Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo is your new god

Because the 50% debuff still applies, making High Guard terrible.

But High Guard is also being buffed and will only be a 15% debuff now.

I said in beta with max rank 6 that the weapon requirements for Swordsmen were too stifling towards build choices, and it’s starting to look almost unsalvageable at this point. Picking off-rank classes as Swordsman is nearly a death sentence in most cases, too, it’s practically structured so that you’ll have a single linear path to reach your final goal. Total illusion of choice.

Again, you can’t use any Murmillo skills with a pistol. Corsair3 Murmillo is not a real option.

i went Hop c1 then took Dragoon at r7 for filler skills and pierce damage but guess 1h spear aint for murm :frowning:

i just wish we have auto swap like archers now

Corsair 3 is pretty much fodder at this point. Your best hope is to literally roll Ninja for R8 and pray for something Sword/Gun centric in r9.

Which is ridiculous with the strength gap these new R8 skills are adding.

Kaboom FPS Drop

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guys, for those 1 hand spear users, we might still see the light of day when we go murm. Cassis Crista, the helm buff cooldown is 0s. so swapping weapons is an option when murm attack skills are on cd

Can’t CorsairC3s just take a Dagger alongside their Pistol and be done?
No one sees Archers complaining how in some cases they choose to keep up a lot of weapons due to their choices (2HBows for fliers, Crossbows+Daggerofchoice/ManaMana for general skill and basic attack needs. Musket/Cannon/Sword for class specific skills).

Just get a good dagger alongside your ManaMana (or whichever gun you use, I have no idea if there’s a new good one).

We don’t have autoswitch. So for PvP build it’s not viable.

Also, good Corsair C3 uses one-hand spear because of Long Stride…

Ah I always forget about the auto-switch thing.
PvP is certainly it’s own beast, and no one forced you to take Hoplite beforehand.

how are you guys going to fight wiz and cleric?

wouldnt u still have the same problem now?

then there is pve… i guess all u need is taunt to be accepted.

Because I want to be effective in PvP?? What’s that logic?

Barb/high-corsair c3 is a person in a wheelchair basically. Hop2 is just too good not to use with Cor3.

Then why not take Shinobi as your R8 filler?
Pain in the ass quest aside it has more Pierce damage and all that alongside a bit of utility.
Knowing IMC there’s going to be a dual wield class in R9 given the ammount of classes in Swordsman that seem to have logical progresions but have a dead rank before said “logical” progression.

I will, actually. It’s how I planned.

I’m just honestly disturbed by those skill dmg numbers being SO high in comparison. I’ll have to wait for c9 for damage, basically, and HOPE it will allow for Spear+Pistol stance.

I’m feeling insecure about my build (


My man, I know that feel all too well until I decided to avoid the possibility of this kind of problem in every way possible.
Like for real, future proofing is a pain in the ass but it has that name for a reason.

Either way, CorsairsC3/Shinobis can take each other as a filler.
Is it optimal?
We don’t ■■■■■■■ know because it’s a filler before a rank we know nothing about and won’t know more until like february, but it’s better than downright erasing the character.

I would need 3 weapon sets then. I already have to swap from pistol to dagger for Double Weapon Assault, now I have to use spear+dagger, spear+pistol and sword+shield? (no point in just swapping to sword+dagger, might as well get to use all of Murmillo’s skills instead of half), and Murmillo just inherently has no synergy with Corsair anyway. Lancer is completely not an option because no dual wield possible at all + has to be mounted which disables like half the skills in my build.

The problem really isn’t that neither of the R8 classes work with Corsair3. It really isn’t. I was theorycrafting my next step before and decided that I’d be okay with going Dragoon or Doppel or even Shinobi at R8. But now that we actually see the numbers on R8 skills - going down a rank at this point seems suicidal. Seriously, a character that ONLY uses R8 skills will probably do more damage than a character that uses all of their rank 1-7 skills but no R8.

I think I will actually retire my Corsair3 for now and hope for a future R8 hidden class that works with it.

is this possible for a SW>PELT1>HOP2>SQUIRE3 like me?


It’s not optimal, but possible. You can use stabbing/pierce/synchro thrusting with any weapon.

I do hope they add squire skills to Murmillo boosts.

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while i look again and again at murm. it definitely needs a Rodelero C3 for a good burst of damage w/ slithering+high kick debuff.

RIP my Rodelero-Fencer. I had high hopes taking murmillo. :sob: