s ranged, this already counts, but at early stages I hit 1 and 3 (on bosses) when I crit even at full STR/DEX. Later on is good, because of those stats, but this week I couldn’t kill a boss, the fight lasted SO long that the boss re-spawned, I don’t even know if that is possible lol. The boss was the monarch spectre btw. Also, Evasion. Another defense mechanism that is the pain for developers, because it completely negates damage, so if it’s easy to obtain, it’s too OP, but at the same time, it ruins the progress curve, because you’ll be squishy like a puppy on early stages. And, It’s RNG, if you’re not hit, it’s ok. But if you’re hit, you’re dead. Because you need high dexterity to even consider dodging, and STR to deal damage, and your HP goes to thrash because you don’t have enough points to invest into CON. As a suggestion, I wouldn’t make the ranged damage STR-based and scale it better with something else, that’s a start, also, some Archer skills could spend Stamina instead of SP, and have no Cooldowns at all, or really low ones, like bash from swordsman, it has 6 seconds cooldown. It’s reasonable enough. I think this would improve things a little bit, at least for the early levels.

• Wizard:
:heart: Strong, Magic Strong, High Versatile, AoE, Natural Grinder, Semi-Independent, Medium Progress Curve.
:broken_heart: Semi-Squishy, Semi-SP Hungry, Targeting skills is a pain on the butt sometimes, Expensive(Attributes + SP potions + some other Items).

:yellow_heart: God, this class is awesome. Shiny effects, Particles flying everywhere, Explosions, Crystals, SFX, awesome ! I really liked to play as a Wizard in an Action Game, and it also destroys everything in the whole screen sometimes, it’s really really cool. The only problem here is the SP consumption and the targeting. Jesus, sometimes I miss the most powerful AoE spell just because I’m 1 single cell off the mob. The SP consumption is really high but I can understand that is a powerful class, and it needs to be held back by something. I just would prefer that be something that didn’t make me spend my whole economy into potions =(. Some suggestion to improve the Targeting of the spells, would be to put the Wizard facing the selected mob (that orange circle around the enemy). I think that would help. It won’t cover 100% of the skills, but it’s a start.

• Cleric:
:heart: Semi-Independent, Resistant, Versatile, Monk(:heart:), The Best Support, Can’t Die.
:broken_heart: Lack of AoE, Extremely Bad Progress Curve, Longest Early Boss Fights Playing Solo, Party Dependent, Monk is not even close what I would like it to be, specially on an Action Game(:sob:).

:yellow_heart: I felt that leveling a Cleric, for Support or Dps, is a really boring and exhaustive experience. Seriously. The ONLY dps skills you got early levels are Cure, Heal and Zaibas(IF you go Krivis.), so if someone is planning on leveling a Smiter Paladin, or a Monk (which can only be achievable at Rank 4), the person will have to dump on INT early on, and even 30~50 INT is not enough to increase the damage of Zaibas and Heal/Cure to kill Bosses quick enough. The lack of AoE is really bad against large groups of enemies, since everything in this game has a cooldown, and Zaibas only hit a few enemies, and if you’re STR based Cleric, you will lack of SP too add that to the absurd cooldown and you have an Expensive(because of the SP pots) Auto Attack based Cleric. And it seems that one MUST take Krivis into their builds, or they’ll be stuck with Heal/Cure until at least rank 3/4 to get more DPS skills. It feels heavily party dependent, which in my personal opinion should not be, because all the 4 classes should be able to ‘Solo’ the game with certain expertise and dedication, unless you CHOSE not to. Party needs to always be an extra option, not the only alternative if you wants to follow some build/class. And if you’re not going to be a magic class, like monk for example, you need to use auto-attack, because int-based skills will be useless later on as a monk. But the auto-attack damage is really underwhelming on Clerics. As a suggestion, I would recommend on adding a dps based class right on rank 2, to give support for those who wants to follow the path of fighters. Cleric2 / Priest / Krivis / Renegade(maybe), or, add 1 extra skill to the cleric tree based on maces, (Like Smite, from the Paladin Tree) or some buff that converts Magic Attack to Attack, and vice-versa. And (this is a personal one) PLEASE add some combos for monks and some expertise in fists too :cry: .

