Tree of Savior Forum

Market restrictions are GARBAGE

That’s exactly what he’s do crying lol but at this point I’m not even sure if he’s just trolling lol. It really isn’t that hard to farm silver.

99% of F2P games don’t make trade and market as premium features,
just saying.
its not about 350k, its not about able to buy using in-game money.
its about the fact to able fully use trade function you need to pay or farm.
while its should be just free.

i know this is not charity, the dev need money, need some feature so made us to pay. but then this is what im exactly talk about since the first day the decide to restrict trade and market.

if they want us to pay, please dont just take basic function, lock it, and make it premium, its a very basic function.
they should make other premium function and make us pay. but definitely not trade.

I do agree that trading should not be locked.

However, it’s fine that market is a bit restricted and taxed, I believe it actually helps the economy.

Trading is not the same as market. They said the trading restrictions were due to botters and gold sellers being able to single-handily destroy a game’s economy, but supposedly they were working on another solution and trying to find a way to make trading more comfortable.

What bothers me is that even being a premium user, I still get punished for trading even between my own characters in my only account. That is pretty damn silly.

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I understand that you can farm the silver, like i said i will try that, but at my current level 400k its a mother f lot, so thats why i currently see it as too much for me, still like the other person said and you agree too, market shouldt be a premium feature, or even like i said, make it a 1 time purchase, you get your money but you dont r us in the ass every moth, that will just not happen.

whats wrong with swearing? I think it’s is in fact a valid way to express ones emotions. and swearing does not mean by any means that the person swearing is a child.
Just because some prudes don’t like it , does not make it bad in any way.

I understand his frustration. And why is it that as soon as someone complains on this forum he/she is a child?
I mean if you can’t give the guy any positive feedback like " chill bruh, it will hopefully get better" ect ect no just go and mock him instead ,I find that behavior more childish.

Don’t have anything positive to say don’t post anything? think that is a valid solution.


I’ve said the same thing here on another topic I made, plus some extras.

Wall of text warning.

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As u can see no off us are swearing or insulting are we.what he’s doing looks like a kid throwing a tantrum. Yea pretty sure every one agrees on the point that the market is pretty bad.but the way he brings it across is pretty bad. Also if we was to go by don’t have anything positive to say. then this post shouldn’t even be here cause it’s pretty negative


You also didnt understand what he said… not surprising since you cant even write correctly.

Bassically he said im free to swear if i want to express my anger and there is nothing wrong with that, and you people calling anyone that complains a child and come here to try to make fun of me or being a mindless fanboy like you weeaboo, thats more childish.

So, yeah, eat that cunt.

unlike u what he says doesn’t affect me lol rite now ur acting like one of those people who’s every one against and finally got some to back u up so ur like yea take that haha im not calling every one that complains a child, im saying u have childish behavior ur acting like one wit all the swearing and insults but if that’s what makes u sleep and night that’s ok

Finish your kinder garden and learn to write properly first and learn to use punctuation also.

Maybe is not that, maybe is the fact that too much weeaboo porn has already consumed your brain and you are surviving with 1 brain cell.

As I said if that what makes u sleep at night then ok calling me a weeaboo or w/e doesn’t really affect me but apparently being called a child affects u hence ur retaliation lol

Oh the hypocrisy of this weeaboo calling me kid when you cant even write properly and put “lol” in every single line, like i said before, do you have an idea how retarded you look?

U seem to care how I look thanks LOL

Market is bad if you’re free to play, that’s why I barely use it. But, guess what? I have over 800k silver. I sometimes sell stuff on the market, but other than that I turn profit from silver drops, half of the profit is from dungeons too, and I’m a swordsman. If I can manage to turn profit from dungeons after repairing equipment then you can make some silver killing mobs outside. If you aren’t high enough level to farm silver from mobs, then wait until you are, because you won’t need to access the market that badly until then. And before you spew out some bull about how I must be 200+ I’m 154, fairly high, but I got there in about a month or so. This game doesn’t require you to have much silver either, just enough for a weapon upgrade here and there.

P.S. Insulting someone’s grammar and spelling on the internet and cussing them out and name calling is not equal to having an argument or expressing emotions. Some people don’t speak english as a first language. Calling someone a weeaboo doesn’t making you cool and cussing doesn’t make you look cool, if you want to cuss then do it, but don’t just throw out profanity every few words as if it strengthens your argument somehow.

Hey, let’s do this instead then.
Start spamming that wants to sell an item on the town and shout chat to see if something will change.

I got the point of farming the silver already please read the entire post.

Now about the insulting part i have every right to do it to someone that comes and starts trolling me, look at how that weeaboo cunt started to respond me and then you will see why i have it where i have it now, on his f kneees.

So take that into consideration before you start white knighting again please.

You are probably going to be banned even faster than a gold spammer.

It seems you dont because you keep posting and embarrassing yourself with this lame ass “comebacks”.