Tree of Savior Forum

My Feedback and Suggestions (Part 2)

Alright so here’s the first in case you wish to read it:

Okay so this will be my last post probably, as I’ve done everything I wanted to do in CBT. And so I’m just waiting on the OBT. :smile:


  1. Yellow text using the !! command should stay through zones
  2. Monsters should follow you easier
  3. Better dungeon rewards
  4. A /help command
  5. A timeout for items on the Market and general improvements
  6. No buff limit
  7. General increase to mob density/spawn rate

Expanding on this:

  1. Yellow text should stay through zones… Yeah not much to say I just want it to not change unless I logout/type !! again.
  2. Monsters need to follow you better for grouping them up, it’s annoying when they stop following you for no apparent reason and just stand there. I don’t know what else to say on this either.
  3. Better dungeon rewards, yeah the exp is fine… But the fact that you get one item from a 30 minute dungeon is no good, you should be able to acquire multiple pieces equipment and various items. I also suggest making talt a common drop from dungeon enemies instead of from the cubes.
  4. A /help or /commands type command would be great, there’s basically no way I would have found out how to make the yellow text appear above my head if someone hadn’t told me.
  5. There should be a timeout on market items to prevent having 50+ pages of items, and as for the general improvements please read this:

.6. I don’t like the buff limit, I feel like it’s going to force most players to play Krivis when they may not want and the selling point of this game seems to be your choice of classes
7. A general increase to mob density and their spawn rates, a lot of the areas just don’t have enough mobs in them while others have a huge amount. This should be a bit more consistent.

Well, I suppose that’s about it… Feel free to comment on anything you agree/disagree with. :smiley:

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