1d. Movement

Movement in Tree of Savior feels really good. I was experiencing some desync problems, but that’s because of the ping. I hope they change the Latin Servers for somewhere closer to me, then I can fully experience the true potential of movement on this game. Also, I have some comments to make about this Topic too:

Why only Swordsmen can Sprint ? I see no reasonable purpose behind this unless think it’s not fully implemented to all the other classes. I mean, everyone knows how to Run, right ? But, taking advantage of the opportunity I would like to suggest to leave it as it is. Yes. Because, it would be interesting if the other classes had unique type of movements. Of course, all of them would consume Stamina when used, but maybe they specialized in different kinds of mobility skills, here are some examples:

• Swordsman - Sprint
(Highly increases the walking speed, making the user run faster.)

• Archer - Dash
(Dashes towards a direction. If used while attacking has a 4 seconds cooldown.)

• Wizard - Flow
(Makes the user levitate ignoring ground friction and increasing it’s movement speed.)

• Cleric - Tactical Roll
(Rolls on the ground dodging incoming attacks.)

…or you can make everyone run :wink:.

1e. The Stamina System Potential

Well, that’s more a personal opinion, but I felt, while playing the game, that the Stamina System should be used a lot more than simply for some skills and running. It could influence combat and so much more if given the players another ways to recover this resource.


  • Increasing Auto-Attack Attack Speed
    ( If pressing Z quickly enough, activates the “Attack Speed Boost” like the ‘Moulinet’ skill while decreasing Stamina at every hit. )
  • More Stamina Based Skills / Masteries that convert SP use to Stamina use
    ( Giving the possibility to the player to chose what he/she wants to use as resource for leveling / skill spamming is always awesome, of course that Stamina won’t be as good and manageable as SP, but it IS another option. )

These are just 2 examples, but I’m sure the Devs can think about much more original stuff using the Stamina System.

Also, I want to point that this Suggestion or ‘critic’ if you prefer, is based on the iCBT, maybe later on the game they’ll think for something else to use Stamina. I’m just taking advantage of the opportunity to make this point NOW in the Beta Stage to show that not only the Stamina System, but the whole game has a much greater potential than it is presented to us on it’s current state.

1f. Attribute Learning

I really liked this system. Like, a lot. There’s great potential on it for futre content update. Instead of making a huge passive tree, like most of the games, this is a system that focus more on ‘grinding’ I guess. I like it. I don’t think it will be THAT hard to grind all the money to improve all of my skills, and also, even it takes that long to min-max my character, I’m not the kind of person that cares much, I like to play until my character is min-maxed before creating another Main. It is guaranteed and it’s really effective to impact the versatility on the game AND it’s a REALLY important tool to increase the customizability of the builds, and I really hope that they keep adding more and more ‘Attributes’ to the Skills, and as a Suggestion, add some “Legendary Attributes”. Something really powerful, but expensive, and time consuming to get, for example, an Attribute for Clerics that enables Dual Wielding of Maces (that’s just an example), something like that. BUT, there’s only ONE little thing that bothers me when it’s about learning attributes, that it’s the ‘Cooldown’ between the ‘Training’. Also sometimes the price is a little off, but I won’t discuss this since it’s Beta. There’s a really nice Suggestion made by Aries, in which you can fine it here: Learning Attributes Suggestion, I think that would be the ideal system if implemented correctly, and I won’t even suggest anything, because Aries made a really great job !

1g. Stat Distribution

Well… I think this one will be the longest one, but, that’s a Feedback Thread, and I need to express everything I felt about it:

It sucks.

lol Just kidding, but I really didn’t liked it much. I liked the way it increases through your Leveling progress, someone data mined the table of progression but I can’t remember where I found it, but despite that, I felt that some builds/classes were too pressured by this. And here’s why:

In RO1, when you level up, you receive almost 14 points to distribute through your Stats, sometimes 18, when you’re leveled enough. But to balance this, sometimes you spend more than 1 point per stat, it is almost the same system as here, but it has a crucial difference, the Stats here are totally different from the stats from RO.

I mean, thematically they’re the same, BUT, in RO Int increases the SP amount and SP regeneration, here, INT only increases the Magic Attack. And that’s CRUCIAL for some Classes. All the problems like Bad Progression Curve, Lack of SP, Lack of Defense, Early stages of stagnancy are due the Stat Distribution system that Tree of Savior has. I felt as some builds, you’re a hostage of this system, it pressurizes your choices so much, that it’s almost mandatory to chose a path sometimes, while it is not intended to be.

I’ll use the most recent example I have noticed: Clerics and Archers.

