Tree of Savior Forum

Mentor System for Characters

._. I feel the opposite way about this xD lol. No level sync encourages me to make alts and adds replayability to the game, but I wouldnt mind if we had a level sync(it should not be too benefitial for the high level player tho)

Knowing how long it takes to get to 200 with rates that are above the release (most likely), it’s safe to say I’m not going to be looking for “replayability” options for quite some time. I mean, making alts is fun and all for playing with friends who are coming into the game late, but in terms of playing with those who have less time to play, level syncing is the way to go.

It needs to be beneficial to the higher level player, or else there is literally no reason to do it aside from just hanging out, in which you might as well make an alt to not be wasting time. Not in the sense that level syncing is better exp than normal exp, but it needs to be at least somewhere near the same amount, or, once again, why bother. And, I mean, FFXI / FFXIV level syncing had things working great. The only issue is balancing EXP for the larger level gaps (FFXI had a fairly standardized exp gain system, while FFXIV gave bonus exp for dungeons). Since grinding is going to be the main aspect of where level syncing comes into play, I feel like some sort of level difference to bonus ratio should be used to make it worthwhile, but in check with non-synced exp gains.

It cant be near the same amount of exp you’d get by doing your own stuff. Remember it has been said that difficulty of bosses scales a lot during the higher levels compared to the stuff you kill through 50-100, same with mobs. Higher level mobs you find stuff that resist elements and etc, if you can just go grind low level easy mobs with level sync and get almoist the same exp, then it’ll encourage syncing more than playing in your own levels.

The increase in difficulty isn’t that high. And I’m not saying ti should be the same - it should be lower. Just worthwhile.

Speaking from experience, you usually spend most of your time grinding by 2-3 shotting mobs, regardless of level. And certain mobs are going to resist you, no matter where you’re at.

i agree MMORPGS need this level sync for friends xD

With the massive amount of levels in this game, having a mentor system instead of having to reroll to play with your friends/random new people would be great. Some issues pop up however:

Skills: Do you keep your, say, Rank 7 skills or just plop back into Highlander for the duration? The latter one is probably the safest pick

Equipment: Now, you can always normalize the stats, but it’s possible that there’s equipment that has special effects which can’t be normalized, for example ‘extra damage every 3rd attack’.

EXP: Does the mentor gain exp too? If there was the absolute best leveling spot in game but only at level 50 area, people would most likely just Mentor only to grind there for exp (granted it’s efficient).
This causes sort of a bottleneck for the area as people have a hard time grinding and gaining levels due to crowd, being stuck at 50, while the higher level areas would be emptier.

This is a magnificent idea! Albeit being imperfect, it becomes a nice addition into the game as I once thought too that grinding up levels would be a concern for me once I start working for real XD

What i propose to the idea was basicaly what you are indicating here, yes, let say you are a Rank 7 and you start playing from the start together with a friend on your main char rank 7, your level, stats and skill level will all drop to acomodate the level you got decreased, which mean that your Rank2 to Rank 7 will be locked for the time being (until you reach the correct level or turn off the mentoring), the skills and its levels will unlock by the time your level go up (it have to accompany the disciple or w/e will be called level).

This is one of the main problems found on the idea, what i propose was to make it timed per day, lets say an exemple of 4-5 hours allowed to mentoring per day. Or instead of EXP, the mentor get more money, or have a sligly higher item drop rate, up for discussion.

Holy cow! A not bad Mentor Idea suggestion!

I strongly disagree with the OP’s idea of a mentor system. It sounds more like a standard system for higher level players to play with their lower level friends than a mentor system.

Instead of commenting on all of the suggestions that have been made previously, I feel it will be more effective to just post my own suggestions of for a mentor system.

I’ve played several games with a mentor system, and I’ve seen it any number of ways. My view of a mentor system is a means to reward veteran players for helping new players, both strangers and friends alike.
Veteran players need to be able to help other people and not completely gimp their own progression. It will promote grouping with new players and teaching them in a balanced manner that is effective for both the mentor and apprentice.
There are several questions to answer to flesh out such a system.

