Tree of Savior Forum

Matador is the worst out of the new r9 classes

Correction: falconer c1 is better than c2.
i only interested in capote, so matadorc1 is enough (if and only if it is on par with swash)

Swordsman tree is rigid because of the lack of autoswap despite having weapon restrictions like archer tree. To add salt to the injury, swordsman felt the CC nerf the most because it’s mini CCs (restrain and knockdowns) was nerfed close to nothingness, while cryos and kinos still do just fine, as we notice most swordsman builds rely on corsair class for a reliable CC.

Some possible fixes:

  • autoswap and tweak skill weapon compatability e.g 2H and shield skills in general

  • rework aoe attack ratio (another feature which swordsman mostly suffer)

  • change nature of buff; buff doesn’t disappear when weapon switching but wont work if not in required weapon, will only work again if switched back to right weapon e.g swash, finestra

  • reduce cast and delay time and expand hitboxes further.

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I feel like they could do to lower the cooldown for Capote and Ole atleast. The 30s / 50s length of them is kinda bad…

Because Pelt’s taunt has a lower cooldown, you wouldn’t pick Matador over Pelt for the taunt alone… because Pelt is much more accessible at a lower rank for pve stuff, and you’d be looking for strong attacks later.
The crit rate on Ole is pretty nice atleast, but I don’t think it has that much reliability…

But then the crit taunt is mostly the entire reason to pick the class over some other dps, because Paena is an ok rng attack and Paso Doble is just a stronger, swirly Bash.
I don’t pvp, but Muleta and Butt Dodge don’t really seem like they’d be effective for that either…

I mean if it was a blue class I’d understand the choices abit more, because that’s basically what it’s leaning toward (despite having yet another shield restriction…).

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Kino may even have Control but Cryomancer completely loses its effectiveness if you have one Plague Doctor on the other team. The Cryo control does not get weak, it does not exist against a PD.

that’s because swords suck as weapon in this game =, and with hackapel introduction they made it pretty clear they intend to balance swords as a sub weapon, not a main one.

I can say Pied Piper is the worst out of the new R9 classes without testing it :crazy_face:.

You guys…

Implying matador wasn’t thoroughly tested by quite a few people within the community?

Aite BET

If you have understood my statement, I was correlating the nerf in CC to all general CC, which affects swordsman mostly than other classes, outside factors like PD or even oracle prophecy isn’t to be considered.

Implying we don’t even have it on IToS, we don’t know everything about it because it’s too much recent. Zealot is obviously strong because there is nothing to discuss about it, while Matador is a trick based class. Cannot be worst than old Sadhu (please don’t remember my words if I was wrong :tired:).

Just to say we discovered some tricks by combining some skills just by exploring the game, hype just killed this class.

you…you know a lot of people on here have access to ktest/ktos accounts right?

Ofc, how could it invalidate what I am saying ?

You must practice a lot to use this skill. The counter timer is very short.

If you need ktos user feedback:
Buff time on Ole too short.
Capote nerfed too much (10 targets --> 5 targets, 50% crit debuff --> 50 debuff). CD worse than swashbuckle.
Paso doble knocks mobs around, bad for grouping.
Paena cd too high, only decent damage skill.
Swordie dash outperforms backslide.
Muleta unusable.
Matador2 = low utility & 1 usable damage skill.

Muleta cannot proc if you block or dodge the hit. You must take damage


Because players with access to kTest and kTos have been testing it for weeks… that’s why it invalidates your point.

Indeed it invalidates my point if you’re not even reading what I said. Or if you don’t know stories of some ToS classes.

Someone tell you you can’t know if something is good or not because you don’t know if you explored everything about it, you still think you know everything ? Damn.

And “weeks” please, weeks ?

@greyhiem Anything about PvP ?

Well yeah, weeks, R9 patch hit kTEST on 19th October if I remember correctly, and kTOS on 2nd November, so it’s atleast 3 weeks in my book… most of the replies I’ve seen here are from players who did test things out, so these are not baseless complains in my opinion, but they’re making some valid points.
I agree you need more time to understand how a character fully works, but surely you can get a pretty damn good idea after 3 weeks of testing, don’t you think…?