Clerics are support. Ok, that’s fine, they need INT and SPR to be good as supporters, a little bit of CON is nice, but well, that’s totally fine, because this is their focus. BUT, you simply can’t build a viable Battle Priest early game. At least I couldn’t. As I’ve stated in my Class feedback, they’re not like the Acolyte from RO1, because even if you build your Acolyte to be a Monk in the future, they were strong enough to hit hard, and the only thing you needed to do was to hit the right mobs(Undead) to increase your damage even more. ALSO, in RO1, you could distribute, not 1, not 2, NOT 3, but at least 4 or even 5 attributes. Of course you won’t have 99 in every attribute, but for Monks as I remember, you would need at least STR/INT AGI/DEX, that’s 4. DEX for accuracy, AGi for Speed (if you’re a combo) a little bit of INT for Heal and STR for damage. You could even put a little bit in VIT to increase your HP, and that’s why Stat Distribution in RO1 felt so good and didn’t bothered me at all, because every level I got, I felt stronger, and I could distribute it well enough to survive and EVEN deal damage.

But here, as a Cleric, I don’t feel the same. I know it’s not supposed to BE the same, but it could be at least relative enough to be an enjoyable experience as it was leveling an Acolyte in RO1. Maybe we should be able to focus in more than 2 attributes, some classes are really benefited by that, like Swordsman, the only thing you need is STR and CON, and that’s it. You can follow this setup until you’re rank 4 and you’re totally fine.

And I know you can get more Stat points when you’re like Level 120 or 180, I know this game has a lot of levels to gain, but the thing I’m really concerned here, is with the Early experience of each class of the game. Because it impacts right in the replayability. People will think “I guess I’ll create a Cleric ! But it needs a party to level because I want to be a supporter… Hmm… Well, then I’ll create a battle cleric, monk… Paladin maybe ? But God, it’s a pain to level through it… Meh you know, I’ll make another Swordsman…”. That’s what exact what I though I finally got bored from my Swordsman, and this is not cool. I’m not blaming the entire Stat System, there’s some other problems like lack of skill variety on early stages too, but I felt that almost every class has little choice when it comes to attributes. And Archers is my final example of this:

STR for Bow dame ? Seriously ? DEX should do the whole job for the damage, AND IF the Archer in question wants to increase it’s CRITICAL DAMAGE, THEN he/she invest some points in STR later on.

I don’t know if the Devs though it would be too ‘No-Brainer’ because all the Archers would be FULL DEX, and that’s really not cool either. I really don’t know what would be the solution for the Archers case, but I felt it is pressurized too, specially in early stages. It has no HP, and it has no SP. It only has Damage and a Defense system that both will only be acceptable in mid/late-game experiences.

So my solution here is to increase the number of Stat points you get through the game, and/or maybe change what each one of them do. I really think INT should at least increase the amount of SP you have, and the amount of SP you regenerates. And SPR instead, should reduce the TIME you take to regenerate your SP, instead of doing what INT should do. SPR is a really cool stat, but it gives a lot of stuff, Block Penetration, SP Regen, SP Amount and Magic Defense. Not even INT gives Magic Defense… I don’t know, I think this system should be tweaked just a little bit.

1h. Quest & Storyline

About the Quest System, I liked it a lot too. It has so much potential for expanding the Lore and the feeling of exploration of Tree of Savior, and it’s a way to guide players who don’t want to grind or really don’t care for exploring things out of the line traced by the Quests. The way it’s made is quick, practical, and efficient.

I’ll always agree with the logic to give options for the players. In this case, “Do I quest ?” / “Do I Grind ?”, both with your respective Pros and Cons.

The only ‘complain’ I have about this system, is what I’ve said back there, for now, it seems too much linear for me. I think as a Story for a Game, it shouldn’t be linear like this, because as players, we need to feel and experience new things. We need to increase our replayability (not only by this, but it really helps), and the Quest system, in my honest opinion, it’s an important tool to make this happen and increase it even more. It sure has a LOT of potential, so please, use it more !

2. :yellow_heart: What I’ve missed, fixes and tweaks.

This game is Awesome. Seriously, there’s a LONG LONG time I don’t have fun like I had in this game.

But I miss some stuff that I think could be implemented to make the experience even more enjoyable, and I’ll leave a list here, those are more Quality of Life and some Suggestions either, I might be add more in the future also. Here we go:

  1. Experience Gained Info
    (I guess in the Korean Servers there’s this system, maybe it’s not implemented yet here.)

  2. Eneable Sprint for everyone in Klaipeda or Main Towns
    (Personal one. Maybe I’m too anxious to get to the Blacksmith :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.)

