Why so serious, kid?
No one stops you from playing the same useless character. Fortunately we have only two sw3cata3 facerollers on Varena/Telsiai TBL left, who just can’t realise that this build is no longer viable. They just run around and get carried on TBL by other people, that’s how they even get rank now. Too hard to adapt, I guess.
You’re implying that I don’t know that cata is trash lately (like since April’s rehaul) ?
Believe me, I know. That’s excactly the point I’m making. Some players just can’t get over once shiny catagoon era and play something different. 'Cause something more complicated than pushing 3 buttons is just too much for them, apparently.
And that’s excactly why such a beautiful in terms of mechanics class (I hope it will be) as Matador, will be wasted. But I would gladly try out TBL Matador if I’ll have free time and resources.
Guy’s very toxic guy, most of the server dislike him, just don’t wan’t him spreading his toxicity on swordsman forums furthermore.
By that you imply, those two catas get carried everytime? they don’t rank top but ranks consistently even their build is ‘barely’ viable. Unlike whose name appears when build is still viable then disappears when not and calls it ‘adapting’.
Anyway, please stay on topic.
I wonder why the thread starter didnt flag the flamer
why are here on sw discussion if you are just attacking the catagoons? Alsoo idk if you should be proud of getting even a rank if you are just using a bugged character build exploiting the magnetic force bug.
I don’t think so, since in the video the character had the buff still after used the skill. Probably you need that buff to use the skill but I don’t think is a channeling one.
Aqua, use an ice on you bottom side.
All characters who have Crowd Control skills are bugged the same way as kino now. Suggest not to play at all?
And I didn’t attack catagoons - scroll up and try to actually read. I just said that Matador will be mechanically high-tier character and, unfotrunately, will be wasted on Varena, beause we don’t have mechanically good swordman players now. Apparentely mechanically low-skilled players, which Varena sw3cata3 are, got very offended with that statement.
Inability to raise actual gaming skill is the very reason, for example, why Varena don’t have a single good PvP Fencer now, though this class is very strong in current TBL.
Lol, so Mata is C8??! AWESOME.
Need to dig more info tho to understand if he’s spear-compatible.
I made an analysis on each Matador skill on my Fencer discord, I’ll be sharing it with you here as well.
Matador Taunt
The evident aspects are that it is a self buff and might be stronger than normal swashbuckler.
My hypothesis are that it might give other bonuses based on how many dodges or kills you get with it on, like stacking an usefull stat.
This is a timed parry that, when in contact with an attack, activates a melee counter-attack, or if you’re like me and like Fencing terms, a Riposte.
It seems to heavily reduce the incoming damage instead of blocking it entirely, though it might be the high defence of the character(which evidently is equipped with one of the best equips of the game). It has a pretty small stab as a Riposte, which makes me wonder if it will really be good against ranged targets.
It might also be one of the effects from the Taunt.
The Backdash
It seems to be a simple fast repositioning skill.
However, the fact that repositioning is not a common thing in ToS makes me think that it must have some effect like immunity during the animation.
Neo Sept Etoiles
A Sept Etoiles clone which seems to have faster animation and seems to be more flexible with reactions. It also seems to have more hits (I might be wrong there).
It could also be the Sept Etoiles from Fencer1, though I find weird for them to do it in a new class showcase.
Dust Cyclone Devil
It seems to be the son of Dust Devil and Cyclone from doppel, hence my temporary name. The main difference from Dust Devil is that it might be based on the main hand.
Also, this skill might also be a Esquive Toucher equivalent, in the meaning that it will deal damage while boosting defensive stats or simply making you immune.
The Korean debuff on Poata reads something which sounds like -capote- (Kapoti), not sure what this means.
Here I read -Muleta- (mulleta).
Might be Spanish words.

Makes sense, considering the class.
Also, I just noticed that serpent effect on the spinning skill… nice.
Hm interesting…
In portuguese capote is an old way of referring to any type of coat, and muleta is the common name for that mobility aid for hurt people, the Crutch.
But yeah, Capote and Muleta might be a better fitting name, as Riposte is specific to fencing.
Hmm… I don’t know, but in the “Matador Taunt” gif, it looks like the character uses two different skills because of the two different aura flashes around the character. (The first one where the character does a twirl (possible a buff of some kind) and then the cape wave (the actual taunt)).
Yeah, I noticed that too. What I suppose that could be is the self buff activation and then the effect of the buff, which could be a reaction of a near target.
That is, a self buff that keeps taunting targets individually as long as it is activated.
I don’t know what were you smoking, but man
Hell no, it is not.
It might just be a buff that allow usage of or buff cape skill, i.e. similar to Murmillo’s helmet.
In particular, at the end of the gif you can see the…cape? on the character’s off hand instead of the dagger she has in other gif (like in the dust devil cyclone one)
Go and watch KToS TBL videos. Fencer has a great burst potential - one of the best among swords.