Tree of Savior Forum

Mob resistances

while in DP5 earlier hohens are resisting my evening star runes too much lol

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So not only swordies are having a hard time.
Kinda weird those silent balances.
I have a clue for what is happening but I need to test before spread some info.

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The drop rate adjustment is because the Free Dungeons/Hunting Grounds/whatever they are called here next tuesday will drop more silver, so to make people go to farm there the drops of everywhere else (maybe only the dungeons like Demon Prison are affected by this “nerf”) are adjusted.

This is to shift the attention of people to the new gimmick of the game while preventing an inflation of silver if too many people farm simultaneously.

However, I fear that those free dungeons will become the new Demon Prison/Dina Bee Farm for those botters and afk-scumbags who ruin the gameplay experience for everyone else.
I hope IMC will change its terms of service accordingly to make afk farming/botting inside the Free Dungeons/Hunting Grounds a punishable crime and delete the characters that do so (ban is stupid because it helps not against rude players anyway, only against bots)…

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In all honesty, I can’t tell if it is intended or simple mess in the patch deploying.

I do believe they have multiple clients with different issues, and sometimes they simple mess up what they are applying by put one of these testing clients.

Ah, so they are adding that next week? I didn’t know, but they could had kept the drop rates as it is before applying the patch and change it when applied.

I mean, we don’t have the hunting grounds yet lol.

After the Def/Mdef rank buff, new maps turned almost as easy as r7 content.
Maybe those buffs is to keep the challenging status.

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I think there are better ways to do that, but since the game is nowhere nearly completion, i will face it as testing for future plans and updates.

l think those buffs is an easy way to balance things. Maybe IMC is regreting about transcedence(responsible for discrepancy in mobs attributes) and now don’t know what to do.

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Could be, but the transcendence system is more or less a testing thing too, the increase in mob mdef, hp poll and other stats, as well applying skills.

It is a good thing tho, but the transcendence system will need a limit too, i would guess 30-50% would be enough, also, i think the weapon stats need a good rework, some seem nice but others look completely garbage, and they even use expensive materials.

The SPR resist value is higher now after the tweak for mobs.

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maybe it is one way they are trying to make spirit more valuable?

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But that was applied 1 patch ago, I remember that I rarely got resists from any monster, also, there wasn’t any info anywhere in the patch notes (as usual) about that modification.

I don’t think it is a bad thing, but I think they went overboard with it.

As i said a few post above, my friend’s cryo Ice Pilar got resisted by 1 single monster in a group of 6 or 7, it spammed enough resisted stats that you could see 3-4 lines above its head.

That may be the case, but would that apply to the chars as well? I haven’t saw any change on that part tho, I may have missed it, i will have to test later.

in itos , patch note are always half done. They always take things from ktos without knowing what the shiet they are.

So we pretty much actually have “Certain elements” patch in.

get 180 spr you will start resisting heals.

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Because they’ve applied evade lv2 some patchs ago and probably many swordies complained.
Since my murmillo got access to rank 8 maps I’ve noted too many misses

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Yeah i know that, but still, something major as this to be passing by like nothing is kind irritating lol.

In a certain way, the skills that apply certain debuffs, and classes like Plague Doctor who need debuffs to deal damage are really in a bad place.

Ah so that might explain.

plague vapor :head_bandage: + max incinerate then forget about it lel.

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A few months ago i noticed that suddenly I got more often victim of blind status than before (think I never experienced it before). So of course they are balancing things behind the scenes. Expect more of this in the future. And I also do think it’s a good idea to make mobs more distinct in their behavior, to make things interesting.

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Blind is fine but perma blind from smoke grenade when you are out of range is irritating debuffs esp aoe debuff are still buggy

They are just tweaking debuff of higher tier to be more values and resistance are more valued. then just omamoris and dispellers

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True, making the mob more challenging is nice, they started with some non-linkable ones, now there is the resistance one.

But they need to readjust, it is too frequent, i mean, 10x in the spam of 5 seconds is too much.

LOL that is the freaking worse bug ever.

I call them potatoe interactions :head_bandage: