Tree of Savior Forum

Many of the people complaining about trade restrictions are the same people that are now complaining about bots

if you want to win that badly, you can have it. sure, you get a free internetz.

definitely won’t be because i completely forgot these forums exist 5 months from now.

You havent been to Orsha or Klai yet lately I take it.

Isnt that exactly what you are doing tho. And thats precisely my point.

It must of been a loooooooooong time ago since you last played the game.

They earn enough just by whispering people, thats the truth of it.

No you are ignoring how bad the problem (the botting for the most part) (and the spamming if your in klai or orsha), actually is.
It’s like your oblivious to the huge amount of bots in the game, and thats quite a feat, tbfh.

uhm. yea i have, actually. 3 different times while playing today… including sitting afk for a while each time… and i saw a total of 1 bot all day in orsha.

uh, what? complaining about the problem and demanding IMC do something OMGRIGHTNOWDAMMIT is useless. they’ve already said they’re working on it, and endless complaining isn’t going to help.
if you hate it so much, quit. otherwise, shut up for a while, and give the devs some time to actually do something about it.

yea, uhm… that was kind of my point – even in B2P games that kill them off pretty quickly, they’re still making enough money for it to be worth finding new ways to keep going.

i’m commenting about the problem as i see it every day in game.
spammers? not really. i saw one during my 3 trips into orsha today. -shrugs- i saw another one spamming on shout. well, it messaged once. i’m not greeted with a zooming wall of text racing past on each login. hell, i’m not even greeted with -any- spammers… well, other than bored players in shout.

bots? maybe. i didn’t see anyone that was -obviously- a bot, but maybe some of them were. whether they were or not, none of the people/maybe-bots affected my play at all, aside from a couple of kill-steals. but you know what? i’m a real person, and i accidentally KS’d people on one or two occasions as well, and if i can make an accident, it’s just as likely another person can.

“manageable” doesn’t mean perfect. it means something we can manage, and work around. i’ve said that it’s a problem that IMC needs to deal with. IMC has said that it’s a problem they need to deal with (and that they are attempting to deal with it). what are you expecting us to do at this very second?

i’m waiting till the patch tonight, to see what gets introduced. after that, i’m going to play the game some more. terribly sorry if that’s a problem for you.