Tree of Savior Forum

Meet-up the GM! We\'re back again! April 3-4

Yes, those “true posts” just like people saying there were “fake” Steam reviews? Hurr durr post evidence you are a liar nobody ever said that right?

Hurr durr Sadhu isnt a bad class they hid it because of trolls. It is almost like the more you struggle trying to defame my posts the worse this sure looks.


You’re free to post anything to shut me up right now. Like I asked in that other thread:

So, where’s it? Shut me up right now!

And in what does Sadhu threads relates to current topic? Where’s any example of valid complaint topics without trolls that were hidden?

Or I could just ignore you and you will shut up anyways? If people want to know things they can just do a search themselves because the Staff conveniently hid most of these posts. I don’t need to humor you in any shape or form which is funny that you think secretly this will one day get me banned or to stop posting. I could even use your little script and never see a single post by you ever again in extreme irony.

Then you will just look like a crazed lunatic replying to someone’s posts every topic stalking them on a personal vendetta because that is what you are right now. Thanks for the derail though really happy to have you help me address the Staff post hiding thing.


You have nothing to counter, change topic/ignore. Pretty smart. Mr. Liar. Everyone should support your own arguments that you can’t, rofl.

The script is on my profile page and it’s an even better version than the one before, feel free to use it. :3

Like I said, I’m just replying to you so you don’t keep up bringing lies trying to makes issues worse than they are. Why is it so hard for you to discuss something valid?

According to LunarRabbit logic if you can’t find a detailed post about this actually being a problem then you are a liar. Hook64 clearly has not done any long term damage worthy of roll backs or wipes. I am sorry no hablos englis no problemo.


I will take chocolates and flowers

No. If you say something valid but can’t find something it’s ok.

But if you’re saying something out of your mind but that never happened and can’t find anything, you’re just being delusional.

Lunar what hes saying did happen and they were exploiting enhancing with channel crashes. I know this because Ive seen it happen so many times that it made me investigate “hook64”. That exploit is the reason i even know about it.

It was a premium feature for hook64 customers who paid 200$.


I never said it didn’t happen.

The issue with people with +60 gears was solved. I don’t doubt GMs handled what they had tools to check with.

Does it still works? Doesn’t work? Since when? Do we have enough data to tell that those +20 (if there’s still any around) are really cheated?

Doesn’t kTOS have a +22 Mana mana with Transcendence?

That’s my point.

Oh Im not saying it still works i know IMC already resolved the issue. I think @ophiuchu just wants IMC to own up to it. They made the situation look minor like it was nothing. When the issue really did deserve a server reroll.


Then what I’m saying is:

Can’t IMC simply roll back the person’s gear like they did with silver? Why do they need to reroll all the other players that spent time with the game?

Isn’t it easier to just deal with the issue where it happened instead of scaling it to entire server? Let’s say a guy who got +15 by luck that day, for example. Or the other one who got two good loots from a cube.

Isn’t it easy to scale issues to something higher when you don’t even play the game?

Honestly I think they didn’t want to do a server reroll because of how many bugs they could possibly encounter. But since the issue was resolved and you don’t see these items often, I’m content.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. Klaipeda is a “small” server. I don’t know any person on end content walking around with +20-30 gear. I do know (I think) someone who got a +17 Mana mana for “fun”.

I can’t say about other servers tho but I’d honestly expect more people complaining if that was the case.

That’s my point that the issue isn’t necessarily as big as @ophiuchu may point out. If you just babble it out without even playing the game it’s just speculation, there’s no credit at all on it.

Maybe because most of these people have quit already? They are like Soviet “beating the game” then moved on to the next. Are you seriously that dense. Hurr durr I don’t see anyone running around with +25 gear from a year now so that must mean it wasn’t a problem back then merriting any roll backs making the GM statements right.

You apply the same logic IMC applied by hiding threads and ignoring problems for a year so it stopped being an issue because everyone who cared left and cheaters got bored leaving too. That is no excuse.

Hurr durr the only person left complaining about issues unresolved is Ophiuchu so next we got to get rid of this guy so there is no problems again. I don’t see anyone else because 100,000 people still login daily playing the game meaning it is not dead.

Everything you say is actually the flawed needing to be debunked which I just don’t even care to bother any more.


In fact, Soviet did had a +20 sword:

From a video that clearly shows he abused hacks:

And as well I reported him on TBL myself.

