Tree of Savior Forum

Make Megaphone a lv90+ Item!

I think that that is a stupidly high level requirement. While I agree something needs to be done, locking 90% of the players out of chat isn’t the answer.

I want to know why the gold sellers even sell their gold, especially in a game like this…

Even if you disable the microphones, you can still see the obnoxious messages popping up top(unless there is a way to disable that as well, so far I haven’t been able to).

I was reading one of these spam messages and apparently to them 10k silver is like $1.70, why would anyone pay this? I did the first level 50 dungeon and I got pretty much 10k and money wasn’t even on my mind.

I know money is going to be harder to deal with once I get to a higher level, but even so it seems that legitimately farming is way better than the awful price they are asking for, the possible ban, the massive waste of time it takes to ban-dodge and spam in the chat for microphones THAT COST REAL LIFE MONEY TO USE.

Like, do they SERIOUSLY make enough profit to warrant wasting all that time making dummy accounts? Especially since every account they make effectively costs 9$ and I believe requires a steam account to do so…

Like really, is botting so profitable despite these massive setbacks that it becomes worth it to ruin the game to a state of unplayability for everyone else? Even the scumbag players who have no knowledge of how the economy works and gives the botters the money to get the money…THE BOTS THEMSELVES ARE MAKING THE SERVERS UNPLAYABLE!!! What are they gonna use that RMT silver on?

Like, why bot under all these circumstances? Where is the profit in it?

The bots dont really care TBH

there is a way to block the shout bar at the top of the screen, but its pretty hidden lol.

press enter to chat, then on the right theres a little gear icon you can click on where you can change a few chat options. turning off the shout-bar is one of them.

i think its too early to say whether these silver sellers are making any profit at all. these guys are most likely in a ‘investment’ period right now to see how profitable silver selling is for this game, which is one out of many many games they are active in at the same time.

it doesn’t block the traffic. game still stutters

I’ve already posted my suggestion.

true, you still need to block these people one by one to fix the FPS stuttering which they magically cause.

which is impossible… as soon as you block one, another 10 come out

its not that bad for me in klaipeda, id say i have to block one every 10 to 30 minutes, sometimes up to a hour. theres also some gold spammers which dont seem to cause this odd fps behavior.

Is there a way to right-click block a botter like in Blade and Soul? Or do I have to try to decipher their name and type it out under all the spam to block their microphone?

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it is now, and its bad. imagine when TOS goes truly OB… the game, if this wont be fixed, will become Tree of Slide show :smiley::frowning:

yeah after the server restart i was greeted by a shitstorm of goldfarmer messages filling up the entire chat and killing my fps.

i hope the maintenance will at the very least fix the fps drops.

OMG Just make it so that you have to finish both lvl 50 and 90 dungeons to even use shout there done deal. If that is not enough after doing that add so that you HAVE to be at a certain point in the quest line so botting against mobs doesn’t work either.

Heres the thing some people may be forgetting, and why I agree with making megaphones level 90+ or 100+ restricted, rather than 50+.

It takes time to get to 90, or even 100.

Let that sink in for a moment.
The silver spammers have to work at getting to 90 or 100, then get banned, then do it all again. It’s not as easy as making a new account, waiting a few hours for the free TP, then going hard. As it is they’re wasting $12 per account, which isn’t a big deal if they can sell enough silver.

It’s even more time and effort they have to waste. Right now, it’s really easy for them to mass create accounts across multiple virtual machines. With a decently high level limit, it’s just not worth the time/effort invested. At least it’s less worth it.

Does this hurt everyone else? Sure. But what does some level 10 scrub have to say anyway?
“Can someone tell me how to do this thing I could just check the forums or wiki for but am too lazy to alt-tab”?
“Would someone like to buy this light bow I found? Pm offers. Ignore the fact I could’ve put it up on the market seeing as I have a token, but naaaah.”


Edit: Oh right, botting… gah. Certain point in the quest line would work. That WOULD take effort.

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Just because someone is lower level than you doesn’t mean they don’t have anything important to say.

If it gets rid of gold spammers, they really don’t.

“Small group of people causing a problem? Better punish 90% of the people in the community. I would rather everyone but me suffer than me be slightly inconvenienced.”

I agree with just about anything here as long something’s done. A rick click>ignore/report RMT option on chat would be nice too.

EVE had a similar system where you could report spammer with a single click, tho they gave you a warning not to report people falsely.

I think this is a step in the right direction. This guy explains pretty well how gold spammers operate and at least a soft cap of 50 sounds reasonable. How SPAM BOTS work

My idea is have an in-game GM to instakick anyone that spams selling gold! Is there a reason why nobody incorporates it anymore?