  3. Reset Stats / Skills
    (Maybe for a veteran player this wouldn’t be so necessary, but on a game with 600 levels cap [or more?], new/unexperienced players will suffer a little bit if they ruin their builds for a wrong distribution in the past. For real, I think that would help even veteran players. I’m not asking it to be easy, maybe 1 Reset Skill/Stats per character only, or a super expensive Scroll, etc.)

  4. Shared Storage / Guild Storage
    (I don’t really know if there’s one of those already.)

  5. Better Auto-Targeting System
    (I think the ‘Tab Button’ is really useful sometimes, but it lacks efficiency either. I think the player should automatically face it’s opponent when the button is pressed. That would really helps, specially Wizards.)

  6. Thief Class
    (An Archer becoming a Rogue in the 5th Rank and a Pirate Swordsman dual wielding a Blade and a Dagger isn’t enough for me. Sorry. [The Pirate is really cool tho lol].)

  7. Better synergy between Circles and Builds
    (I know that there’s a lot of ‘General Skills’, skill meant by work early-mid-late game, and in any current play style you’re at the moment, but I felt that some builds lack of this synergy. For example, Schwarze Reiter, is the LAST Archer Rank, it can’t even go up to Circle 2, and it has only 4 skills, and almost none of them has any effect that is boosted / boosts previous Archer skills. The same with Monks and Paladins, but since Clerics are all ‘buffs’ and support stuff, they have the excuse that buffs are useful for every Rank / Circle you chose.)

  8. More Towns
    (I know the game is based on the Lithuanian culture/lore, and maybe there’s not much space left to create things over it, and the Devs maybe think that isn’t a wise step too, but I missed the ‘aura’ from every city, it’s own characteristics like in RO1, Geffen, Payon, Alberta, Amatsu, etc etc. But since the game it’s on the early stages I won’t give much importance to this right now, but I would be glad to see this implemented on the future !)

  9. More Channels per Map
    (I’ve read somewhere that the Channels are automatically generated by the Maps, so I’m not sure if this can be implemented or re-coded, anyways, I’m the kind of person who prefer instanced maps. Reasons: 1- The option to play alone and when I want to party I won’t be bothered by anyone else and 2- Making the game Party-Dependent isn’t a good way to incentive parties. As the suggestion says, you have to INCENTIVE the player, not make him/her feel obligated to do it. Not to even mention the AFK farmers… :unamused:.)

  10. Key Binding / Customizable Controls
    (PLEASE, WE NEED THIS ASAP. Seriously, this game has some great customization options, but we REALLY need this one.)

  11. Character Creation
    ( I’ve selected a Hair… And… That’s it… ? Not even a Mad, Happy, Cute face style ? Hair Color…? Clothes ? Maybe for the future, guys, but I would like to see at least more Hair Options :smiley:. )

3. :yellow_heart: What I LOVED!

Pretty much everything!

• The Art;
(The art style is freaking FANTASTIC, I really loved how you guys fused baroquian art style with anime/kawaii art style, it’s simply amazing.)
• BGM;
• SFX;
( It feels SO GOOD when you kill a monster, gets hit, hit someone, drink potion, click enter, click accept, buy, sell, loot, all the sounds of this game is amazingly well placed, and feels really good to hear. )
• Build Diversity;
• Not Point and Click only;
• Entertaining as hell;
(My wife hates me now lol)
• Challenge feeling;
• Auction House;
• Card Battle;
(That’s just… Awesome.)
Nostalgic Feeling;
• Combat;
• No restriction to Family Name change;
• No restriction to Nickname change;
• Family name system;
• Lore;
• Dialogue;
Felt that the people that worked in this game put their heart into it;
• Free to Play;
Incentives Party;
• Ready to spend the rest of my Life playing it;
• Dynamic;
• Bosses;
• Atmosphere;
Open World;

4. :yellow_heart: Bugs.

Haha! Gotcha !! I won’t make you read any further. I’ll make a separate thread for this one, since there’s a lot of bugs to hunt and this isn’t the right place to post a Bug Hunt Thread, this is the “general feedback”, so I’ll let the link for my Bug Hunt thread here: I don’t know what is happening, but I can’t create new topics on the bug section… Idk why, so when I manage to create I’ll link it here, sorry about that !

