Tree of Savior Forum

Meet-up the GM! We\'re back again! April 3-4

Just the same old Game Masters (more like Goofer Masters since they can’t do much).

They will probably answer the things that where already posted in the news and stuff that aren’t will be answered by, we can’t say for sure but the dev team know or something along those lines.


We are going to relay that those opinions on Meetup. I hope you understand that, It is because about the linguistic problem that the Devs cannot communicate directly.


I still find hard to believe a group of developers who don’t know basic english exist. But oh well, the world is vaste.


Will you be there Yuri?

I know that you only have a player account, but since I know that at least you and GM Grape are doing a serious job at reporting and communicating, that would give me the opportunity to take this meet-up seriously.

I don’t want to show up to get false promises just so we keep playing and stay happy for a few weeks more.

I wrote that but I deleted it because I didn’t want to sound like I’m provoking…


Yeah I know that, but I did provoke a bit.

I hate people hiding behind others and hiding the truth.

I’m not saying they should tell everything, but at least try not to cover it with absurd lies.


Can someone have them clarify as to exactly what they said here:

Because the /pump channel crash command was not fixed for over six months past launch and people are documented back around April being a huge problem making obscene +20 equipment and things. There was Staff responses about this “being investigated” but never really any posts about bans or clarification that you actually made sure nobody got away with these items. This around the time when literally half the player base just stopped playing and more than likely a major factor for that reason.

Because from what it sounds like they are saying “the exploits were not that bad or didn’t exist or else we would have rolled back” to me. Biggest concern to someone like me and potentially others is the game integrity is so far beyond compromise in this aspect from cheaters, botters, and RMT that there’s no point in me coming back even try competing with them if more restrictions are put in an attempt to stop it. This is the case of doing too little, too late then with the current hurdles bugs provide of actually playing the game it puts a proverbial nail in your coffin.

This putting aside game mechanic balance is your biggest uphill battle because of double downing on tokens, trade restrictions, and everything tried to maintain that integrity hurting more than actually acting as the firewall you wanted it to be. If this game wants to survive it needs a total image rework in the eyes of players that it isn’t a buggy game which cheaters have got away with murder for a year and having the GM or Staff say things like this isn’t really going to help when everyone playing around that time KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.


Confirmed as part of the dev team…

We can’t have the developers discuss issues and concerns with international players but here are some other guys! They will really make sure to get everything conveyed to them through our tiny in game chat box which a player has to post for other players. We call this trickle down ecomechanics.


It’s too advanced for this company, they don’t have the technology to implement that.

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This is a nice idea to give players false hope, cliff hanger answers and Unclear idea of where the game is going.

Happy 1 year aniv [2.9k strong]

~waiting for dem flags

The technology is sadly already there like Twitch where other companies live stream their PR and announcements with promotions. All they need is a webcam and a computer which I am sure is possible for them to have already. They don’t even need to speak in English because fans translate things later and then bilingual Staff can mediate from the chat. Just looking at the past history of these GM meeting has anything really productive even came of them other than basically being told that the powers at be prevent anything from happening?


Ahhhh that reminds me of Blade and soul NA launch streams

They have a thing for Facebook, I wonder if it’s some kind of fetish in the east or just theirs, they don’t use their own official site to do some events neither convey some info…


Why does it have to be so late… in the middle of the week :expressionless:

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As I told to you in other thread these stuff were handled, some might have benefited. But again, let me ask you, can you give me absolute proof that those +20 equipment that weren’t banned were really caused by crash + enhancement and not really something else, even a rare lucky streak case?

The initial bug was handled, but what I’m exactly asking you is: Do you have any proof to what you are saying? Or are you trying to scale an old issue up by making up story?

Also weren’t you in another thread saying the GMs denied exploits when you read that line? Did you change your opinion on this?

The same goes here. You compared Boleto exploit that accounts were banned and the effect wasn’t so great compared to some other game having players abusing millions and millions of tradable market currency without any restriction. Do you have any thing that shows that a big scale issue wasn’t handled?

I do agree with you that hook64, RMT and stuff damages the game really bad, as well AFK farming. Again, what I’m asking, aren’t you trying to make up stories comparing this to the previous case? For example, wanting IMC rolling back server daily because someone warped somewhere for free, crashed someone else or killed someone in TBL with some AoE hack? While real issues, aren’t you wanting to make them epic-grade issues and asking for roll back on a daily basis?

When it’s clearly possible for IMC to roll back characters stats like they did in first months of kTOS when someone abused a bug where some monsters were giving more silver than they should in a an event that wasn’t supposed to drop silver at all? So, why do you ask a server roll back when this is possible?

I play since launch. There are issues, it’s true, it’s not false. The game does need a total image rework.

So why these people who don’t even play anymore keeps killing productive discussions?

Let’s start on our side too as community. Instead of putting all efforts into making issues appear worse than they are, why not put all efforts into making we show as a good community other players may want to be part of? A good community also complains about bugs, in a civilized way, without putting up false claims. On point reports makes things easier than extravagantly doomy report that lacks details or, even worse, provide false information that makes it harder to track down.

Or do you find it easier to just complain and post meme/images afterwards, so you can exclude yourself from the community and put fire on things and point fingers without being on the stage yourself?

@STAFF_Yuri Ive had 1 issue with ToS since CBT1 and even KCBT1. The head spinning bug. This bug is the worst thing ever, I see it every time I log in. I think its related to AMD processors.

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You can keep posting paragraphs trying to discredit and defame me then IMC can keep making excuses as to why their developers will always be detached from iTOS but nobody in their right mind buys into it with the current game state. Your paragraph spam saying hurt durr where is the evidence with Staff hiding posts on the forums that are related to said problems.

Ever think about that one with Staff going and hiding topics then your whole argument hinges on hurr durr the evidence that they went and hid? Hurr durr lets spam topics derailing and bloating them with BS while IMC goes and covers everything in the shadows.

That is really going to bring back players.

In b4 the proof like they dont hide threads.


They aren’t hiding true posts. They are hiding posts that trolls themselves spammed daily or clearly troll topics by itself.

If you report something properly or make a civilized discussion without making up things, posts won’t get hidden. Why don’t you test it?

Or… since you say this that way, can you tell me one valid topic without trolls doing their stuff that got hidden out of the blue?

Yes, those “true posts” just like people saying there were “fake” Steam reviews? Hurr durr post evidence you are a liar nobody ever said that right?

Hurr durr Sadhu isnt a bad class they hid it because of trolls. It is almost like the more you struggle trying to defame my posts the worse this sure looks.


You’re free to post anything to shut me up right now. Like I asked in that other thread:

So, where’s it? Shut me up right now!

And in what does Sadhu threads relates to current topic? Where’s any example of valid complaint topics without trolls that were hidden?