Tree of Savior Forum

Many of the people complaining about trade restrictions are the same people that are now complaining about bots

The fact that bots are still here is the only proof you need. It’s not rocket science, is it?


The fact that bots are still here is the only proof you need. It’s not rocket science, is it?

Just because some bots exist does not mean trade restrictions are not preventing even more bots. This isn’t hard to figure out

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Wat. No it’s not. It only means they’re trying to get more silver, so they can sell it for a lower price. Just because there are bots out there, it doesn’t mean that the trade restrictions aren’t being effective. Bots are always going to hanging around in MMOs, you can’t stop it but, what you can do is, like what IMC said:
“We do not believe these restrictions can completly shut out gold sellers. Rather, what we’re trying to do is utilize this system to make gold selling something that isn’t worthwhile to both gold sellers and buyers”

Well they are falling flat on their faces.

Have you looked at tokens?

18$> token > 350k silver

gold sellers are whooping their ass bad on cost efficiency.

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Well they are falling flat on their faces.

Have you looked at tokens?

18$> token > 350k silver

gold sellers are whooping there ass bad on cost efficiency.

You are just going from thread to thread to hate on this game, why not just go play something else?


“There’s no need to regulate trades where the goods being traded from each side are similar in value. However, an uneven transaction is observed when trades are made between bots and seller’s accounts or between sellers and buyers”
Just having the token for 1:1 trading isn’t enough to get rid of the problem, like they said, even 1:1 trades are being regulated to restrict the botters from passing the money.

At this point, some is an understatement.

They’re not here just to troll us or have fun. They are here to make IRL profit. What does that tell you? That whatever it is they’re doing right now is still worthwhile and making them profits.

If there’s no profit for gold sellers, then they’ll leave. It’s as simple as that. Or do you need everything to be spelled out for you to understand?


And recently numbers have increased NOT decreased suggesting business is good.

BOTS are in almost every map and every channel now, the problem is getting bigger and bigger, maybe the name of this game need to change to Tree of BOTS

After this is appreciated by IMC i will also help tackle on Bots, i already know the equation to stop them.

I don’t mind if the system their using is actually working though, as you can see in most new threads that comes out, its all about bots, so it proves that the current system we have against bots is NOT working.


As many people already said, you fight against bots by fighting directly the bots (active GMs, good report systems and an active community).
An analogy to help comprehension: if you find a spider in your house you kill it or ask someone to kill it. You dont burn your entire house to kill the spider.

(No silver trade is enough, you dont need to restrict 1:1 trade or team storage(???))
And dont say a company can’t pay $1000 a month for someone to just ban bots lol, many people would spend 2 hours a day for free doing it if they had the opportunity.

the restrictions are neither here nor there.
if you have a “cash” (gold, silver, acorns, whatever serves as currency) economy in the game, there will be RMT bots.
if you have a cashless economy (barter system; item trades only… no AH), there will still be RMT bots in the game, jsut farming items.
if you eliminate player trade entirely… there will still be RMT bots… because some people would rather throw money at it than play the game themselves.

hell, if it’s a SINGLE PLAYER game, some people will bot, because they need to have all the stuff but don’t want to work for it.

you want to stop bots for once and for all? solve the human greed/laziness problem.

team storage; agreed, even the devs have already posted they agree that team storage is over-restricted, and are working on loosening the restrictions on it.

1:1 trading; no… even if there was no silver trade, and no AH to sell on, the bots would just farm the items and sell directly for cash. “1 kepa stem, and $10 USD, for this arde dagger. meet me at this location after the payment clears.”

and rather than just farming silver, botters would dedicate themselves to the maps that the good loot items drop on.

thats already what they are doing now lol, they have tokens and infinite accounts they can trade all they want lol

yea, i’m just saying it would be even worse. instead of trying to work their way up, and just taking what items they get as they go, and collecting silver primarily, they would focus on specific mobs/bosses to get the preferred items.

And with that, they would be exposed to the community and GMs and easily banned( if what i stated above was true), since they would all be on the sweet spots of the maps.
In my personal opinion, the silver trade restriction deals a lot of damage to goldsellers with almost no impact on the game, but the 1:1 restriction do almost nothing to gold sellers and is really annoying to the players.

The restrictions are just barely holding this game together. Once you let loose, bots will take over completely. everyone will just quit

everyone loves to say this, but who has any evidence to support this?
“but the bots are still there” …well that’s no proof. the bots will be there no matter what.

i’ve seen lots of other games without restrictions…
in Blade and Soul, every time i logged in, i couldn’t even block spammers without fighting with the chat-box, because there were so many that it was scrolling too fast to click.
FF14, fully pay-to-play, there’s still bots. less of them, and spammers tend to disappear quickly, but they still exist.

there’s no way to stop them. the best you can do is try to slow them down, and make it harder for them to do business.

I agree with everything!

Except for the fact that the economy is still restricted and the bots are only increasing in numbers of course.

But everything else is absolutly right.

Holy geezus it’s been a week. There is literally nothing you can deduce from the number of botters about how their business is going. It’s been mentioned that Chinese gold farmers are extremely hard working. Therefore there is simply no reason they would give up after only a week.

Wow theres lots of sales logs. This website must be legit. I’m not implying that ALL of these logs are definitely fake, but please. RMT is already a shady business. Don’t come up with this dubious information and present it as “evidence”. I wonder about the plethora of favourable reviews on the gold sellers websites too.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed (this is not a stab at anyone btw), IMC’s restrictions are designed to punish the gold BUYERS. Currently, in order to obtain the silver, you must jump through many hoops to wind up at a system that will obviously flag your transaction and bring it to the eyes of the GMs to look at. Combined with the fact that this game is tied to your steam account, this is a fairly large threat to anyone who wishes to purchase silver from a gold farmer.

The real problem (and solution) to the botters lies behind the fact that this game has little to no hack detection. IMC is a small company, they have probably expended a lot of resources on this game. It has been proven that simply banning the bots does absolutely nothing to stop them. Thus IMC is not bothering to expend manpower on this, instead using the GMs to fix people’s issues like items getting stuck in the AH.

This game needs hack prevention. That’s how you stop most of the botters.