Tree of Savior Forum

[Monk | Sadhu] Build synergy

Le` me has one skill point I can add to God Finger Flick hmm, should I test …

One Inch Punch hits very fast for me though, I can animation cancel by moving so it takes about ~1 second for me.

Haha, I don’t have any information on Dievs, if any INT-deprived Dievs can comment, that’ll be helpful.

I have 2-3 extra points anyways, I might add one in Iron Skin I guess. Evasion is a bad clutch to count on anyways, so the utility from Iron Skin may be worth it.

You could, since you’re going to add one point to it at some point anyway o_o…

Oh, I didn’t know you could animation cancel it and still connect… that’s pretty useful information. But I think I’ll keep GFF in place of it after all, Silence utility is really op, both for party play and for solo… and with silence, 1IP’s cd is significantly longer.

Iron Skin could be situationally useful if idk, you know you’re going to be hit by something that you can’t dodge (magic), and know the magic would kb/kd you, but can’t Prakriti in time due to CD. Can magic even kd you?

But other than that it doesn’t sound particularly useful… unless you’re playing Monk with no OoB, which should ideally not happen very often.

Yep, only 1 guy gets hit. My AoE attack Ratio is 3.

For mobile bosses, you won’t be in Out-of-Body anyways, so Iron Skin might be useful. I’m not sure about the magic part haha xD

rip the god finger flick dream :frowning:
-goes change build-

Well, even in OoB, if you know there’s magic coming at you that’ll knock you back (which should be pretty common, just not sure if there’s any that knocks you down) and can’t dodge, Iron Skin will keep you in position and allow you to recast OoB faster.

**EDIT:** can OoB inflict debuffs from your weapons?? (actually, can Double Punch do that at all, too?) cause it's gonna be awesome if both do aaaaaa :smile:

The dagger could just be switched out for something else if the opponent’s Plate-type, or if I need more burst dmg rather than DPS… like Arde/Karasha…

EDIT 2: does Sacrament apply one more line of attacks to OoB autoattacks? (This is pretty easy to test, you could buy it from Pardoners)

Debuffs from weapons, if you use C button on a dagger that has such a debuff they might. Someone posted above that you can do something like that with Toy Hammer.

And nope, Sacrament doesn’t add any extra line of attacks, just added holy damage (didn’t even need to test~).

So you need C button for the debuff to apply? It won’t apply on the regular autoattack no matter what? Does Sacra add a line of attack to C attack? ~.~

  • Come to think of it: does C button apply the defense debuff at all? (I assume you’ve tested this one)
  • Does Cafrisun add an attack line to Z OoB? (I assume not ;; )
  • In addition, does Blessing apply to OoB attacks all at once, or once to each of the three attacks? (I assume the latter)

That’s interesting about Toy Hammer, I was thinking just the same thing, can’t find it with ctrl+f even after loading the whole page though… but when you say Toy Hammer, do you mean that Z attacks count for the explosion, or only C ones?

That’s too bad about Sacrament :frowning:

I’ll quote it here:

Cafrisun does not add anything, and Blessing does not apply to Out-of-Body, though from a patch IMC said they are working on it.

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Wow, Blessing doesn’t even apply to it? No wonder it scales so ■■■■■■■ badly -.-
IMC quality games ™³

But that’s pretty good to know… @ilovelags6, do you know if Toy Hammer blows w/ Double Punch as well? Or only autoattack?

IMC did mention in a recent News that they will be working on how Blessing works with Out-of-Body, so look out for that I guess …?

Yeah, but if even Blessing (which applies to all other magic attacks afaik, and once per hit of the skill too!) doesn’t apply to it, it most likely means nothing does other than matk.

So no Arde/Karacha dagger bonus, no Blessing, no bonus dmg against Ghost-armor, nothing. Zero. Nada.

Oh, you haven’t answered if OoB C attacks apply the def debuff though.

Elemental damage is added though, and that’s also a reason why players don’t go for Sadhu Monks either.

I’ll look for more information until you’re really sure of adding a Sadhu circle in your skill build.

Then why the hell is Blessing not added -.-. I mean, it applies to even ■■■■■■■ Cafrisun, and it doesn’t apply to OoB? How badly do you have to mess up on your programming for that to happen?

…but rants aside,


Or did you just not think of testing it? I’d have thought you did, considering otherwise there’s little point in C-attacking at all, even for Pierce-weak enemies…

[quote="4lkruzeth, post:92, topic:289161"] I'll look for more information until you're really sure of adding a Sadhu circle in your skill build. [/quote]I'm pretty much set on it already though. It _will_ take me a while to get to it, as I intend to prioritize farming characters first, but the idea interests me too much for me not to try it.

Either way, you don’t have to worry. I have 4 different clerics planned out so far LOL, all with completely different builds… and I haven’t discarded the hypothesis of adding one or two more if I find cool ideas to test.


Throughout my time, I only relied on dagger attacks during early leveling at lvl 100+, after that I never touched it.

Haha, good luck leveling 4 clerics!

Uh, those quotes don’t answer my questions o.o.

When you said “Sacrament doesn’t add a line, only holy attack”, I hadn’t asked about the C hit yet. Only about the Z one.

And when I asked about the def debuff, I meant the one from OoB attribute, not ones from weapons :sweat_smile: . Is that debuff applied with C OoB?

[quote="4lkruzeth, post:94, topic:289161"] Haha, good luck leveling 4 clerics! [/quote]Thanks, I'll be okay though. I'm used to it from RO (it's actually kinda fun, I might be a masochist...), and Pardoners exist one way or another, so low ranks won't be bad.

My comment on Sacrament did not specifically refer to Z or C button, I referred to attacks you do using your Out-of-Body. Sacrament does not add an additional hit to your Out-of-Body attacks.

Most of the information you asked can be easily found in the Official Sadhu thread and I saw you comment on the thread so I thought you got the information but anyways, nope, C attack does not proc the debuff. You confused me with what debuffs you were referring to (Out-of-Body debuff attribute or Sub-weapon debuff). I just compiled some quotes regarding Out-of-Body’s C attack in case you had any other questions.

Oh, okay. Thought you were only referring to Z OoB attacks.

At the time I commented on the Sadhu thread, I was only looking for the information on how the movement bug worked, and since by skimming I didn’t find it I didn’t have the patience to read everything. (That and the thread’s probably outdated.) Sorry, didn’t think of looking there for the info :frowning:

It’s ok, it’s a bit hard to find information on the Sadhu thread since the first post of the thread was never updated and you have to read the whole thread to find the information.

We (or someone ACTIVE and experienced in Sadhu) should probably remake the thread at some point tbh. Class threads with a dead OP are the worst.

Haha, I’ll say someone more experienced, but all the pro sadhus stay silent really.


Well, if worse comes to worse I’ll make a new thread after playing Sadhu myself (and read through the 4567865432456 posts, and gather all the information in one place). I wouldn’t have played standard/INT Sadhus, but I’m sure the experienced ones will pitch in.