I have nothing about complains nor I said it was baseless informations, what greyhiem stated above is mostly true. Even worse it seems Muleta is totally bugged.

3 weeks is not enough for me, even on live servers. And here, people in KTest had a lot of problems, plus they don’t have the time to test everything. There’s not only Matador to test and they need to test it with all sort of builds. Most people test it like they had only Matador, truth is, now in ToS sinergy is an important aspect of the game. While this class seems to be PvE oriented, I feel like it is more a PvP class with some PvE skills.

Anyway, some builds have been discovered really late, and some of them are so unpopular people think they are bad or impossible to play. We’re not going to know what Matador is capable of with feedbacks and short videos, not like Zealot which is almost a standalone class (Cleric tree :wink:). And I’m sure we are even going to discover new things about Zealot later, and Shadowmancer, and Bullet Marker.

There is a fencer3 but no matador

Muleta would be nice to counter melee at pvp, however it does not negate the damage of the hit you receive. If you die after taking a hit, you won’t be able to deliver a counterattack. And if you block or dodge the hit, you won’t counterattack. Once you succeed, your counterattack can still be blocked and dodged. Using muleta will make you immobile (animation time).

You can watch a match with the fencer3 in enemy team (video time around 36:30):
Around video 46:30, fencer is on allied team.

@Proxied 's beloved fencer shinobi.

Before, Stabber (the fencer-shinobi) was a matador. Has resetted since. Match with him on allied team.

Oh yeah I’ve seen him in the tbl videos but I need to see the young pve. I wonder how he will do later in the week when the rankings have more time to accumulate, because even for stabber, whos consistently been high ranked in KR, it will probably be even more difficult to get anything accomplished in tbl regardless of having shinobi as a fencer.

When everyone gets a more aoe friendly and farther range balestra, it makes it even more difficult for the class to get anything accomplished.

buuut he isn’t a pve build so I don’t expect to see any pve from him.

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I’m really giving up on ToS this time. They can’t for the love of god get the only class I play correct. There’s no diversity in the builds as there has too many restrictions. The devs has been far too lazy on the Swordsman tree.

With ping like ours (most of the players I mean), nobody will use that Muleta. They delay will frustrate a lot of players. lol

EDIT: Flagged for stating my opinion. 'kaaaaay

TBH, I didn’t even like them changing the class system, or maybe they should have chosen to start the horizontal expansion with rank 8 instead. They fooooooked up Fencer-Matador with that one. Either you have a meh Fencer2, or Matador2. I’m starting to think that the class system is really messed up at this point.

First I would like to say that of all arguments here, the only one that is sh1t is about the nature of the Matador. Plz dont be a fagget.

With that aside, Matador is a class that has a good design, but for some reason the developers did not want to make the skills what they should be.

Muleta is a damn counter attack, so it should at least reduce/negate the damage, the most obvious would be a 100% dodge effect and then the counter.

Critical chance from Olé should be more significant, maybe creating a stacking mechanic with how much you dodge, I don’t know.

I don’t think Capote needs to taunt more targets or have better CD, it just needs to be authentic. A weaker version of something that already exists is the worst game design possible.

Backslide should have at least guaranteed dodge and not 50% (which was not even something that was there). The ideal was to have a damn invincibility during the animation. C’mon, it is rank 9, we are gods already.

Paena being a RNG is something that I don’t understand very well. I think it could increase the chance with critical rate, dunno… Nah, hit variation is the dumbest idea I have seen.

And there is something that is lacking SINCE the Fencer1 circles: a damn vital point/weak point exposer. Don’t know what that could be made of, but Fencing is about hitting a point that makes you win. Matador could do that with Capote or Ole, maybe a Pierce vulnerability would suffice.

It is like the developers think Rapier classes will be too broken, so they prefer the weaker end. I think there are better ways of balancing a high damage class than making a useless version of it.

Anyway, I will do Matador1 and 2 with my Fencers because I am a rapier player masochist. But my guides will surely recommend using Shinobi as rank9 for new players.