Tree of Savior Forum

Mentor System for Characters

That is true. However, if the system is incorporated into the current party system, where your level gets scaled back to the lowest level player in your party so that you can Even Share EXP… then the reward is that you can Even Share EXP with people normally outside of your level range. That is a “reward”, right?

Yes, as my posts are just my own thoughts on the matter too, and about the icoins, since we are on beta yet, not only international but on Korea also, and unless someone confirm, icoins on the adventurers diary as far as my concern will disapear and something else might take place on that, i dont know what they will do, if they will only add gold as reward for completing it, or will be a mix of items that we easily get like materials or it will be some mix of both + CS items like costumes dyes and what not…

Indeed theres that side to it too, which is why i think mentor points/coins could be good for access to specific areas or even to play some minigames, even if those dont give items or money, but at least provide some fun or buy some funny items like temporary transformations or fireworks or aura effects with no stats boost

Indeed, i do think it should work like GW2, where your level get scaled to the area and also the exp you receive, but that brought up another thinking, what if the high level players decide to stick to the low level area just for that? Other thing is, plvling sellers could abuse from that too, unfortunately we cant get rid of those paratites no matter what we do, but what i came up to was, if one can only mentor for around 4 hours a day, or less, its up to discuss, i think that shouldnt be a problem, and also, that would avoid high level areas being empty since whoever used up their mentor time whould go back to their area level to finish their business.


Im not opposed to helping lower players but what nando said some people like me would want something my time does have value.

Thats why i think a small reward is fine, not something useless, but not something game breaking either.

Who said about multiboxing?

I say my own opinion … its much better to play the game with my friends with high lvl content that staying at low level content.

Most of the time High level contains the most fun in an MMORPG… i dont like to bond with my friends with grinding that ive endured when i was low lvl…

About that power leveling stuff, you cant actually stopped it whether theres a Mentor System or None… Its always there… Its just that you are going to give incentives to high lvls if you implement one.

And can you give a game ruined by this Power Leveling system… pls state how this game get ruined :smiley: peace!

The problem with mentor systems in most games is that the people using them only want the rewards, and usually don’t care about actually mentoring or helping other players, whats worse is when you have 1 player making multiple characters just for the rewards.

I’d like to see a game that has a mentor system that isn’t abusable, in ToS i think we kinda have something like that in place already but it needs work, right now a higher level player can party a lower level one and help them beat quest bosses, but the high level player only gets a small amount of exp for it and no items, which makes it pointless for them.

An idea i had for a mentor system would be allowing low level players join an instance dungeon as spectators, letting the high level players show them how to beat one of the challenging bosses, and these low level players would be in the party without taking up party slots, also giving the high level players some kind of buff during the instance to make it worth it for them as well. It can work the other way around too with a high level player as the spectator for a low level party doing an instance dungeon, the high level player giving them tips or maybe being a normal party member with no penalty for fighting the lower level monsters while he helps them clear it.

Many asian games allow MB and it cause a freaking problem not only to players but to the game itself, im not pointing fingers, just stating something obvious.

Part of most, if not all Asia made games, but then again, i agree with you there on the grinding part, and no, not many MMO have a fun endgame content.

Conquer Online is a good example, rebirth char farm is strong in there, but in the main problem of that game is, the strong P2W police they adopt.

Exactly, but then again, like i stated on my other post, something not useless but something not game breaking either, i for one dont mind help, but when i feel like it, not for rewards but for my own mood.

This is why the mentor system could be applied, the mentor have his level decreased to a range close to the one mentored, they can do the quest the same way they would do if they where just partying to level.

In part, this is one hell of a nice idea, but the buff part is tricky, which could bring abuse to it dependind on what kind of buff is being applied.

This too is nice to be applied, but i think the high player just as spectator could do, or:

And in case of skills being OP:

A level sync system is a very common element for MMOs nowadays, and rightfully so. It’s incredibly punishing to force people to make alts when they want to play with friends, especially when maxing a single character is probably going to be such a large time investment in this game.

One caveat is the issue of gear, and how it would scale. With gear being a chunked level system, scaling gear stats will be a bit tricky, even moreso with certain gear that has bonus stats. I suppose they could just make a ratio for each level section (15, 40, 75, 120, 180, etc) and just scale it down that way.

Already in the game the gear level range should be enough to work as synced gear, taking note that the gear quality will be kept, which mean that the mentor gear is better than the mentored unless the mentored got a gear of same quality as the mentor, which i think its kinda hard at low levels, but will depend on the drop rate and rng all the same.

._. I feel the opposite way about this xD lol. No level sync encourages me to make alts and adds replayability to the game, but I wouldnt mind if we had a level sync(it should not be too benefitial for the high level player tho)

Knowing how long it takes to get to 200 with rates that are above the release (most likely), it’s safe to say I’m not going to be looking for “replayability” options for quite some time. I mean, making alts is fun and all for playing with friends who are coming into the game late, but in terms of playing with those who have less time to play, level syncing is the way to go.

It needs to be beneficial to the higher level player, or else there is literally no reason to do it aside from just hanging out, in which you might as well make an alt to not be wasting time. Not in the sense that level syncing is better exp than normal exp, but it needs to be at least somewhere near the same amount, or, once again, why bother. And, I mean, FFXI / FFXIV level syncing had things working great. The only issue is balancing EXP for the larger level gaps (FFXI had a fairly standardized exp gain system, while FFXIV gave bonus exp for dungeons). Since grinding is going to be the main aspect of where level syncing comes into play, I feel like some sort of level difference to bonus ratio should be used to make it worthwhile, but in check with non-synced exp gains.

