Tree of Savior Forum

My feels about TP compensation in an ugly comic

The costume is just an example, if you think deeply you’ll notice that everything in the TP shop will be available for free~ And what I lost is not only exclusivity but money, I spent real money (and it wasn’t just 1 or 2 euros) in something that I can get for free. I’m sure anyone would feel as stupid as I feel in this moment .w. …And I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I can’t really agree. People spent time making Silver in order to buy it. You just converted real life money into Silver directly, that’s how someone gets ahead in a game. But, that will only affect costume users, because they’ll lose “a bit”, we can’t make exagerations here, of a very few costumes, considering if free users even buy them. Who bought TP is likely gonna lose a bit of the visual exclusivity if they even bought costumes, other than that it’s all fair. Token used to be 350k, now it’s 700k, it’s literally just a price fix on the economy.

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I was just agreeing with your comic. Just like how that pink… Thing became non functional as soon as free players and bats(?) got it

They only compensate those who bought dlc which is record in the steam account

Token that buy from the market are flag as untradable they dont give compensation to the untraeable token

I spend time making silver too as anyone else. I converted real like money not into silver but into items they advertised as exclusive with real money, as any other game.

And no, it won’t only affect costume users (that really hurt my feelings too since I really worked hard to buy them :c) but users who had to pay for TP scrolls to improve their hats (you need tons of those to get a good one), reset their skills, and even buy a token, why? Because real money is not infinite xD not all of us are rich, and I won’t get into personal stuff but just say, yep it’s affecting me to know that I could have eaten better this month and yet get what I really wanted in ToS like everyone else without working hard for it (actually working, not playing, because working hard in ToS is enjoying the game, duh).

I’m ok with the token price, but I think it’s frustrating for those who spent real money just to sell a token and get a little boost in the game (600k after lvl 200 is not that much when you have to get a weap that worths 4m+).

Also, don’t forget that it’s frustrating that I’m not getting compensated xD (unless I start to buy tons of tokens as everyone that’s quite ironic).


I’m sorry to tell you (you might be happy to know) that it’s not true, they’ll compensate every token owner, doesn’t matter how the token was obtained. This was already confirmed by the staff, let me get the post. Meanwhile you can read this.

I think I need to do a more basic version of this for children with problems :c

Thanks for the suggestion n.n

It doesn’t affect the economy. Your hard work with your real money is still worth the same thing. Maybe you’re being too selfish. Other players, mostly free users, will have an opportunity to buy “untradable” items from TP Shop, which originally they couldn’t have access, and now they’ll have this opportunity to make a conversion, but as I said, the economy won’t change. Otherwise IMC wouldn’t do that, they are not doing charity. But the only reason to be worried about is if you’re selfish enough to never accept that a few player will have an opportunity (that is likely never happening again) to get hands on 1, 2 costumes or so which they never couldn’t because TP buyers can’t trade TP Shop’s items (Other MMOs usually makes a lot of profit from that, people buy costumes with real money and sell back for free users, IMC could literally do the same, but they already have the Token to do that).
The economy is not going to change, your money is not wasted.

well it still isn’t free.

your logic is simply messed up.

meanwhile there’s nothing but your own choices stopping -you- from doing the same thing.

that isn’t what it says.
it says “for every regular 30-day token you own or have used, 99TP. for every token of any type you have used, +7 token days.”

on the basis that
–people who sold their tokens accepted what they consider a fair price for it.
–people who own the tokens now have suddenly lost half the value of those tokens they own.

you realize this applies to -you- too? that’s essentially what your comic is about.

and it -still- ain’t free.
you need to make the effort and time to buy the tokens yourself.


I don’t think you red the entire answers, I don’t blame you tho.

  1. Of course the economy will change, because:

  2. Most of the players that will have access are bots, just imagine how much money they have because of afk farming,imagine what they can do with 99 TP, now imagine what they can do with more than 2000+ TP (a year of tokens), finally imagine how many new bots will/are appearing after reading about the TP compensation.

  3. It’s okay that they do events to give free players (I’m a free player right now since I’m not spending and will not spend more real money on this) a chance to get some TP items, as in every other game, world bosses, art contests, other contests, maps…There’s a lot of options. But what they’re doing is not fair for people who 2 weeks ago (some a week and even days ago) paid over 40€ for something they’re now offering for free (yes, free, no real money involved anymore).

This applies in any life situation, imagine yourself working hard to buy something really expensive and the next day seeing it being given away for free by the same person, I don’t know you, but I would ask for my money back or sue the seller.

Back to my main question “Why would I spend big money on something that is free?” try to put yourself in my shoes or any other TP buyer shoes.

So what I think is that if IMC is giving away TP for in-game money, then they should give us our money back, or compensate the misleading advertising, I would give them back everything I got with TP and just buy a pair of tokens with silver and buy it back. So I don’t think it’s selfish, it’s unfair. I feel ripped off. And I’m sure you would too and any other not-rich person.

