Tree of Savior Forum

Many of the people complaining about trade restrictions are the same people that are now complaining about bots

absolutely agree with the rest of your post.

mind you, name some hack detection that isn’t completely surrounded with bad press, reports of bugginess and bullsh*t… etc. i mean like GameGuard which a lot of korean games seem to like; usually it’s pretty ok, but if your connection is a laggy it tends to think you’re speed-hacking, and every so often it just has a complete update panic, where it refuses to properly update for several days unless you manually install the newest version. (weirdly, this bug doesn’t even apply universally, only specific games have the problem… which might indicate it’s actually a game issue, but it still prevents you from playing.)

that said, i -do- agree it would probably help a lot, especially for the farming/leveling bots with there weapon range hacks and so on.
(tho from a certain perspective, it’s kind of funny: it’s a lot like classic jrpg’s, where characters were on one side of the screen, and monsters on the other, and attacks “magically” crossed the space between… lol )

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Yah I was going to mention the dodgyness of many hack prevention tools, as well as the community’s response to false bans (seriously, you can’t please them).

But couldn’t find a way to phrase it and couldn’t be bothered.

Only thing I can think of is VAC. Whether it is possible to add that into the game is beyond me and I don’t want to spend time thinking about it.

what is VAC anyway?

and is it the same as vac-hacks like everyone was complaining about?

Valve Anti-Cheat I think.

It was simply an example. I don’t have a clue about a good hack prevention tool that works.

oh lol, then yea, VAC and VAC hacks are probably referring to the same thing.

i assume they’re all “usually pretty good, BUT…” just with different varying circumstances as to what that “but” might be.

Heres a thought, apply some critical thinking to your own post.

The game currently has an almost 100% restricted economy in a P2P MMO.

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using your logic, do you have any evidence to support that this restriction is doing anything?


yea, based on the other games i’ve played?
these restrictions are definitely keeping bots to manageable levels.
i’ve blocked about half a dozen bots total since the patch tuesday
compared to about half dozen per hour before that.
if it was super-profitable for them in this game, they’d make the effort to be more visible.

that would mean impossible to trade under ANY circumstances, impossible to buy or sell with other players, etc.
that is: no trade, no marketplace, at all.

and; this is a F2P game, which you CHOSE to buy addon content for.
no one forced you to play now, instead of waiting until public access (and giving them several weeks post-launch to iron out newly discovered bugs/issues).

So… the fact that there are a lot of bots cant be used as an argument saying that the system dont work, but the fact that there are a lot of bots can be used as an argument that the system work(you are seeing less bots now because they are higher level than yourself and people are reporting them and the GMs are banning them, the restrictions are doing nothing). I have played MMOs for many years, and bots were never a real problem in any of them, and they had close to 0 bot combat measures, all they did was keep banning them for years, and that worked wonders( other games experience like you did are valid argument, no?).

Please open your eyes and look around, IMC dont believe in this game, they want to grab all the money they can before running back to korea. Just look all they have done until now.

1- Hype with a open beta test, and turned it in a 3 months early access. Then they used all the people rage to turn it in a 1 month early access to make people forget about the open beta coming soon using a “poll with only one real option”, and that worked wonderfull, they even deleted all posts of that pandemonium to erase history. Just look at the forum everyone forgot about what happened (Well Done IMC)

2- Lies to his fanbase about going to make a game to appeal for the west audience and just throw a game even more p2w than the korean one( dont even know how this is possible).

3- Abusing of the fanbase complacency taking basic features and putting them behind a p2w to “fight against Bots/RMT” but dont doing the basics to fight Bots/RMT that is a report system, a chat filter system, level requirements for do things(all little things that help to fight bots without destroying your game), better gaming code to turn hacking more difficult.

And after they destroyed the game entirely and lost the battle against bots you are still going to defend them and say that it was the bots that destroyed the game, and not the greediness/incompetence/lack of hope in the game of the company that did it. You are funny xD.



I actually read your text wall of complains, and I have one question for you:

If you feel so negatively about this game, why are you still here instead of playing something you feel is a better product?

I was wondering that too.

Also who in their right mind believes that any company would deliberately try to destroy their product they’ve been developing for so many years?

@lipekunz like Vektrio and Nyyppa said… if you hate the game so much, and have lost all confidence in the game and its devs…
“everything they’ve done so far is for the sole purpose of tricking us into playing this game” is the message you appear to be broadcasting. if you’re convinced everything they say is a lie, then why haven’t you packed it up and moved on to something that’s more worth your time?

quit wasting everyone’s time (your own included) complaining about it here on the forums.
either give them time to fix the problems, or give up on it and move on.

You call that evidence? The reason you dont see the gold shouters is because of the lvl cap on the megaphones, not your perceived idea of ‘‘trade restrictions working’’.

If you want to know what happened to them, visit Klai or Orsha sometimes.

And the actual bots are still out there farming, so that part didnt change at all.

I wonder which games those are then. You mean Diablo 3 that also has no trade, and where pretty much all data is handled server side to ‘‘prevent cheating’’ yet, who’s biggest issue is the botting being done by its playerbase?