Now, where’s the other “ton” of people you said they had +20 weapons? Is the ton of people only 1?

And you will rollback the servers back a year to R7 because of one person? Isn’t it plain easier to rollback the weapon state only and apply sanctions on him?

Why do you insist that rollbacks are the only solution when they can work on the problem itself? Isn’t rollbacks a tool to deal with exploits/issues that affects a lot of people instead of an isolated case which should have been sanctioned?

I too agree that IMC should have been harsher on him, even based on the reports on forums. But to be fair, he didn’t play on my server so I couldn’t get any more info if he was ever banned for anything or not.

But IMC did ban another user for the same issue:

And this goes back to what I asked you:

As much as I trust Soviet did abuse cheats to get his weapon to +20, knowing that he had “infinite silver” by RMT he could just anvil’d it to +20 until something worked (which I doubt).

Aside from him I can’t recall anyone who had +20 things that I see around, do you have any more names?

And it fits pretty much what I said:

If you search all reports I did about him, I never reported him because a +20 weapon but because concrete reasons with concrete reports.

They are hiding trollish threads and threads who got a lot of posts going off-topic, fighting with each other or purely trolls. If this is applying the same logic, I agree.

Now, may you cite one problem of big scale that IMC is ignoring for a year like you say?

Or is your post just an ad hominem argument?

Shigeru Miyamoto starter truly learning english last year…

not that rare when they have translators at hand xD

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Do you honestly think most people are stupid enough like Soviet to openly flaunt hacked items on the forums like they are legit? The smart ones did not say anything with their +20 weapons in their ears, eyes, nose all just hacking to the point they didn’t even need permanent items either.

I also like how when ever I find something you have to back pedal digging this hole so far that nothing I say matters Mr. Findonethingandiwillshutup you are a joke.


Guess who won’t be there.Why ppl bother showing up?It’s only the GM’s (the ones who relay information) not the Developers (The ones who actually changes the game).

The Gm’s can’t answer the real questions and will tell you this *cough *cough clear throat

We will take note and inform the developers…LMAO that’s it
It’s not the GM fault but their roles are useless.They’re aren’t even around monitoring the game for themselves to relay information.Why you think this forum exist?The forums does the EXACT SAME JOB AS THE GM.

How hard is to create a test server will the GM’s can play on and test the game for themselves.


No, if you read my posts I do say that some may have benefited from those. But the issue was solved. And like I said, at least in Klaipeda I can’t recall anyone with +20 weapons on GvG, TBL, Earth Tower or any content like this when the bug was around.

Maybe they stopped on +10 or +15? Who knows. Do you have enough data to talk about it? But wait, if they used it to get +10 or +15, that people normally gets, is it that a reason for rolling back the entire server?

That’s my whole point.

  1. You claim that everyone is defending IMC. They are not.
  2. You claim that people are denying exploits. They are not.
  3. You claim that GMs are denying exploits. They are not, exploits were fixed.
  4. You claim that there are currently issues lasting for a year. Where are them? I’m asking, where?
  5. You finally bring a real issue that happened on the past, and like I said, some may have benefited from it. But guess what? Our points of views on it are different and you start going for ad hominem instead of discussing.

But there’s one problem that even yourself agrees:
IMC doesn’t have too many people working, right? There are a lot of factors. When you don’t have a proper team it is likely that some may end up benefiting from issues.

There are a lot of variables that mess up finding people cheating hidden. Especially when those things happens in low scale. Doesn’t that fit what the GM said in the first place?

“If they did exist, and were as bad as they were thought to be, the servers would have been rolled back”

Maybe it wasn’t “everyone with +20 weapons” like you said? And the people who got banned and didn’t spam forums “I’m banned, unban me” etc?

But that’s changing right now, you’re even seeing GMs spawning Grim Reapers on Dina Bee. That’s a good sign that they actually have more people now, right?

Well, if you get a machine gun firing at all topics, changing them on every few posts of a discussion, you’re likely to find something that you can support, right? rofl

But please, wake up and stop being “that guy”, it isn’t because something exists that you can scale it and it will be truth. Like I’ve been saying you the whole time, take real issues and discuss them with concrete things, what’s so hard in this?

So, I’ll ask again, do you have any more names to support your claim that there were lot of people with +20 equipment, enough to roll back servers, in that time?

I do agree that IMC should have dealt better with the situation, but from it being solved and those people with +60 gear being banned. I do think that it’s far from ignoring an issue.

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