Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great, add Thief class Branch! Dual Wielding classes <<<

In my opinion, since we have barbarian, a potential viking should be a swordsman hidden class, and you’d need to be barbarian c3 to be able to be one, like chaplain and priest 3.
Because if it’s just like that, they look too much the same and feel like there is 2 times the same class in a tree, the only difference being the weapons.

At this point we have 2 cleric hidden classes, why not 2 swordsman…

I get your point but the thing is both swords and hatchets are supposed to have slash damage. There isn’t really any sense in replacing one slash-type weapon with the other, and having a hidden class (which is oncly 1 circle) requiring specific weapon other classes can’t use doesn’t look good to me either.
If it’s offhand though it will be more useful. Can give corsair a nice damage boost for DWA which they clearly need.

I didn’t think of the slash property, you’re right. Too bad circles aren’t conveniently placed, because if axes or hatchets were only for that viking class, it would have been looking really good to have a barbarian, viking and corsair. It would feel like a proper evolution of the character.

Maybe two-handed axes, specialized into armor shredding?

Dual wielding may not be as functional as you think.
The most functioning dual wielding method is by wielding a long weapon on main hand and dagger on your offhand. Opps, this is already in the game right ?

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I would have agree with you 5 months ago. But the DPS provided by swordmen/women now are pretty good.

Samurai, NOT shinobi, SAMURAI ! dont bother saying “but we have shinobi”. Shinobi != Samurai.

Touché, well, IMC was more or less forced to amp up the swordie’s damage due to community’s outcry.

Despite having 15 classes back then(5 which are’t offense oriented), the poor damage they can deal even at later ranks are easily outdone by ArcherC2’s Multi-Shot10 or ClericC2’s(lol out gunned by a healer) Heal10(w/Bless) and Cure10 alone, both which are only Rank2 classes was simply absurd and laughable.

Switching the swordies back to being lead tankers will require a massive class tree overhaul but that will provide albeit bland fantasy game approach but better balance to team setups.

Well got Barbarian and Doppel for that type of class :smiley:

Unless you want Guts to start swinging and decapitating players on TBL

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Ain’t no better berserk than Lord Knight in RO~


List of positive effects
-Increases ASPD by 30%.
-Increases ATK by 100%.
-Increases Max HP to 300% and replenishes it fully.
-Improves Movement Speed.
-Resists flinching from enemy attacks.
List of negative effects
-Sets SP to 0.
-Disables SP Recovery and will remain disabled for 5 minutes after this skill runs out.
-Drains 5% of Max HP every 15 seconds.
-Sets all defense (both physical and magic) to 0.
-Halves Flee rate.
-Forfeits healing.
Does not allow:
-Use of skills, including most skills triggered via Autocast.
-Changing equipment.
-Use of items.

Such RAGE, so scarry.
Having perma PB until you die/get dispelled/hp drops to 100, is tempting if melee AA in this game was not ■■■■ in pvp/later levels.

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I agree, Barbarians = outsiders or what romans named rebels during the roman occupation, and Vikings = mercenaries or tribes(Again, outsiders) that plundered england and some parts of europe for some years. Are quite the same. Though I want to see a Viking class whereas the requirement is to be a Barbarian C3 would be nice :smiley:

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Well if you guys want an example of real-world fighters in history, the closest thing I could find is the Dimachaerus. They were Roman gladiators that wield two swords of the same type.

But I think the point of this thread is that for a game like TOS that boasts about their class variety and class selection, you would think a popular class archetype like dual swords would be included. It’s silly to not include just because other rpgs/mmorpgs have done it before.

I for one would gladly like to have some kind of dual wield class in the future. It’s obviously doable seeing as how IMC trolled swordies and gave it to archers instead (Hackapell).



But in all seriousness, “thief” has no place in TOS, especially not as a fundamental 5th class. It’s not some core concept that can offer a plethora of real-history-based classes of different themes and cultures. No distinct features or attributes that aren’t already represented with swordsmen/archers either. If you would have made the thread be arguing for a basic merchant class, it would still be a terrible probably just RO-nostalgia-fueled idea, but it would be a better one than suggesting “thief”.

If you wanted to find a theme for a fifth class-branch in TOS, your best bet is probably to go for one related to water. Fishers, sailors, explorers/navigators, pirates, vikings etc… But even here I can see the swordsman branch make use of most of these quite seamlessly if needed.

Aw! I know his channel.
They know a lot of european fighting style.

• What about hook swords?

• Chinese style?

• Indian

• aztec

In ToS Owl scuptures can talk, people can use fire balls.
They can use, impossible huge ass, fantasy like two handed swords with 15x more aspd. But can’t use dual swords.

I would rather a Crafting tree instead.

Dual wielding Cleric would be interesting if they wield a war hammer and a mace. That’s possible because the war hammer is actually more like a pole arm with a small, not so heavy head while the mace is short and heavy.

It’d be cool if they’d intrudoce nunchaku(able to dual wield) and three section staves (sansetsukon) for Monk and upcoming Cleric classes.
Shaolin would be an epic three Circle Cleric Class to wield this weaponry e.g.

chain weapons… what i want to see.

I think your idea about weapon slots increasing with ranks makes more sense. It avoids the issue where builds are limited because an early C3 class has a required utility.

Do you know of any real world examples of tinkerers that could work in a combat setting, and who do it as part of illegal activity or activity under the table? Honestly, the only one I can think of would be “Terrorist”. And including that feels weird to me because it kinda trivializes terrorism.

I just found out about the Pochtecatl, which were Aztec traders that also functioned as spies. It’s not a tinkerer but it fits the theme of both monetary exploitation and subterfuge.

Even if sapper wasn’t taken as a class concept by archers, I don’t think it would fit with thieves because sappers operate as a division of the military.

Doesn’t matter if a class is realistic or not as long it’s fun ‘-’

Well in Grand Chase, Vajras are used by a Fighter named Jin,
It’s his 4º class.
He fights using magic in this class.

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