Tree of Savior Forum

Market Price Limit malfunctioning right now:

Just look at my screenshot man, that’s skyrocketing prices, all the recipes are selling them for less than the limit it gives me to sell mine… So, don’t be an idiot plz…

Demon prison is only like 200k, and that assumes 1 leather drop per hour, which is kind of unreliable. So getting 1m would take 5 hours orso.

1m isnt slow to get, but its not THAT fast.

I agree that prices are a lot more expensive then they should be. But at the same time these new low prices are too low.

The expensive stuff should be 1-2 mil at most, but the reality is that higher level people are intentionally driving the prices up so they can get their attributes leveled up faster.

In that sense you could consider these new prices ‘divine punishment’, heh.

I juts got the venom recipe and it’s only worth 380k at the market. WTH man.

Additionally I had several people that tried to trade tokens with me but couldn’t trade them although both stated they bought them from the cash shop.

They couldn’t place it in the trade window.

IMC please move in to assist it becomes impossible to trade like this

Hey guys,

I’ve same issue with Viper Recipe ( 6 stars Bow lv120+)
Yesterday, recipe price in market was 1.8m and when I want to sell at the same price… but I cannot ! Highest price limit is about 440 120 silvers

:scream: please IMC do something !


Hah, can’t sell a Catacombs Blade recipe for more than 500k. ■■■■■■■ joke, really.

Yes it is completely bogus but the people are too retarded to notice the malfunction. You talk to them about it “maybe many sold for that price before” “maybe little demand”