Tree of Savior Forum

Murmillo is your new god

i am curious about this ‘Takedown’ skill. There has to be something special about it. Either a short-distance quick dash forward with the shield, a literal takedown on an enemy and hitting it multiple times or smth. because it only has 1 Overheat and CD is 28secs.

In the past, if I recall correctly, pelts used to be limited to swords only. Currently, both pelt and rode classes can go sword/spear/rapier and they only changed it because it previously made choices monotonous. Murmillo seems to have taken a step backwards in that regard. They’re only pigeonholing class choices at this point with swordsman.

Magic classes on the other can go with anything that works since they’re not really limited by weapons - only synergy.


Corsair3? No pistol stance for any Murmillo skills, and the only good Corsair build uses spears.

Murmillo is also obviously extremely suboptimal for anyone that didn’t go pelt/rode - not just because of the huge damage buffs to pelt/rode skills, but because pelt/rode do strike damage and have strike damage debuffs to go on top of Murmillo’s strke damage debuffs.

7,000 damage might seem like a lot but this is rank 8, that’s actually nothing for a single hit skill. The main draw is definitely stacking all of the debuffs you get from Rode and Murmillo and then doing damage cap umbo blows from high guard + 300% bonus strike damage + 400% bonus pelt damage.

theoretically, yes. But i have tested High Guard with Umbo Blow and Rim Blow. the damage doesn’t end with 330% (max attrtibute) for both. bug probably

And its +250% bonus strike dmg.
+100% from High Kick
+100% from Siltthering
+50% from Headbutt (not 100%)

According to Wikipedia, they used 1h swords.

The way they’ve done things if they don’t throw in some hidden interactions on certain skills of other classes they’re really tunneling things in a way that forces rerolls.

With an even larger problem being that doing balance stuff around hidden interactions (like Feint + Barrage) is not remotely user-friendly when the game doesn’t hint towards these interactions, so no one can justify taking the risk.

It’s probably something like this

When you rush in and tackle down your opponent. I can envision a displacement on target. But we’ll know soon enough when people on kTOS test it out tomorrow.

like the monk deprotected zone and hand knife skill? lol!

if they allow using spear everybody would take hoplite, and they probably want a more “gladiator” (sword and shield) class, and i agree with it

yea…that would be awesome. if it ends up being a hit/smack and nothing else, we probably can expect one crazy TOS fan visiting them to show a real takedown. :joy:

No, not really. You are not risking anything by taking deprotected zone while going monk since deprotected zone is a base rank skill. Feint + barrage requires you to go for suboptimal choices

Yeah but how do they justify Dragoons with guns?


i know that the best built corsair uses spear, but there is many out there who have not take corsair with spear, you just have to seen the corsair3 post, many of them are complaining and i never said this was the BEST choice i said that it was a valid choice for players who have choose utility classes with 1hand sword, that can be again a corsair.
where i do agree with you that choosing murmillo may be suboptimal if you do not have petal-rodel : the point of my post was not to say that it will make them OP by taking murmilo, it would just open the possibilities for them to choose a class in rank8 and not be complete useless. since murmillo offers a lot of things besides bonus on petal-rodelero skills and we do not know if all of his skills are one hit.
and of course let’s remember that we have 15 skills points, and the one who buffs petal-rodel is the “HELMET” so by that we would invest 5 points and if you do not have petal-rodel it would free 5 points for other skills to choose from, is a very good choice, the class seems to be very good.

Then we all get disappointed by the damage and make a “Swordsman is a joke DPS in rank 8 thread”

It’s really unpredictable really. I cant predict how many more shitpost will start after swordsman rank 8 is released.

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Corsair should take another sword round. May be your 1 hand swordie class need 1 rank gap like rodelero rank 6 and murmilo rank 8

About Helmet, another translation topic says it max out at lv 1

Lets not jynx it lmao.

Actually dragoon use sword and gun and mount

I don’t know how they justify dragoon not using sword

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Same sentiments. IMC spear fetish kicks in thats why dragoon uses 2handed spears.

Quoting me with an arm missing eh? ( I had to use three backslashes in the actual post)

I admit I didn’t do my research on actual dragoons; just thought about the Final Fantasy ones. They should just make all skills like barbs so we can mix and match.