Tree of Savior Forum

Market Price Limit malfunctioning right now:

I personally sold it for 1 mil and 800k already and yesterday it was fine and today it is 222k which is laughable. A single reroll alone costs 60k…

IMC if this is not a malfunction, but by design then I kindly suggest that you take your whole market code and delete it and start from scratch. This isn’t even worth arguing about.


In case you don’t know the item:

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hidden agenda for players to buy token and start using shout. Jk.

Well they can only buy token via packs to trade them. Can’t even buy tokens from the market to start exchanging.

There is almost no way for me to get the real worth of the item anymore. Hardly anyone runs around with 150+ talt…

I have noticed with the server resets the market brackets reset. which should not be occurring.

I have a hard time believing that people actually sold it for less than 200k.

I think if people don’t post anything the bracket starts moving up. This is just speculation though, i don’t know the exact details of how it works. Or why after every reset the market prices are always ■■■■■■ up.

lmfao, i would love to see that.
“Dear players, we have canceled the market.”

then why are you arguing about it?

There is no argument here. Suddenly all items have a price limit and hardly any of these prices match what the items sold for the last days.

Edit: Also it could be something like:

Dear Players,
we have seen the error in our ways. We shall start from scratch with the market code in the meanwhile embrace XYZ compensation

Automated forced deflation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
48 hours duration ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Everybody man your stations ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cheaper Magas in rotation ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Look at this… it’s idiotic

Can’t sell in with his right price…

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bump this isn’t fixed yet. There is already damage happening…

have you considered that maybe this IS a fix, to prevent prices from skyrocketing ridiculously?

i mean jeez, stuff being asked 3m and 5m already…
who needs bots and RMT to break the economy when we try our hardest to shatter it without their help…

So you say it makes sense to you that random white items have a higher price range than lvl 170+ recipes?

Heck some whites have a minimum price that makes them unsellable of 30k+


then why aren’t you complaining about those?

instead of sitting here complaining about not being able to charge extreme prices for a recipe that people are going to grow out of anyway

I am complaining about all prices, but I cannot proof all of them. I have a single maga recipe on hand to showcase it - but I know all of them are the same since ppl start selling them at exactly these prices which wasn’t the case before.

There are tons of white items with a BIGGER price range…

well then sell it for 222,295 then. and next time you get one, sell it for whatever the max is then.

so what if it’s not the 800k / 1m you sold it for the other day.
why does everything need to be priced to the extreme anyway?

we’re not even a month into the game, there’s lots of time to accumulate a ridiculous hoard of silver to sit on.

mate 1 mil for this recipe isn’t extreme. That is literally 2-3 hours of farming high level stuff.

Arde daggers sell for 800k which is a level 90 finished drop while costing 30k a roll.
Also Aias etc which usually goes 2m+ is now capped at 300k.

Everything was fine before they sold for these prices QUICKLY. The system is simply malfunctioning there is no way that suddenly all items trigger the “amount needed so a price is set”.

Well not all items you can still build the weapon and sell it but needless to say the mats are being cleaned out of the AH by ppl with the same idea.

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what are you calling “high level stuff” here?

like 2-3 hours of farming 280 stuff?

or 2-3 hours of farming 170 stuff?

I know you arent there yet, but anything 240+ isnt even tradeable. The difficulty to do these things alone also spirals out of control so you have to party and split the income. Therefor silver farming is better done solo somewhere lower.

Basic stuff like demon prison grind on your own yields 300k per hour in raw silver and there is more stuff you can do. Istoria aswell yields good results + drops you can sell.

Worldboss farming yields good results aswell if you can e.g. do dullahan stuff. Especially overleved since you have access to a lot of them - but that is something guilds do on femidian at least.

Other people have created 4+ lvl 90 chars and just bossrush the dungeon for arde dagger which can also yield a mil in “hours” (not counting the creation of said twink here since that is the investment). A bossrush run takes like 5 minutes tops you cycle all your chars…