Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great, add Thief class Branch! Dual Wielding classes <<<

Yes please, while I myself also want to whack things with my staff. BattleMages are better off for more combo based oriented for beat-them-up games, like Elsword and DFO, DN.


Already in a different MMO. I also want it too.:grinning:

There are(still grey and unconfirmed) plans for Pied-piper a children’s fiction of a plague, and Luchador, a mexican wrestler. So why not right?

Asking for absurd classes might as have better chances than something that had historical source.

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I agree, I know about them, but even though they are absurd, they have historical existence.
All (or almost) classes have, even in the wizard tree.
On the other hand, there was no edgy things like soul bender, dream eater, shadow dancer and so on…

ToS got my interest in some classes because I ended up googling their names to see what it means, and it enlarged my culture.
Now I can also understand that wizard got cleric-affiliated classes (thaumaturge, sage), cleric got swordsman-affiliated classes (paladin, more or less inquisitor but it still suits the cleric well).

If you want this type of generic anime MMO, just completely revamp the classes on ToS, not just create a thief tree and give us seen everywhere and overused classes. That or play Aura Kingdom/Tera.

These ideas really aren’t suiting ToS at all. I’m not saying they are bad, I played a lot of these classes (and enjoying it) on various games but you don’t just entirely destroy the concept of a game because other games are doing it.

The Only THIEF class here is IMC :smiley: and had one skill called “IMCied”


what anime is this…

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya …which uses archer power (shiro from fate stay night)

As for that maid above, that’s war priest from log horizon

that archer is more toward multiweapon rather than archer class tho …kek

as for that barb …just consider that character using 1 sword and 1 big dagger …lol










They can be used by a Thief class. Vajra is kinda… cleric based like but meh, this is tos.

Also, the game needs axes, physical staffs, 2h maces. A lot of stuff.

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Dual wielding has to be a thing for the Cleric class. I want to see dual wielding Clerics wreck havoc, they are way too weak in contrast to the Swordsmen/Archers when it comes to attacking currently.

Thief class doesn’t make sense anyway since most of the prominent classes that would be featured by Thief are already included into Swordsmen and Archer class[Corsair, Shinobi, Rogue, Scout e.g.], and it doesn’t make sense on another point since this game is a split game:

The base classes split all the realms already, as Swordsman is physical melee, Archer is physical range, Wizard is magical range, and Cleric is a hybrid of physical and magical melee. There is no more place for a Thief anywhere, and that’s good.
There are too many games featuring a Thief Class, and they are usually either too strong or too weak because it’s hard to balance them between survivability and strengh.

These are some good ideas to put under the cleric tree they need more hidden class that can weild sword and bows.


Yes clerics need moar power (as if they need any more offensive, defensive, restoration skills) and class (2 hidden class isn’t enough). Let’s just get done with it and rename this game Tree of Clerics :joy:

Dual shield = Clueless Turle

Let me dual wield cannons :ok_hand:

Dual wield crossbows

I agree with everyone that has said so far that ToS’s inspiration for classes has been very based on world cultures.

I think one of the hard parts about finding real historical examples of illegal operations across history is that you don’t have to go too far back before it’s hard to find anything recorded about them that hasn’t just become straight up lore. That and there are a LOT of words that mean really similar things that refer to robbers/swindlers/cheats/showmen/etc. Stuff like brigand, bandit, marauder, bushranger, and outlaw. They don’t have anything iconic enough to even fill one circle of skills.

Just for fun, I’ve been researching thieves, vagrants, and charlatans from world cultures to try to come up with a thief class tree. I tried to keep the constraints to the kind of ideological and visually iconic style that other tree’s classes have, but with leniency to reference existing RPG tropes. It was especially difficult finding examples that weren’t just straight up warriors, so a crucial element for any soldiers/cavalry was some kind of stealth, either literally crawling and hidden or through secretive military operations. I also tried to stay away from anything too modern, because stuff like “spy” or “Ponzi schemer” don’t really fit into ToS’s aesthetic design.

I was thinking it could go like this:

  • Base class: Neophyte/Knave – The idea of a thief in any combat MMO is kind of weird. It’s almost entirely a made up construct, since the main goal of any thieves/pirates/swindlers was for profit, or they were rebels/coups/guerilla warfare. I thought neophyte or knave would be an okay start because most of the following classes are either tradesmen that dealt outside the law, or they were stealth fighters in direct or indirect ways. I thought a cool C3 skill would be weapon mastery, where weapon swap turns into weapon cycle and increases 1 set to cycle through per skill level.
  • R2:
  • Thief/Bandit – Takes from the RPG archetype, so backstabbing, evasion, daggers, etc. A cool skill would be Scouting, where you can decenter the camera and move it further away from you to look at your greater surroundings.
  • Hadjuk – Middle Eastern guerrilla soldiers (or alternatively, rapparee, the Irish ones). This is where you’d get your stealth, but with a guerrilla warfare bent.
  • R3:
  • Bard – Gaelic itinerant musician. They could avoid the extant RPG bard stereotypes by banking hard on specific lore, like how bards were said to be able to raise boils on someone by extolling their faults. Worst case scenario, they just use all the words that mean “Sing or speak to someone’s virtues” (paean, panegyric, encomium). You could also do cool support stuff with a skill called Eulogy that grants buffs upon death.
  • Pugilist? – I feel like Boxer could fit in there but with weapon stuff it might be weird.
  • R4:
  • Highwayman – British mounted bandit. They could take from the romantic, Robin-Hood-like lore surrounding British highwaymen, as well as have cool skills with names like “Stand and Deliver!”
  • Pirate/Corsair – Honestly I don’t think a pirate class fits in the swordsman tree at all thematically, so it’s here.
  • R5:
  • Jester – Utility class with skills like twinkle toes to let you jump away from enemies, and combat/support skills related to juggling and acrobatics.
  • ???
  • Hidden crafting class: Counterfeiter – Can copy shops, craft RNG item cubes, etc
  • R6:
  • Hashashin – Islamic military order, the original thing that the word “assassin” came from. “Asymmetric warfare, psychological warfare, and surgical strikes were often an employed tactic of the hashashin, who would draw their opponents into submission rather than risk killing them.” (Wikipedia)
  • Rustler – American cattle raider. The main mechanic would be “push” and “pull” style AoE mob CC, to mimic herding.
  • R7:
  • Mongol Warrior – Still trying to find what specifically could separate them from just being the hackapell of this fictitious thief class
  • Ninja/shinobi – Ninja are too culturally iconic not to be included in this tree, and I feel like they could have extended both the tools and the kuji-kiri into three circles.
  • R8:
  • Wukong – Since Mergen is in the archer tree, I figured it’s okay to include the Chinese Monkey God in the tree, given his propensity as a trickster. There would be plenty of lore to draw from, like a long-range click-where-you-can-see teleport skill called Jumping Buddha’s Palm (with interaction with Scouting from Thief).
  • Assassin – Here you would get all your tropey slit-throat kills from behind, sniping, wearing black, etc.

Obviously the order isn’t set, just kinda thrown in where I felt like they might go. I wanted to include some kind of duel wielding dancer class, but the closest real-world example of that I can think of is rooted in stereotypes of the Romani people, and I wasn’t able to find a truer combat-oriented example from that culture.

It’s not much, but if anyone has concrete examples to add, it’d be awesome to learn more about the (real) world.

EDIT: Sorry, I failed to address dual-wielding historically. It looks like it did exist for Samurai and Fencers/European swordsman, but it wasn’t two blades of equal length, more like sword+dagger or wakizashi. That makes me skeptical about the inclusion of dual wielding in ToS, because it starts to lack any thematic foundation outside of tropes, which becomes generic. At least in terms of drawing from the real world, jack-of-all-trades for weapons might make more sense thematically

Anyway, this got way too long lol


You are way ahead of your time. I appreciate what you have done here sir.

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Barbarian Giant Swing attribute.

Tfw Hackapell can wield a sword in their right hand but swordsmen can’t. Thanks IMC.

thief!!! yessss something that yields dagger into a powerful weapon.

Those Ideas are really nice.

Rather than C3, we can have it at R2, and another weapon swap/cycle slot at R5(giving them 3 weapon swap slots). Way I see it the ‘weapon cycle system’ can work as the whole ‘thief class’ tree’s selling point.

It can go like:

skill combo>>spike burst

Classes of all Ranks will have certain skills capable of auto switching weapons to gain ‘Weapon Cycle Counter’* (Similar to Barb’s Wild attr. but require skill usage that swaps weapons, instead of running), 1 C1 and C3 skill of classes will consume built up WCCs to amplify its damage/effect.
*switch to:
same weapon type +1stack
different weapon type +2stack

They can wear the most out of weapon types but at the start their favored choices will be Sword or double daggers, while possible to obtain more weapon mastery ranks in some of its classes.
Which also promotes broadening the Thief classes rank build-up to maximize MMC, also making the whole class tree meant for more advanced players due to it’s weapon juggling nature.

This can also allow the introduction of more possible melee weapon types for the other class trees too.

such as:

-Double daggers: slash type, count as 2hand weapons
-Estoc: 2hand rapiers
-Mountain Swords: blunt 2hand swords that deal strike damage
-Axes&Hammer(full patk no matk unlike maces): slash and strike type respectively, both 1hand and 2handers
-Scythe: slash type 2hand spear, can proc bleed
-Kusarigama(unlock at Shinobi/Ninja): like fk, my ninja has one on her costume yet she can’t use it :sob:
-Gauntlet or Claw(both unlocks at Pugilist)/Katar(unlocks at Hashashin): all three count as 2hand weapons
-Bo Staff(unlock at Wukong): can be usable by BattleMages if they ever get into the game.
-Monk’s Spade: slash type 1hand spear

I thought about Chakrams but they can be re-categorized as double daggers too.

Gadgeteer/Tinker or ToolMeister, in case IMC fails to deliver a Sapper4, thieves being smart thinkers and nimble with their fingers can also fit this.

Also for arguments sake.
Having a ‘Thief class’ be the more DPS focused melee will let IMC make Swordsmans to pure tanks, it felt like that was their initial true intention for the class’s role anyway.

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We had no muskets and cannons till r7 as well.
Actually vikings is the only class suggested in this thread which can fit into TOS well. Offhand axe might be a good addition to corsairs for example.
No need to bother though, I’m pretty sure IMC has a complete list of classes they will (or probably won’t) implement and they won’t add anything new (except they decide to give up on centurion and suddenly replace it with something else)

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