5. :yellow_heart: Considerations.

Sorry! Really sorry for the long read, but I think the fact this is a Feedback justify the huge wall of text. I really hope the Developers find time to read through it. Also, I’ll try to update this as soon as possible, to increase the value of the informations given to IMC, also because this Feedback might be influenced by something that is not implemented yet and / or it’s bugged or not working as intended.

I’ve quoted RO1 a lot, but I know this is NOT Ragnarök Online. I don’t want it to be identical to it, but I also agree what RO1 have done right, and what ToS is doing right either. Also, RO1 has a lot of problems too, every game has. But the difference of a Good and a Bad game, is the value that the Devs give to their Community and vice-versa of course.

So, IMC, pay attention to your Community the best you can. We all (even the raged ones) want this game better and better, so never let your Community off-sided like I’ve seen other companies do in the past. By doing this, you make your Community feel important, and make them feel that they can help to improve the game.

And, Community, when you think on making a thread about Feedback and Suggestion, DON’T rage. Seriously. This totally ruins the value of your thread, even if you’re right on what you’re questioning. Don’t think the Devs are your enemy. They’re here to listen you (I hope), and we must reward them with valuable and constructive Feedback. When pointing a problem, try to point a solution too, that’s really important either.
The Developers has an enormous responsibility in their hands, which is to develop the game. For that, they need your comprehension and patience, if they’re listening to us, they won’t do what we’re asking in one single day. They need time. So let’s be all comprehensive as community !

And to finish, Thanks IMC. I loved RO1, and I feel that I’ll love this game either. It conquered my heart already, and will keep doing it so. Thanks a lot for the patience to read through my Feedback, and I hope it helps !

Hugs from Brazil !


Pretty neat breakdown, i hope the devs have a look at what you have to say, good luck o/


Thanks a lot lukyen ! I also want to read what the community have to say either ! Thanks a lot for your support bro !

Very nice.
There is indeed alot of room for improvement about the stat distrubution. Like in RO1 they have been perfect imo. But I think, we can’t skill atk speed here…

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Haha yeah ! I don’t really care much for attack speed in ToS Imo. But the worst problem I’m seeing here about the Stats is their pressure on build diversity and progress curves. Which in (not only RO1) but in most of games, this is not a problem at all.

So, if Sadhu gets 0 def from OoB isn’t plate mastery basically useless? Same can be said for leather, because even with high amounts of dex a “perfect” flee cannot be achieved. Is the most logical conclusion that Sadhu has to wear cloth armor types?

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Exactly. I guess so. I think you can achieve 95% Dodge, but that’s not 100%, but most of Sadhu builds i’ve seen around are Dex / Int Based, because if you get hit while in OoB state, you’re screwed. Sadhu is a really cool class, i’ll try to build one in this beta (if i manage to), but the problem is the defense option. Do i go INT/CON, do i go INT/DEX ? Who knows. The thing is, sadhu is more likely a monk than a monk itself for me now lol. Clerics are in a really sensitive spot right now imo.

we already have this…both reset stat and reset skills scroll…its in the icoin shop worth 5 icoins respectively…if you are low on icoins refer to this [Guide]Do you want to get the iCoins? Because that's how you get the iCoins
right now i got like 140+ icoins…

regarding auto facing the opponent…once you have targeted your preferred enemy, press “space bar” to face the targeted enemy

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Ohhhhh thanks a lot for the information Yami =D ! I’ll try this one out later.

About the Reset Scrolls, I know about them, I used them a lot actually haha, but they’re Beta Test Only, they won’t be released in the official game release, that’s why I mentioned them there :wink:

But thanks for the clarification !

I love how you described swordsmen as the only balanced class, and hinting other class is underbalanced or having problem of their own.

Nice breakdown. Liked.

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Yeah. I don’t think Swordsman are overpowered as people think they are. They seem overpowered because they don’t have any progress problem neither damage or independence problems. They seem fine to me. Thanks for your observation Ms.Mirarara !

Tbh I felt that it’s much easier to nerf the swordsmen class, so that everyone will have their own problem. Then, people will start cooperate to grind or quest in the game.

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Probably. But that (imo) would be the lazy solution. The most ideal solution is to make all the classes viable in a way they don’t really need to rely on parties. They must receive an incentive from the game, not being mandatory. Also, even some classes like Archers early on, IN parties, have really bad problems dealing with Bosses. We must let the time acts, and see what the Devs thinks about this tho. And btw, most classes simply don’t have an good early-game experience, and this makes them difficult to play/reach where they want to reach, they may even lose interest on the class at certain point, like i did with my Archer.

I really wouldn’t know much about other classes since I’ve only played wizard and swordsman, but mostly wizard. It’s nice and informative. What I can tell you though is that Klaipeda isn’t the only city in the game, there are two others, Fedimian and Orsha. Nobody knows if anybody has made it to Fedimian yet, but we do know what it’s supposed to look like. Orsha is the royal capital city of the ToS world, and the center of the Day of the Tree, but nobody knows what it looks like, what’s inside it, or if it’s even implemented in iCBT2. Since you
play RO I guess you can compare Klaipeda to Prontera and Orsha to Glast Heim, although if there are free-roaming monsters inside remains to be seen. 3 cities isn’t so bad though. In RO2 there were only 2, 3 now but it’s already a given failure.

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awesome review! I agree about most of the review thumbs up!

but consider this, granado espada(GE) was create amazingly with good cities landscape and texture i think TOS is almost like that ? I still remember the quest BGM and some of the music from there as well, But what similiar of RO1 and GE is where they all have “living” cities. Most importantly are not linear yet still confined their game rules.

Ro1 for example lack of direction for new players, but after a while , player manage or able to find best route for their leveling. I know maybe TOS trying to help those newbie player but again, after a while, player will try to find the curve of the game. So for me, TOS Dev should put up until certain level for newbie player most of the time, then let the player decide.

GE in other hand putting the player into grinding mode but repetitive, basically player are not leveling because of going deeper to dungeon but because of the character choice, pretty awesome (Isabel,Julian, and etc)… lots of OP characters. Which player would love to fight and have for their team.

TOS in other hand … Classes? i mean, ok fine for us, but is that all? from all above? Those 2 great games was amazingly build, but if TOS just amazingly put their player because of only classes at least should putting up some effort to at least same par as RO1?

Amazingly TOS have some incredible game design (texture) and (style) love it so much, its like Granado espada 2D version, but if thats the only Pros that push TOS… well I dont think we will enjoy this game.

I agree and disagree with linearity ( most other forum already talk about it) so I just put it certain level only for newbie but afterwards just give the player to choose how their going to level up.

So here pros and cons for TOS that can be improved:

  • (-) Variety of Mobs or at least between levels. ( 11-25 something like that)
  • (+) Bosses are pretty need, just few bosses are quite weak but overall good!
  • (-) Variety of Equipment especially level 100 and above. ( at least random stats?)
  • (+) awesome bgm and 2d is well develop!
  • (-) cards should have more than using for card battle. ( i love to have Ro1 cards system back)
  • (+) the classes system is awesome ( better then Granado espada)
  • (-) Stats ( #Hilldrake) already talk about.
  • (-) grinding should be enjoyable. ( repetitive quest for certain area)
  • (-) can we have an orcish clan ? which we have dungeon for them ( raid especially)
  • (-) I doubt we have this yet guild system with raid dungeon level (my god would love to have this just an improvement of Ragnarok online 1. Which secure then RO1)

Lastly thanks for hearing my thoughts and wish you all the best IMC Dev! Great games !
sorry for the english tho.

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Great stuff! I would LOVE to see more unique cities implemented. Also love the idea about each class having some of their own side quests, that would definitely make me want to come back and continue making more characters.

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Thanks a lot for all the answers people ! Sorry for not answering them all, i was lunching here haha!


Exactly ! I really want to see some Quest System with fractal design, i mean, something that splits, and make players to chose wether they wanna go or stay, that would be awesome !

Thanks for the comments man ! Really liked your ‘pros / cons’ stuff, mostly agree with. And i agree with you that the Quest System should be limited to like, lvl 80 ~ 120. Then the player could chose what to do. Not ruining the Lore, but just the help on leveling. And again, we’re just in Beta, I really hope they’ll listen to their community and see that we want as much as them that this game grows even more in the future !

Thanks for letting me know ! I still don’t managed to get there yet, but it’s good to know there’s more cities. But, what I meant in my feedback is that i want to have access to more cities EARLIER in the game. But MAYBE THAT level distance between cities, like Klaipeda being 10 and Orsha 100 (maybe, idk) is to make the game feel larger. When there’s a reason behind stuff, I don’t care at all ! If it’s reasonable, we, as players, must adapt, and immerse into the fantasy created for us ! And again, thanks for the information =)