Tree of Savior Forum

My Final Feedback: Goodbye for Good ToS

Well… there you are now… desperatly trying to sound like you know something after you’ve been found wrong on almost all your behavior… well then ok, if this makes you happy then i will say i’m a kid… there… happy? ohk… i’m glad you are ^^

I actually don’t understand why are you so mad about that. There is nothing wrong calling a kid a “Kid”, right?

Like i said, i don’t see the fun in making this game so easy.

Sounds kind of lame to me if everyone can earn easy money just by making some potions and scrolls.

Like really, how can you call it fun if whenever you seem to make a wrong build you will just has to drink a potion and Poof, like nothing happened?

Absolutly… i’m a kid… and you’re right on everything that you said… ^^

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Idk if my english is poor, or between you and me someone just can’t accept some reasoning.

Let’s pretend you’re correct, What will happen to us then? Let all the other free players login to game and create more chaos the server can handle?

Well for me i got a lot of things to do and avoid ToS for awhile if that happens.


How is it calling a kid, “Kid” wrong and offensive?

I’m playing a 100% support Cleric.
I’m an ■■■■■■■ so I was going to argue everything you just said.
… I can’t. Besides the respec potion part. You just hit the nail on the head harder then most. Take care OP. Many of us are probably going to be following you soon enough. :cry:


Ahm, just a quick thought, I think what the op means is that in a good-designed game we can have fun with the builds without having to prepare beforehand for future problems in the game like a chess game with the creators…We should only think about build synergy and that alone is a hell lot of trouble, and the extra problem of the scaling is really getting in the way.

He is talking about game choice of design regarding the scaling of the skills in a way that early level decisions will completely be replaced by later levels’ classes… not something an open beta after countless of closed ones in numerous regions is supposed to work on. I understand many people like a game because it’s fun to outsmart the game, but when they just design like the game will substitute classes for more of the same but stronger in the future… they should really change that you know

This is so true. I hate that a majority of things spawn in the same exact area. So if an area isn’t overrun by grinding parties, it’s owned by bots. Something that should take 10 minutes of killing, ends up becoming 30 minutes. There’s nothing stopping people from KSing.

I agree with poor dungeon design. A lot of people only do a few of the variety of dungeons too.
I think the dungeons are more fun than questing, because that’s the only time where people care to party with each other. Only being able to do any dungeons up to 2-3 times a day…is a little sad. And I know people will be like “people will just farm it on all their characters!!!1” Well, if it were like 3 for 50 dungeon, 2 for 90 dungeon, then 1 for the rest, that wouldn’t be so bad, would it? More people going into other dungeons, while limiting the attempts.

This just happened to me like 10 minutes ago lol.
In addition, there was a bot in my party.

Dang. Well said, lol.

I agree with this statement, I hope TOS really look into this. It seems like higher rank class skills sometime just overshadows the lower class. And if the game doesn’t do anything about this it will only get worst. It is indeed very daunting to make another character and re-level it just to fit into the current meta. Especially with a class system like this it is very easy to mess up.

This is also well said, team storage, trade are some of the basic features of an mmorpg. Why should we have to pay to have rights for these features. Especially since the payment “token” only last 30 days. Trading is somewhat fixed now since non-token users can now trade but still… Team Storage is like something very important for players. Market system limit to 1 item is such a fail system.

I’m in agreement that this game has issues. Although I just feel like we’re complaining about the wrong things at the moment. Optimization is in the top 3 if not the first thing we should be encouraging? With the expectation of more people and features coming it is mandatory that it needs to be worked on.

pertaining to your post:
What meta? Ktos doesn’t even have an established meta yet, If they did Earth Tower would be cleared. Even then it may be shifted by the upcoming pvp. Some things work in different places, some people will level faster than others skills change by the week. This game has many trade offs and as long as you can survive in something, you’re going to be fine in at least one aspect of the game.

@svalinn85 I have nothing against your post but please consider length for the people reading your feed back.

Agreed with everything except the dungeon run part.

I think 2-3 daily dungeon runs are enough. I like the open world design and if dungeon has no limit to access, everyone will stick to dungeon and never go out to the world.

what they need to do is to make the field more rewarding, more challenging (not talking abt putting op archer/mage mob that you can’t dodge) so full supports are needed as well

the spawn design is just awful

Dude now you made me felt liked quitting the game

Actually…I feel the same too. I’m glad someone has taken a good ample amount of time to write this out.

this game overall feels incomplete. Run into a lot of game issues and classes aren’t balance at all. Some classes just feels so much better than others. This game overall is average. But average usually dies pretty fast. I wonder if this game will still maintain the players 1 year from now in North America.

I can’t agree more to how the game is lack of “fun”. The fun of exploring the virtual world is gone and the way of level up is so dumb when you got those QUESTS YOU MUST DO. Clearing every single quest and making the map 100%? I am exhausted.

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Tree of space-bar…

A sad but true topic. Well…we can’t blame anybody, we were warned by the kOBT players and we said: “No, it will be fine!”

Honestly iCBT2 was so Ragnarok like, in a good way. They had so many feedbacks from us, so many solutions regarding the token system, the bot fight, the development and that they could just make lots of money from the cosmetics.

What do we have now? Nothing! All the good, normal guys are gone now (including you OP) and the game is dying and ffs…this is only EA!

The sad part is that if IMC would read the forum and actually work a bit, they could really do an mmo which is needed on the market.

Now…even my review is negative on steam.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

You guys wanted the 3 month headstart for this, right? Cause you knew that you have to make money asap and the game wont even survive that much.

Honestly, why couldn’t you just listen to us and make this game more “western” and not this korean… ?

I have 120 day left from my tokens…but I would be fine with 30 days if I could get something like this:

Anyway… Overwatch is coming… ToS is going

Couldn’t agree more.

Been actually contemplating the same…
This game’s just too darn stressful to be fun… :frowning2:

As it is in KTOS, so shall it be with ITOS, speaking of how player-base is thinning hitherto