Tree of Savior Forum

Musketeer PvP/GvG help

Hey guys, i’m trying to figure it out, a nice build for musk focused in pvp, i saw this 2 builds and seems interesting.

same variation off A2>H2>Scout1, but 1 is with fletcher and the other with rogue.

What u guys think? like this two, any toughts/other builds?

Thanks :smiley:

I resetted from A2>QS3>Scout1>Musk2 to Hunter3 instead of QS3 for PVP purpose: 50 Con Rest Dex (Headgear with HP).
I can’t recommend the Fletcher build. Whenever someone asks about Fletcher C1 all responses are “It’s underwhelming” thus I’d stay away from it.
The Rogue build requires to go relative melee IIRC and this might not work in bigger PVP scenarios but hunter doesn’t really work in those situations anyway so ehh.

With the Rogue build you wouldn’t be forced to go full Dex. Currently my biggest Problem are Full Con Clerics/Wizards with e.g. Lionhead Shield or Murmillos. I simply can’t get enough Block Penetration to get Snipe/Headshot/ScatterVolley through consistently.

Keep in Mind that sometimes not the Diev3/Kabba/Inqui in the enemy team is your biggest problem in PVP instead the Pet AI. The Pet loves to bug out up to point it doesn’t follow/teleports to your position anymore without Hounding active especially in PVP. Sure you can use /comeon so it’ll walk to your current position but after this it will idle again. You can toss a coin in those situations whether your Pet does the Skill you just commanded or sits there like a drooling idiot.

Also >

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thanks for the reply, but can u elaborate the fletcher a little more? in paper i tought pdef debuff, remove shield, bleed kinda good.

isn’t worth put some pts in str to get penetration?

I haven’t played fletcher myself… I considered it but quickly dropped the idea after seeing all those negative posts about Fletcher C1.
Yes, it sounds nice in theory however Bodkin Point only seems to remove Reflect Shield and I never had problems with that buff. Bleeding is useless if the enemy has either PD or Oracle. You’d need to lockdown said enemy the entire duration with your Pet which should only be possible in 2v2 anyway.

Small Side Note: The Uploader of this Fletcher build now plays Inqui (or at least the last time I saw him in PVP).

Also putting points in STR…
I’d only do it as Rogue since you can reduce enemy evasion and you get bonus Crit Rate with attacks from behind. STR as stat is currently in a terrible state.You get way more out of DEX than STR as Musketeer not to mention IMC punishes diverse builds by giving out extra Stats if you put more points into a single one. STR might get 10% Bonus per Rank but you get only 1 Block Pen per point. The PATK from STR isn’t really worth it compared to crit rate from DEX.

If you put points into STR you might be able to hit Clerics/Wizards/Block Swordies more frequently but anything else that goes full DEX will mostly dodge your hits. Remember that all High Damage Skills except Covering are single hits… either blocked or dodged and you need to sit out the CD.

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Good luck with that


do have infos, like how many hits/the downtime/uptime?

i’ve searched in there, but didn’t understand 100% sure.

Duration is 50 + skill lvl x 10 = 100 seconds maximum
Hit count is 4 + (skill lvl - 1) x 3 = 16 hits maximum
Cooldown is 31 seconds so there is no downtime only tears

i tought i read wrong, jeez, there’s a way to dispell it? bodkin don’t remove this shield/buff?

Nothing removes it not even miko.
Thats IMC balance for you.

that makes me sad, i know there’s no pvp in tos cuz bullshit like this, but eveytime i give a chance, i got shooted harder.

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As an archer the only way to counter Misile holes is rogue backstab, sapper traps, but if the sage have cryo shield he frezze you, Fletcher bleeding works, only the first hit is absorved, hunter Pet can catch the sage, And CC can work too, can you stun with stone shoot or use full draw, but full draw is bugged right now (Don’t apply the debuff)

(sorry my bad Inglish u_u)

you english is better than mine haha, all good.

maybe the best way then it’s to grab/stun with hunters pet then? isn’t hard to do this i guess.

You still get frozen if it’s a cryo if you’re using coursing / retrieve.

That’s a confirmed bug, but it’s still happening the last time I checked (2 or 3 weeks ago).

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wut? if my pet attacks i get frozen?

If your hawk dive someone with r7 you take the damage xDDDDDD

Yes. It’s stupid. But yes.
It attacks from melee range and is physical.
Coursing and Retrieve are dependent on your own attack rather than your companion.
So it’s considered as “melee”, “physical”, and an “attack from your character”.

That happen to me today, I don’t want to belive that OP bug X_x