Tree of Savior Forum

[Migration Poll] South American Players Assemble

This Post will be made on english and spanish for everyone to read, and if someone can traduce it to portugueise then i will add it to the bottom as well since i want as much people as possible to vote.


Este post esta destinado a saber que acciones tomara la comunidad latina de Tree of Savior, para darnos a todos una mejor idea de que tan grande, activo y denso sera el servidor al cual nos transferiremos y luego no tengamos arrepentimientos. Hice una encuesta en la cual pueden entrar y votar. Esto esta apuntado a gente de todas la nacionalidades fuera de NA y Canada que son los principales actores de los servidores norteamericano (Klaipedia / Orsha), esto incluye desde mexico hasta brasil, chile, argentina y demas. El link para votar esta al final y espero que todos participen del mismo.


This post is dedicated to knowing what actions that the Latin community of Tree of Savior will take upon the SA server’s opening. This is to give us all a better idea of how big/active/populated the server will be, so that we have no regrets about transferring. I will make a poll in which everyone intending to transfer can vote. I kindly ask North American players to refrain from voting so we don’t end up with an incorrect estimation of the amount of players transferring.


Thanks @hermescontato for the traduction
Esse post é destinado a saber quais ações serão tomadas pela comunidade latina de Tree of Savior, para ter uma ideia melhor de quão grande, ativo e populado será o servidor e para evitar arrependimentos ao transferir. Eu farei uma enquete na qual todos poderão votar. Peço encarecidamente que os jogadores norte-americanos não votem para que não tenhamos uma estimativa falha do número de pessoas.

Thanks for reading and i hope everyone votes :slight_smile:

Encuesta / Poll


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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I don’t understand your point, if you making fun of my english well i am sorry about it, i tried my best and i encourage you to re write it properly.
If you really can’t read the english part then you should read better.


Yo me voy a quedar en Klaipeda por ahora. Tengo alrededor de 150-200 ping y la verdad es que ni los noto, al menos por ahora.

De todas maneras estoy seguro que van a haber server transfers en el futuro asi que por ahora me voy a quedar en el servidor que sé que esta vivo y si pasa algo me muevo al latino en un futuro.

Esse post é destinado a saber quais ações serão tomadas pela comunidade latina de Tree of Savior, para ter uma ideia melhor de quão grande, ativo e populado será o servidor e para evitar arrependimentos ao transferir. Eu farei uma enquete na qual todos poderão votar. Peço encarecidamente que os jogadores norte-americanos não votem para que não tenhamos uma estimativa falha do número de pessoas.


yo pienso que hay que espera a que publiquen la ip para probar el ping del servidor ya que muchos no quieren ir por eso incluyendome.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Antes de cualquier cambio, sería bueno saber en que país sera hosteado el server, sin saber eso personalmente no me movere de klaipedia.

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As I said in other thread I’m still unsure about what to do. I like the idea of playing with less / lower latency, but at the same time I’m afraid that the SA server will become a Brazilian server. Just to clarify, I’ve nothing against Brazilians, at all. Is just I don’t understand Portuguese and I don’t want to play as a minority Spanish speaking. I much rather to stay on Klaipeda for that matter.

Also, I do not want LUG have nothing to do with the SA server. It is my understanding that it will be under IMC management, but I didn’t find any official statement on that.

All in all, it’s a coin toss for me: could either be great or a disaster.

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primero tenemos que saber donde sera la locacion fisica es lo principal, sin aquella informacion es tirar los dados ya que muchos en brasil no tenemos buen ping.
pn para el que lo lee

first we have to know where is going to be the physical location of the server,without this information is a gamble because some of us dont have good ping in brazil.
greeting my friends

Creo que hay un par de puntos que marcar, primero que nada tenemos solo 4/5 dias para decidir la transferencia, despues de eso es una oferta fuera de la mesa, tambien hay que recalcar que inmediatamente el servidor va a segur hosteado en norteamerica, al igual que EU y SEA.
Pero el plan de estos servidores es justamente en algun punto regionalizarlos cosa que con steam alado de IMC no es algo fuera de la mesa, a pasado con dota2, a pasado con csgo y muchos otros juegos.
Mas que pensar en el ahora, hay que pensar en como las cosas se van a desenvolver de aca a un par de meses.
Yo particularmente planeo transferirme, no creo que sea una mala idea

Cuando IMC nos de algún post como el que hizo anteriormente para los europeos en el que podían probar su ping, no podemos cambiarnos si el asunto se va para Brasil, por lo menos yo no puedo cambiarme ya que tendría casi el mismo ping de 211 que en NA.

Como han comentado mas arriba es necesario saber la locación y ademas que nos den información clara si esto estará ligado a Level Up Games.

Soy de Chile.


@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John I would love moderators to get involve and maybe give some answer to the questions that most people is having, most of them are about ping, who is gonna handle the server (imc or some third party) and if this chance is unique.

You type in english better than most of us can type in spanish, dw about it.

Here’s a rewritten version if you’d like to use it:

This post is dedicated to knowing what actions that the Latin community of Tree of Savior will take upon the SA server’s opening. This is to give us all a better idea of how big/active/populated the server will be, so that we have no regrets about transferring. I will make a poll in which everyone intending to transfer can vote. I kindly ask North American players to refrain from voting so we don’t end up with an incorrect estimation of the amount of players transferring.

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Will do, thanks for the nice comment :slight_smile:

I’m moving, worst case scenario ping will be the same, but with cheaper tp, also, I’ll be able to play with my friends who started on klaipeda, can’t see any reason to not move tbh

edit: @xour.tos @aleglacius can’t give you an 100% sure answer, but LUG just made a pool asking if people were going to play on steam or lug version and why, so… looks like lug will have nothing to do with SA server

Yeah i agree, the worst case scenario is not so bad, i preffer IMC/Steam by far over LUG, they pretty much ruin most games and this game needs a lot of work to be as great as it can be… and i think IMC will do a far better job

Hello, I just came to say that we’re preparing the ping test for the SA server and it should be ready soon (before the application period ends, of course). Just keep an eye out for the announcement.

Also, just to avoid any confusion, the SA server we’re preparing for Steam is separate and independent from the BR server we’re preparing for LUG.



Acording to the infographic about the people who bought the early acces on steam and their regions, brazil have a bigger population of players, i need more info on this now before even thinking on transfer, the barrier of language and the fact that most brazilian player dont even bother to try to comunicate with other language is going to make my expierence less enjoyable.


Segun la informacion dad por IMC sobre la cantidad de jugadores que compraron el early acces de Steam, brasil tiene una gran poblacion de jugadores, ahora bien necesito mas informacion sobre esto antes de si quiera pensar en pasarme a SA, la barrera del lenguaje y el echo que la mayoria de los brasileños no se molestan en querer comunicarse en otro idioma va a hacer mi experiencia de juego menos disfrutable.

Huehue intensifies <3