Tree of Savior Forum

My feels about TP compensation in an ugly comic

99 TP rain~



So you feel jelly?

I mean you supported the game
You got what you want

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I don’t get it.

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I thought that picture books and stories were designed as a teaching tool for children as they are easy to understand for them.

Unlike manga comics should be read from left to right and from up to down.

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I feel fooled, since I worked to get something that was overly expensive but now it’s free .w.

Oh and forgot to add the sad me because I’m not getting any compensation either

-sad me in a corner eating cheap ramen while everyone is enjoying the same thing but kept their money-

What item became free? seriously asking

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Me too… I couldn’t understand since I couldn’t see how that applied into the game, I must’ve missed something.

Everything in the TP shop, since people is buying tokens like crazy with in-game money to get the 99 TP compensation.

Free = not real money involved.

Example: Free to play.

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you werent kidding about the comic being ugly


I’m pretty sure the compensation only works for people that bought with real money, lol.

I know those feels. It’s like I was happy when I first got my arde dagger. But then I saw some other players with the same dagger and it may as well have reduced my damage, it wasn’t worth having anymore.

Other people being able to get things is just the worst :((

Heh, time for you to rush and start grinding because sadly, nope, the compensation is for any token owner. You’re welcome. xD

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Can you do better then?

Thats not how IMC does things around here.

I just agreed with your title, geez.

no i cant sorry. i cant produce anything uglier than your comic


Alright, so I did miss something indeed. It makes sense in a way if they wanted to reprice the Token… now I can feel empathy for you. Losing a bit of your “exclusivity”, well I’m not a costume buyer myself so I guess that sucks if someone is a costume buyer, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh poor you, you worked sooo hard for it~ I’m so sorry to hear you spent hours of boooring game play to get it, play to get cool stuff is sooo horrible, they should throw us stuff just for sitting in a corner already, no one should ever play, it’s too cruel, our fingers hurt and I there’s no one to scratch our back. :<

Its not mine tho. And i find it charming - it reminds me of scribbles of my younger sister when she was 5.

It’s not nizidr comic, it’s mine, and thanks captain obvious xD