Tree of Savior Forum

More buffs to swordman in kTOS

What about Barb c1 Embowel? This skill is slow as ■■■■.

i hope we get this update :smiley:

still not enough for swordsman, for some classes pretty much nothing.
hope they give trot the same effect like sprinting with the 30% or cataphract is pretty much ■■■■■■ (like they already are in PVE)

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Remember this is korean ToS where they buff a 0cd skyliner. We have nerfed skyliner (no 0s cooldown) and cyclone.

Don’t expect to get these buffs at all lol.

knock down and stagger still work against cyclone, not sure is it bugged or not.

Not bugged, cyclone only resist magical status (sleep, freeze etc). If you want all status immunity use pain barrier as well.

It does work for skills.

Tested on level 92 Cataphract. 176 STR.
All equipment removed, 320 Physical attack.

being level 92 causes 92 physical attack.

320 - 176 - 92 = 52.
So where is the extra 52 physical attack from?
176 x 1.3 = 228.
228 - 176 = 52.

Now. My Level 3 Bash has 173 skill damage and deals 406 damage on Tontuila which has 87 physical defense

320 + 173 = 493.
493 - 87 = 406.

Thus we know the physical attack bonus is applying.
Otherwise he’d deal 354.

52 damage may not seem like a lot (well it is at 92) but on damage weak enemies that’s 78 damage extra damage on all hits for the enemy weak to Pierce/Slash/Strike Which is already half an Arde.

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so it’s pretty much nothing?.. wow

Not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, at least this is a start in the right direction. Hopefully this hits iTOS soon.

The 30% attack more from STR is nice try, but unfortunately its crap.

With skils that give over 1000 attack to each hit, 400 damage from equipment and 300 STR you barely boost the total damage output by 5,2% since STR is coresponding to only 17,6% of total damage in such scenario.
You could count it as more due to the way defense works in the game (flat reduction not % so each bypassing damage is good).

Still even boosting STR attack by 100% wouldnt change much since it would mean 17,6% damage increase and swordman is lacking much much more than that.

Note: Its even less since I forgot about all the other stuff that boost your dmg like level.

Doesn’t matter at all. Their skill design for swordsmen is just awful from a DPS standpoint.

There are pure damage classes with fire and forget AoE spells that do more damage than any swordsman skill. Swordsmen don’t even have an option for this.

Not to mention all the damaging abilities on other classes have lower cooldowns than swordsmen.

If you don’t get fire and forget AOE spells, then you need to have short cooldowns that scale to spam and catch up.

Right now swordsmen have neither.

What they should be focusing on is giving swordsmen more utility.

Depends on how much STR you have and how much you care about damage.
~630 str is the max which means 189 more physical attack is the maximum benefit. That might seem small but you’ve got to look at it as how stats are individually.
1 int is 1 damage but you can’t miss or be blocked.
1 Str is now 1.3 damage and 1 crit attack.

You could look at it as Full Int vs Full STR or you could say.
“I don’t need the same amount of STR investment to equal Full INT(hypothetically speaking)” so I can use those stat points elsewhere.
484/485 Str will give you the same amount of physical attack now as someone who was Full STR and had 630 STR. (less Crit attack but eh whatever).

It’ll have some effect probably on peoples STR vs DEX calculators as well.

And how about Sprint + Pain Barrier and Cyclone + Pain Barrier? Respectively 50% (30%+20%) and 95% (75%+20%) of resistance to negative status aliments?

Right now that’s how it looks. We still need to wait for KR to test it out.

Maybe in 2 weeks we’ll see some changes in PvP ladder ranking (or not)

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Think i will make a swordsman to see if it really is as bad as you guys make it out to be.

dont just make it, but make it to lv 200+ and dont bring a single rank of Peltasia.

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In before the million people who are full DEX and CON want resets and I’m like NOPE gotta reroll because the circle reset threads said so. Then like someone figures out how to break the game with a certain class combination that nobody thought about until now and the complaint threads come.

Just be sure not pick peltasta, you can follow any other path

Stat reset will be sold sooner or later. But remember that you still need DEX and CON no matter what, both in PvP and PvE. Unless there are further changes.

But I think if there are more drastic changes to swordman STR attribute, they will hand out free stat reset.

Nope! Not allowed can’t back pedal because mostly everyone in the threads said they would reroll. So that’s what everyone is going to do. We can’t have flavor of the month builds and people should have done the kTOS research before making their characters and predicted the future. It’s not fair for all the people who have currently went full STR for someone whose Dex and Con to just instantly swap over. :joy:

I am so ready to necro that thread like I said and warned people 3 days ago about kTOS changes that we are like 2 months back on still for balancing. Because the amount of hypocrites and illogical people who can’t understand this game is still being developed hardcore is unreal.

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