No. Currently this game is B2P. It doesnt turn F2P untill the end of the month.

Could you perhaps try to use some real arguments here? I’m not sure what part of my posts this is even directed at~
(assuming it was directed at me)

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Well, when u care about someone that is killing himself with drugs, what you do? you try to make him quit drugs, you dont see him there and say ■■■■, let him die i am out of here. The same goes for this game, i liked many things while i observed the game being developed in the past years, but they started doing dumb decision one after another and people still supported them doing their ■■■■ for some reason. Forgetting about this game. Now i am going to talk about general game industry, not IMC and TOS. Have you ever thought why games seems to be more and more umpolished the past years? The reason behind that is that people dont care anymore about quality, they throw their money on the screen and complain about the game full of bugs and ■■■■ but keep throwing money on the screen. What the company see? they observed that if they did a ■■■■ game people still gave them a lot of money, so they stopped caring about doing good games, why would you spend money polishing your game if you can just release him now and earn money equal to releasing it after polished, they will release a messy game for $200,00 and people are going to get it, they will complain but will buy it, and the more it goes the worse it will be for us players. Players need to start asking for the minimum quality of the games before they are released. if you released a unplayable shitfest game 10 years ago, you would be bankrupt, no one would buy your ■■■■. But nowadays they sell an alpha bugged tetris and people spend thousands on it. Something is wrong with this generation…
If this game was a singleplayer game i would say it is a good game, but its not an MMO in a single aspect of it unfortunately, i cant see this game surviving for more than 5 months, it simple has little to no appeal after the hype dies.

currently the game is…
F2P… like it “always” will be.
with… a small catch
if you don’t buy-in to the cash shop, your access is delayed 1 month.

you might note that i never said the problem was -fixed-… i said it was at a manageable level.
i get bored of detailing out the same replies in every thread full of people complaining that it isn’t perfect, and yet apparently not realizing how much worse it -could- be.

right before ToS opened, i was playing Blade and Soul; EVERY login, i had to fight with the chatbox, to make it stop scrolling long enough so i could block/report spammers, because it just zipped by too fast to click on them if you don’t scroll back a good ways.

FF14; fully pay to play. regular spambots. they disappear quickly, because a b2p+sub game can afford a team dedicated to tracking bots… but they still appear.

Diablo 3; hm, no trade? not how i recall it… but i do recall that it still had spambots, last time i played.

the bots in Klai and Orsha? sure there’s a couple. who else do you think the small handful i’ve blocked were ? blocking the rare bot that manages to get to /y level is pointless; as soon as they shout, they pretty much die.

Ragnarok Online had bots in town too, making walls of text like the ones in Klai and Orsha do. except there were a handful of them on every screen, instead of one or two in the whole town.

the -point- of the post was basically… stop whining about it. it doesn’t matter how many threads everyone makes complaining about it, they can’t magically fix the problems any faster… and the trade restrictions aren’t going to go away until the problems are fixed… at the very least to a far better degree than they are now.

is it perfect? of course not, you’d have to be willfully ignorant and completely blind to think there are no problems.

is complaining about it endlessly in the forums going to help? of course not, again. complaining about the particular parts -you- don’t like isn’t going to magically make fixes appear. they’ve already posted what their next targets are.

@lipekunz “i disagree with this decision” does not automatically equate to “this decision is dumb.” also, plenty of sh*tty, literally unplayable games have been released as “finished” for the entire history of digital gaming. (go google for yourself if you want examples.) we just have the internet and social media now, so we hear about more of them.

i’ll say it again: if the game has no appeal for you, pack it up and move on to something else. hell, come back in 5 months to see how “dead” it is then.

Since you stopped using arguments, lets end this discussion here. In 5 months i am going to come back here, and if you dont answer to me in this topic it will mean that i win ok?

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Many of the people not complaining about bots are gold sellers.

Logic stands supreme.

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Im not complaining about bots and im not a gold seller. im just to busy bitching about how much i hate the trade restrictions.

devs should end with all restrictions and just sit there lughting at the sea of tears and despair that will flood every social media about ToS on how they’ve lost control over the bots and RMS,

people will complain, always, about everything, and they’ll will always find that their complains are what the “gaming community want”, but that’s only because people tend to participate on everything that they find wrong, agains something. but people that find everything ok will be happy, playing the game, and just ignoring all those tears of the free wannabes, people wont come to the forum saying “i love the 1:1 trade restriction (i do like that restriction, and i’m looking forward to buy my token in order to be able to trade, post more on the AH, etc)” because isn’t necessary.

people just don’t raise their voices to say “this is right”… that’s why people will complain… because the majority that participates on social media… complain. just look at facebook, twitter , etc… tears, everywhere.

i do think that the team storage restriction is bad. but the AH and 1:1 are really good, because you can’t win the war against Gold sellers, but you can win a war against gold buyers :slight_smile:

So your saying if they remove the trade restrictions the bot scenario will be exactly how it is now.