Then why the hell is Blessing not added -.-. I mean, it applies to even ■■■■■■■ Cafrisun, and it doesn’t apply to OoB? How badly do you have to mess up on your programming for that to happen?
…but rants aside,

Or did you just not think of testing it? I’d have thought you did, considering otherwise there’s little point in C-attacking at all, even for Pierce-weak enemies…
[quote="4lkruzeth, post:92, topic:289161"]
I'll look for more information until you're really sure of adding a Sadhu circle in your skill build.
[/quote]I'm pretty much set on it already though. It _will_ take me a while to get to it, as I intend to prioritize farming characters first, but the idea interests me too much for me not to try it.
Either way, you don’t have to worry. I have 4 different clerics planned out so far LOL, all with completely different builds… and I haven’t discarded the hypothesis of adding one or two more if I find cool ideas to test.