Tree of Savior Forum

Megaphones need a minimum level!

This is going to be a very simple post.

Silver Spammers are a plague.
If Megaphones were impossible to use on a server until level 40 or 50 it would get very quiet very fast.

Can I get some support here?


Yeah! LF> Support. We also want more compensation too, cuz you know… we like free stuff!

That would be nice. I’m sick of constantly seeing Silver sellers in the middle of my screen. It’s too distracting.

lvl 100 would b perfect


Perfect idea!!! :comet::comet:

I agree with this and most people who are real player should agree as well.

Completely agree with this! It feels like I can’t even go a full 60 seconds without getting a huge wall of yell spam from a gold seller. Blocking them gets irritating fast when you’re trying to actively do anything. Not just that, but with the infinite restraints I’ve seen in this game, I’m just waiting to hit that limit for how many people can be in your block list.

I agree, this guy explains how gold sellers work How SPAM BOTS work

It’s definitely a proper move to stop the gold sellers IMO. In game GM could also instakick gold spammers!

Live my thread, live!

+11111111111111111 totally agree

Megaphones : Addition of a Lv. 40 restriction to usage

YUP THEY NEED TO MAKE IT LEVEL 100 MINIMUM. there is no reason to use any other level.

my block list was more than my friend list…i’m gonna see how many more i’m gonna deal with it…that would be a great idea…