It cant be near the same amount of exp you’d get by doing your own stuff. Remember it has been said that difficulty of bosses scales a lot during the higher levels compared to the stuff you kill through 50-100, same with mobs. Higher level mobs you find stuff that resist elements and etc, if you can just go grind low level easy mobs with level sync and get almoist the same exp, then it’ll encourage syncing more than playing in your own levels.

The increase in difficulty isn’t that high. And I’m not saying ti should be the same - it should be lower. Just worthwhile.

Speaking from experience, you usually spend most of your time grinding by 2-3 shotting mobs, regardless of level. And certain mobs are going to resist you, no matter where you’re at.

i agree MMORPGS need this level sync for friends xD

With the massive amount of levels in this game, having a mentor system instead of having to reroll to play with your friends/random new people would be great. Some issues pop up however:

Skills: Do you keep your, say, Rank 7 skills or just plop back into Highlander for the duration? The latter one is probably the safest pick

Equipment: Now, you can always normalize the stats, but it’s possible that there’s equipment that has special effects which can’t be normalized, for example ‘extra damage every 3rd attack’.

EXP: Does the mentor gain exp too? If there was the absolute best leveling spot in game but only at level 50 area, people would most likely just Mentor only to grind there for exp (granted it’s efficient).
This causes sort of a bottleneck for the area as people have a hard time grinding and gaining levels due to crowd, being stuck at 50, while the higher level areas would be emptier.

This is a magnificent idea! Albeit being imperfect, it becomes a nice addition into the game as I once thought too that grinding up levels would be a concern for me once I start working for real XD

What i propose to the idea was basicaly what you are indicating here, yes, let say you are a Rank 7 and you start playing from the start together with a friend on your main char rank 7, your level, stats and skill level will all drop to acomodate the level you got decreased, which mean that your Rank2 to Rank 7 will be locked for the time being (until you reach the correct level or turn off the mentoring), the skills and its levels will unlock by the time your level go up (it have to accompany the disciple or w/e will be called level).

This is one of the main problems found on the idea, what i propose was to make it timed per day, lets say an exemple of 4-5 hours allowed to mentoring per day. Or instead of EXP, the mentor get more money, or have a sligly higher item drop rate, up for discussion.

Holy cow! A not bad Mentor Idea suggestion!

I strongly disagree with the OP’s idea of a mentor system. It sounds more like a standard system for higher level players to play with their lower level friends than a mentor system.

Instead of commenting on all of the suggestions that have been made previously, I feel it will be more effective to just post my own suggestions of for a mentor system.

I’ve played several games with a mentor system, and I’ve seen it any number of ways. My view of a mentor system is a means to reward veteran players for helping new players, both strangers and friends alike.
Veteran players need to be able to help other people and not completely gimp their own progression. It will promote grouping with new players and teaching them in a balanced manner that is effective for both the mentor and apprentice.
There are several questions to answer to flesh out such a system.

How will the mentor assist the apprentice?
What will the mentor get for helping, and how will he get it?
How will it be balanced?
Can the mentor have multiple apprentices?
How can we prevent abuse?
When does the mentor system stop?

If I were to implement a mentor system:

The mentor system would be for level 1-150.(You shouldn’t need a mentor after level 150)
You can only mentor if you are level 250 or higher.
You could have multiple apprentices. Up to 5 or 10 at a time.
A apprentice may only have one mentor.
The apprentice or mentor can cancel the mentor system at any time.

There would be a mentor chat. Like party chat, but for the mentor and his apprentices only. Each mentor would have their own chat.

You would receive your incentive whenever an apprentice of yours levels up. The incentive would be either a special mentor currency, or Exp/Zeni equivalent to killing 25 monsters of your own level.

While you are grouped with your apprentice there would be a counter keeping track of your apprentice growth. The counter would go up by 1 for every 1% exp the apprentice gains. When the apprentice reaches level 150 and graduates the mentor system, the mentor would receive 10 monsters worth of exp/zeni for every 100 points of the grouped exp % counter.
The counter would only be active if an apprentice was the party leader. When an apprentice is the party leader, the mentor has their level/stats reduced to the equivalent level of the apprentice. If there are multiple apprentices in the party the mentor level/stats will be equivalent to the lowest level apprentice in the party.
While the mentor has their level reduced to that of their apprentice, they will only be able to use equipment for that level.
Any equipment that requires a higher level would be locked. The mentors skills beyond the level would also be locked. To balance this, the mentor would receive a 10% buff to all stats while level reduced. While level reduced the mentor would receive exp appropriate to the level of mobs that are being killed. This would not affect the exp incentive that is received when an apprentice levels up.

This should make it worth while for the mentor whether actively grouped with the apprentice or not.
The balance to this system would be in the %'s and number values. These would need adjusting accordingly and are only used as an example.
A system would need to be in place to prevent abuse while not detracting from the mentors incentive.
Either limiting the number of apprentices that the mentor can have at one time, or limiting the number of different apprentices the mentor can have over the span of one or two weeks.

What do you like/dislike about this system? If you dislike it, how would you change it? Is it missing something?

Sorry i couldnt read all the text wall, but from your last line it feels more like you started the post lol.

If you read the whole thread me and some others suggested some stuff, honestly the idea i gave isnt bad, but can be polished, same goes for others.