How will the mentor assist the apprentice?
What will the mentor get for helping, and how will he get it?
How will it be balanced?
Can the mentor have multiple apprentices?
How can we prevent abuse?
When does the mentor system stop?

If I were to implement a mentor system:

The mentor system would be for level 1-150.(You shouldn’t need a mentor after level 150)
You can only mentor if you are level 250 or higher.
You could have multiple apprentices. Up to 5 or 10 at a time.
A apprentice may only have one mentor.
The apprentice or mentor can cancel the mentor system at any time.

There would be a mentor chat. Like party chat, but for the mentor and his apprentices only. Each mentor would have their own chat.

You would receive your incentive whenever an apprentice of yours levels up. The incentive would be either a special mentor currency, or Exp/Zeni equivalent to killing 25 monsters of your own level.

While you are grouped with your apprentice there would be a counter keeping track of your apprentice growth. The counter would go up by 1 for every 1% exp the apprentice gains. When the apprentice reaches level 150 and graduates the mentor system, the mentor would receive 10 monsters worth of exp/zeni for every 100 points of the grouped exp % counter.
The counter would only be active if an apprentice was the party leader. When an apprentice is the party leader, the mentor has their level/stats reduced to the equivalent level of the apprentice. If there are multiple apprentices in the party the mentor level/stats will be equivalent to the lowest level apprentice in the party.
While the mentor has their level reduced to that of their apprentice, they will only be able to use equipment for that level.
Any equipment that requires a higher level would be locked. The mentors skills beyond the level would also be locked. To balance this, the mentor would receive a 10% buff to all stats while level reduced. While level reduced the mentor would receive exp appropriate to the level of mobs that are being killed. This would not affect the exp incentive that is received when an apprentice levels up.

This should make it worth while for the mentor whether actively grouped with the apprentice or not.
The balance to this system would be in the %'s and number values. These would need adjusting accordingly and are only used as an example.
A system would need to be in place to prevent abuse while not detracting from the mentors incentive.
Either limiting the number of apprentices that the mentor can have at one time, or limiting the number of different apprentices the mentor can have over the span of one or two weeks.

What do you like/dislike about this system? If you dislike it, how would you change it? Is it missing something?

Sorry i couldnt read all the text wall, but from your last line it feels more like you started the post lol.

If you read the whole thread me and some others suggested some stuff, honestly the idea i gave isnt bad, but can be polished, same goes for others.

If your not going to read a post then what’s the point in you being here?

I did read the whole thread. As I stated in my post(Which you would know if you read at least four lines), instead of commenting on every suggestion each individual person made. I posted an entire idea of a mentor system, instead of just bits and pieces.
Mostly fully fleshed out, as an alternate to the OP’s suggestion.

To be fair to go to the line above and scrolled down and saw i wasn’t even half done and skipped the rest. Walls of text are very discouraging to read as they give the impression of a rant rather then a suggestion. (not saying you were ranting from what i can see after the line i read is the details of the system you would do).

I honestly didnt read all of that wall of text you wrote, but the main parts like:

Was answered on the various posts before yours, now you said you read the whole thing, and like i said on my last post, there are lots of stuff here that can be compiled and polished if thats the case, one person came up with an idea, we are discussing it, lots of people gave their opinion and tried to polish the OP idea, i for one am one of them, now you come here say you dont like the idea and with your wall text says:

Its like you are saying, “OP i dont want your idea neither the ones everyone gave here, so i will remake it my way.”

Honestly, if you want to expose your idea here its fine, if you dont like its fine, but dont try to pass over other opinions like that.

I dont know what is wrong with some people on this forum lately, they seem to be kind on the edge with stuff and end up throwing up here on forums, if thats the case the off-topic section is a good place to do that imo.

