Tree of Savior Forum

Many of the people complaining about trade restrictions are the same people that are now complaining about bots

Hopefully after some critical thinking, you folks will connect the two and begin to understand why you can’t have a 100% unrestricted economy in F2P MMOs.

Except currently we have a restricted economy AND a ■■■■ ton of bots

Why not just have a free economy and a ■■■■ ton of bots?

Atleast is only 1 part ■■■■ instead of 2 parts ■■■■


Except currently we have a restricted economy AND a ■■■■ ton of bots

Why not just have a free economy and a ■■■■ ton of bots?

This logic is akin to amputating your arm because you accidentally cut your finger.


Vektrio, why do you even bother about those people?
Save ur time and enjoy the game


Vektrio, why do you even bother about those people?
Save ur time and enjoy the game

You are a much more wise man than I am. I should take your advice :stuck_out_tongue:

Your failing so hard right now, what i described would be the reverse it
would be cutting your finger to save the arm but clearly you
comprehension isn’t high enough to understand that.


Basically what you are saying is a problem with botting exists right now, so you argue we should make it worse rather than trying to fix the current problem. However, IMC has already released a statement describing how they plan to combat botting, they just need time to implement it. What you are arguing for makes no sense given IMC is working on the problem.

Also, next time, try cutting back on the ad hominem.


You know grammar correct has been proven to be a the defense of someone who is socially insecure? Fun Fact but off topic

No we should fix the problem but opening the market won’t make it worse as its not preventing anything in the first place.

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Trade restriction did absolutely nothing against bots or RMT.


Trade restriction did absolutely nothing against bots or RMT.

Well I definitely agree that more needs to be done to combat the bots themselves. IMC is working to implement some anti-botting measures supposedly, and kTOS banned a bunch of Korean botters.

However, I think the economy would be completely nuked right now if it wasn’t for the trade restrictions. Maybe after the majority of bots are removed from the game, it would be a better time to discuss loosening some of the ties holding the economy down. But for now, I just think everything would become way inflated in price due to bots being able to more easily flood the market. Just my two cents


If bots are a problem now with restricted trade, imagine when they let people trade freely. There is no way to please the people here, they want the milk and the cow. Nice post. Agree 100%

Us the “complaining people”, we know where the trade restrictions come from, don’t worry, we just think that this is not the right way to stop RMTs, those restrictions are doing nearly nothing against the spammers and sellers and only hurting the actual players.
The game has been out long enough to look for other solutions.
Do you really think that they will ever change a system where they force you to pay 10$ to actually enjoy the game and get 10$ per botter account.
All we need is a sing of light about this subject, I would be happy with just a “we are working on them” but not a single word from the stuff…

It’s just killing me seeing this stunning game dying.

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All we need is a sing of light about this subject, I would be happy with just a “we are working on them” but not a single word from the stuff…

You’re in luck! Read near the end of the article

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Some of the worst things in the world are done with the best intentions scenario.

yeah just read it right now :smiley:

Your not missing much the word from the staff was

Soon / Maybe #tm

Tfw some1 says that the restrictions are doing nothing to botters, but have nothing to back that up :confused:
More Bots in the game =/= Rmt actually happening. Maybe if you ask IMC about the transactions they have stopped already, the amount of Bots being banned, or the silver inflation/flux among players at the current state of the game, you’d have some info to back that up. Right now, ppl are justassuming it’s not doing anything because they’re seeing more BOTs more often, but hat doesn’t tell you if they’re being succesfull with the RMT or not.
The only problem I have with the current system is that the Token Trade restriction is too small(30). And that’s just my opinion.

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No the item pricing on the market tells us that. And their sites which contain transactions logs.

You are literally posting in every thread about bots so that you can bash trade restrictions. Take a breather, we already know what your opinion is

Waitbut once any1 buysthe item, the staff hasthe time to analyze it. Just because some1 posted an item for an unusual amount of money, it doesn’t mean they’re being avle to actually get the transaction done.
Like the 9 mil silver one? Pfft, that’s not being able to RMT,like really, look at the numbers and tell me if they’re actually floating a considerable amount of silver.

considering the time span the games been open its not bad. Gotta keep in mind when the game starts there is not much to buy, which means low desire for silver. If you haven’t noticed bot numbers are increasing and the market is getting items worth buying around the same time. Its possible its coincidence but it could also be related.

Bots has until Arde Dagger and will not buy Token for 350k? hahaha