Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great, add Thief class Branch! Dual Wielding classes <<<

I was thinking… They should make a fist fight class as well e.e
It would be fun e.e

it already exists and it’s called Monk. :wink:

and some bonus for being a dagger only thief, of course.

What Cow said, also Luchador will likely get grappling, pinning, jumping body slams and chairs skills. such MMA most lucha :sunglasses:

corsair used to be the only dual wielding class…
then IMC decided to make every class able to equip daggers. ffs

If they did make another treeline for thieve classes. which idk i feel theives kind of mix in atm with archer class and swordsman class. i think they would if anything make a hybrid range melee class. and honestly some classes would fit this more than the swordman and archer line. if they did they could replace these with things taht fit in more with such catagories

R1- Thief- Main weapon Dagger. Starting job of the line, has a weak stealth move and steal move. from here thieves can work on having longer stealth though ranks and becoming a killer in the shadows, to a front line fighter with swords and cutlasses and such, to staying in the back shoting offhand crossbows or handguns , Off hand weapons are a speciality of theirs either being able to use them as a ranged weapon or to throw knives or such buyable in the shops depending on the lines they go down.

R2-Ninja (yes i know its the same as shinobi but hear me out) with ninja which is basically a stealth and throwwing based class and relie on melee combat with a kantana. if you get 3 ranks of Ninja you can become the hidden class Shinobi which gives access to advanced sort of ninja skills. Can use Katanas which are swords which deal less damage but have higher critical damage and critical rate

R2 - Looter- Does what it says focuses on looting, can cause debuffs by looting and can throw certain loots as weapons at foes or use certain loots for bonus healing

R3- Barbarian - We all know barbarian it just fits here so well for thieves and rogues and such. maybe giver them 2 handed axes and make them a berserker sort of deal i know it goes against the theives way of playing but we need variatie :slight_smile: replace them with vikings for warrior who could be 1 hand axe and shield

R3- Guy Fawkes - Explosives i know theres sapper and i could of simply put sapper here but the guy fawkes relie mostly on powder kegs and such over more modern day claymores and such meaning the skills would warrent diffrently enough. plus being able to set some sort of traps while stealth would be interesting. maybe having most of their traps fire type like powder keg, line of gunpowder and such. also with gunpowder in mind maybe give them access to main hand handgun

R4- Scout- Stealth, and such

R4- Slinger- Now this is really pushing it with classes but a slinger might be a good addition. Using a sling and stones as a sub weapon . not much to say about this other than some ranged skills for the versitile theif line .

R5- Game has already done 2 perfectly good R5 classes for this classline
And of course Shinobi Hidden class line

R5- Corsair and Rogue. Next rank

R6- Bard/Dancer- a special case as you can pick either and both have diffrent skills and advantages and disadvantages. Bard focueses more on buffing while a dancer focuses on debuffing

R6- 3 R6 why? well i felt bard and dancer needed to be same rank but also for there to be a alternative line for someone who does not want buff/debuff so introducing the Highwayman - Our mounted thieve class. Simular to the R6 archer with handguns class though. Maybe give them a charge attack that steals from all targets they hit or something and use their speed of the horse to a advatnage and give them access to swords over guns to give them a bit or viriate authough handgun offhand and sword would be cool too.

R7- Brawler .Works like monks attacks where you can use these with any weapon authough knuckle dusters are now a weapon that do bonus damage with fist type moves.

R7- Thug- Uses very dirty tactics even going as far as using a enemy as a shield to protect them. can off hand handguns allowing them to shoot while shielding themselves im just using the discription it gave me for thug to make how one could play

R8- Underboss - Calls NPCs to help you in your gang… if you were a corsair beforehand they all become pirates.

R8- Assassin- The class that focuses on duel wielding with weaponry instead of throwwing or shooting with a weapon. can duel wield knieves , gain access to debuffs and stealth attacks

Dual wielding class? okay. But let’s add chains to it!

I wanna have a go too! These aren’t necessarily dual wielders but this is as close as I can get to the ToS historical flavour.