I didn’t pass over the OP or anyone else. I posted in this thread instead of making a new thread specifically to contribute to this discussion.

I gave my reasons for doing it the way I did. Talk about being on edge?
If you had actually read my post, you would see pieces of things that other people had suggested. You think I’m disregarding people just because I compile suggestions, flesh out ideas, and give a full description of what I come up with?

As I said, everything that has been suggested so far has been more similar to the Dynamic Level Adjustment feature in GW2. Just party based instead of zone based. There’s nothing wrong with this, it’s a great idea, but it’s not a “Mentor System”

Examples of other “Mentor Systems”: Aion Mentor System / Lineage 2 Mentor System

you guys just don’t get it, if you put a reward in the mentor system it will became the norm, it won’t be a option at all, “want the nice item or title?” “go mentor some noob”.

to me a much more elegant way to solve this would be just eliminating the bullshit system that doesn’t allow to receive exp from monsters 20 lvls above or below your level, the old Ragnarok system (before renewal) was better, i could help my little fellows killing pecos and still earn 15% exp, even on lvl 70, after i finished leveling with then, this make the card system much more worth while, i wouldn’t feel like wasting completely my time, i could hunt for minerals, card hydras and tharas and still earn a little exp (even if little).

if i wanted to enjoy the combat and not overkilling all the monsters, i just need to equip lowerlevel weapon, use low level skills, “problem” solved. the cards system, and most importantly, help your friend, should be reason enough to play on low level areas.

a mentor system to me sound a little pointless, but it can be a great idea if we can say that it would be a complete waste of the mentor time, in Ragnarok i could receive cards and a little exp, in tree of savior would be nice to have exp bonus for when the player go back to her/his normal leveling.

And then we have a flood of high level players leveling noobs all around the low level areas because they can level faster killing stuff in 1 hit whch is better than go kill stuff their level that take 3 or more hits, its perfect really? We already discussed that issue on an earlier post here, about reward it doesnt matter much imo, but just my or your opinion wont do, we are dealing with humans, the most greed race on this planet, for many, if there isnt something for then in helping others, they dont think its worth, one can come here and say, “Ah im not greed.” like hell you arent greed, we never have enough no matter what.

And one thing, the system is for all, not only for one or two, the ones being “helped” now might decide to “help” others on the future when they are on the right level to do so.

Maybe but tell me what are you going to give or do for me?

Nothing except the pleasure of my company lol.

“And then we have a flood of high level players leveling noobs all around the low level areas because they can level faster”

why is that a issue? why MUST fight only the high level monsters to level? i liked ragnarok because i was free to go about, it was somewhat realistic, no path set, there are dangerous areas, there are calm areas, each style of gameplay is more successful in specific areas, some can kill many weak enemies with one atk and earn enough exp, because numbers = hard, one mistake = mobs butchering you, and risk should be rewarded, right?

it’s is all in the gameplay, one agi knights(ish) will mostly prefer fighting one mob at time, so fight in the range of 20 levels is reasonable, but sorceress/wizards/priests/casterswhatever may prefer fighting against hordes, minimizing the mana cost for mob, not needing to rest to recover each 5 minutes.

about the greed thing, i am a optimistic and i won’t go to devolve in the issue, i will go around it and point out that, if you put a reward, a.k.a and advantage in the reward system, it won’t be optional, it will be the norm, to be a option it needs to go like this “if people want to help players, pliz do, if don’t, whatever”.

the game look like have a lot of areas, a lot of monsters, and if it is truly about exploration, it won’t be everybody who will manage to pass through all the areas, i want to explore, collect cards, but if i can’t even earn a little exp in the processes, then i will stuck leveling wise, i won’t be progressing and this is frustrating, the feeling is of be wasting time, areas that are underlevel became useless content and a burden, if the game is about exploration i should be rewarded for that, even if is a humble 0.02% exp