  1. Do you think that the TP shop will be small forever? Do you think that bots and long-term players are buying tokens for 1 or 2 years to buy costumes?

  2. You’re talking like the TP shop is only made of costumes, you can profit in different ways from it, otherwise it would be useless. If being selfish is being frustrated because I could’ve avoid the sacrifices I made to buy TP and get it for free instead, then yes, I’m selfish.

  3. Yes, I wasted my money, it’s obvious, since with the in-game money I have now I can buy the same things I bought for astronomical prices.

  4. I don’t know why are you arguing with me since you couldn’t believe this was true when you first saw this post. It make no-sense, and everyone knows it. Of course if you can profit from it you won’t accept it.


Just give it up Ying, trying to reasoning with most people about this compensation is just pointless.
As soon as people get free stuff most turn their brain off, only to turn it on when someone threat to take those free stuff away.


Yeah, as I said, this makes no sense, and everyone knows it. Of course if you can profit from it you won’t accept how ilogic it is.


Correct me if I’m wrong, IMC will give TP to those who have tokens regardless if they bought it on steam or AH? I think only those who bought it with real money should’ve been given compensation, In the first place they are the ones who bought it from steam. (I’m a “Free Player”)

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2; bots don’t keep their tokens. they sell them off to earn silver. i expect that very few, if any at all, bot accounts will actually be eligible to receive compensation, as none of them will have used token.

3; you keep repeating this same mistaken idea: nothing is being given away for free. the value of a “token” is being cut in half. players who own tokens are being compensated for the loss of value of their items.

this is all wrong.

what is happening:

you, and a lot of others, work really hard and invest your money into some kind of stock option.
some of them buy the stock directly from the company.
others arrange trades with people who bought it directly from the company.
some time later, the company announces that it is cutting the value of its stock in half.
then they call up everyone that currently owns the stock, and gives them a refund for the amount of value it has lost, which simply happens to be in the original currency the stock was sold in.

you just keep on crying and whining because you didn’t bother to buy up all the tokens when they were cheap as hell and now it’s too late.
it makes perfectly fine sense, economically.

no one is getting cheated. everyone had the same opportunities to begin with.

what the hell would bots do with costumes anyway? they would just buy more tokens to sell.


you are correct. anyone that currently owns a token, or has used them.

except what everyone is pretending to not understand is that those who sold their tokens have -already- been compensated:
their compensation was a “fair payment” of however much silver they agreed to sell their token for.

those who -own- tokens are the ones who are losing value.
if i sold you something one day, and said “this is worth 200” you would expect it to be worth 200, and would pay accordingly.
then if you took it to someone else a while later, and tried to sell it to them, and they said “no the company declared this is only worth 100 now” then you would feel cheated, wouldn’t you? because the company has arbitrarily said your items are now worth less.

now you could argue that tokens can’t be re-sold, but what about those that have not sold theirs?

and if you start to compensate some for their loss of value, it is more unfair to not compensate everyone for their lost value.

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supply, demand, risk

before the announcement:

suppliers sold tokens to get silver so they can buy something they wanted. no 2 day wait, no hassle, just sold and got silver when they needed it.

consumers (demand) bought just enough token/s that they felt they needed. spent x amount of silver based on how much suppliers wanted for it.

risk takers invested in tokens because they didn’t feel like sitting on their silver. not knowing if the tokens would appreciate or depreciate in value, they still stocked up on untradeable tokens. bots/silver sellers don’t fall under this category because they can’t resell tokens for silver.

suppliers already got what they wanted the moment they sold the tokens. they’re mad now because they didn’t have the same idea as hoarders. they took a risk, you didn’t. you already got your compensation when you decided that you were too lazy to farm for your own silver. now take it like an adult.


more accurately… i think the “hoarders” simply realized how ridiculously cheap the token rates were.

the market was -flooded- with them. at launch, literally 30 pages of tokens, and only the last couple of pages had anything over the minimum 500k.
and then the cap was dropped to 350k and people rushed to drop their token prices with it.

and those who paid attention realized that the market was going to break eventually.
founders’ packs (ridiculously cheap tokens) would not last forever.
when those disappeared, the seemingly endless supply of tokens would start drying up.
when it started to dry up, the price of tokens would start to go up.

and the founders packs are gone. and the “endless” supply of unsold tokens is gone. and the price of tokens is gone… way up.

last i checked, there was only half a page of tokens on Orsha, with prices from 700k to 1.5m. this was double what the prices used to be a week before, and that was also a week ago.
token prices -started- at 1.5 to 2m on Varena, where there was no artificial flooding of the market.
token prices were around 1.5 to 2m in korea, when iToS launched.

and anyone -wonders- why some people who expected to play the game for a long time stocked up on as many tokens as they could when the prices were so ridiculously low?

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