  • Thief: an adventurer by its own right that uses less than honest mean to achieve their goals
    (yellow class, trademark skill: steal, sand attack, pitfall)


  • Thug: a ruffian that uses brute force to bend rules as they see fit
    (red class, trademark skill: bludgeon, mug, maim)

  • Swindler: an expert con artist whose carefully weaved words are capable of robbing far more than their enemies wealth
    (green class, trademark skill: decieve, blackmail, leverage)


  • Marauder: a band of raiders that plunder settlements and leave destruction and ruins in their trail
    (red class, trademark skill: pillage, ablaze, cast net)

  • Trickster: an individual with terrifying intellect they use control the flow of battle beyond their enemies knowing
    (blue class, trademark skill: provoke, hypnosis, nimble foot)


  • Racketeer: dark merchants engaged with dishonest trades to bolster their ranks and pockets
    (yellow class, trademark skill: broker, overcharge, discount)

  • Highwayman: gentlemen of the road who rode on horsebacks. They secure coaches for a cause they see just
    (red class, trademark skill: stand and deliver, hijack, ambush)


  • Quack: make believe doctors whose commands over placebo effects lends them more credits than they deserve.
    (green class, trademark skill: placebo, painkiller, salve)

  • Counterfeiter: handy craftsmen with a knack of manufacturing profound forgeries and top notch imitation.
    (green class, trademark skill: craft counterfeit, plagiarize, false deed)


  • Bard: wandering minstrels who conveys their experience and wisdom through stories and poetry.
    (green class, trademark skill: valiant march, requiem, restful sonata etc.)

  • Dancer: graceful figures that use rythmic steps and elaborate motions to guide allies and lead enemies astray.
    (blue class, trademark skill: swords dance, bewildering steps, battle polka)


  • Scythian: nomadic people of the east. They have mastered the proud art of mounted warfare and seek to expand their horizon.
    (red class, trademark skill: silent riding, sharp turn, moving shot)

  • Yakuza: Members of a widespread crime syndicate. Their power stems from a close knit fraternity forged over many generations.
    (blue class, trademark skill: rally, devotion, retaliate)


  • Conquistador: a despicable fleet of invader that seeks to conquer even those beyond the sea with military supremacy.
    (red class, trademark skill: divide and conquer, Arquebus a Croc, navigate)

  • Assassin: disciple of the Old Man of the Mountain. Trained with the art of killing from an early age.
    (red class, trademark skill: assassinate, sonic blow, throw dirk)

Hidden classes: Ronin and Vigilante

What do you guys think?


Go to play RO, dual attack can crit now! :v

I couldn’t agree more… clerics has the lowest ranking in TBL right now and needs to be buff… dual wielding clerics should help them rank at least for top 20 and above… imagine a 2 five hammers with 5 lvl 7 blue gem each, or 2 solmiki hammers that would potentially make swordman cry since swordmen almost always rank 1 in TBL… let’s just hope IMC listens… best of luck bro…

Well, Swordsman has Corsair as dual wielder, and Archer has so many classes to dual wield like Schwarzer Reiter, Hackapella, Quarrel shooter…

Cleric doesn’t have a dual wielding Class at all in all the trees (if they’d make Monk a dual wielder it would be come stronger and more popular than all those little adjustments could bring him xD), but would be very well suited to wield 2 handed hammers/pillars/large maces/giant axes or hammers/maces in both hands.

That’s at least easier than wielding 2 swords efficiently, and way more realistic than wielding 2 weapons you need to reload after firing (Pistols/bows/crossbows e.g.).

Archers are currently mages because they neither use any ammunition nor do they have to reload, and they can fire faster during moving than when standing still… Just a question of time till that endless machine/gatling gun appears.
Crazy fact: Shinobi uses bomb items to create explosions while the large AoE detonations of Cannoneer happen without consuming any explosives. Again a proof of Archers being the secret 2ndary Wizard class tree of the game…
Priest also needs items to invoke some of his buffs, and Inquisitor needs to carry around wheels to use them. Yet only Fletcher needs to craft and carry ammunition xD
I wish they’d use the arrow and ammunition system that RO uses for all Archers&Gunslinger class instead of the current “creatio ex nihilo” to make Archers also classes that need to spend on more than just SP pots…

To be honest I’d also like to have RO’s arrow system, that way archer would have choices, like elemental damage! or sleep arrows etc.

But seriously, your best example of dual wielders is the archer class? Archers don’t even utilize them as dual wields. We need true dual wielding classes.

not saying you are wrong or correct but what this have to do with swordmans? (about 2 posts above me )

They do have one, it’s just not that notable, the Diev.
Diev’s Carve skills make use of blunt weapon+chisel(carving knife), the chisel is just part of the skill and thus taken for granted, kinda like Shinobi Kunai, Wugu poison needles and Sorc Grimoire etc.
Heck there’s even an actual Diev’s carving knife in game, tho, it’s only a quest item.

There’s numerous possible sub weapons that could’ve been in the game but left part of skills, due to what I personally believe, the game being rushed to release.

Dual wielding staves wizards please.
With 2 Audra staves, that’s +4 skills to all my cryo skills!

#super long ice wall.
#giant snow rolling
#Tree of CC

oh wait, hookers have multiwield of 10+ weapons… I guess Sorien is way ahead of the game.


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