Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

I was talking about market trade and the chances to get the right items is lower for everyone in the party. I have nothing against them implementing roll distribution. Make a suggestion, I’ll like it.

It also isn’t as if you can’t trade anymore

this question infers that you should rely on trading to get your crafting material.

Uhm, I’ve got bad news for you, brah.

So, market trade is still available, but how exactly are you going to ‘rely’ on it if all the prices are exorbitant (come on, I’m taking advantage of a premium feature, why the hell would I list something cheap) and there are so few items listed on the market because so many people are disabled from participating in it in the first place?

Virtually nobody except a fool will list useful materials at a low/reasonable price.


Ah, ok. That rare material dropped to one of your party mates, no big deal - lets wait 4 hours for his TP to regen then another 2 hours while that items appears in market listing, then try to buy it before someone else does. System just screams of convenience… not.


hope this market thing is just a ‘test’. please dont make it to the final release :Ianguished:

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It’s not an “Auction” house. <_< It;s just a place to buy and sell items.

And this change prevents people from spamming stuff on the market, like megaphones, which can reduce the quality of the game.

Warp scroll and megaphone items have been removed, Fedimian warp scroll has been added.
Potions and megaphones are given automatically to new characters.

True, but if you allow direct trades this update becomes useless. So how about suggesting a method to allow direct trades with certain players… Relying solely on a greed/roll mechanism is one method, finding one where you can trade with the party/guild members would be another way.[quote=“elysium, post:44, topic:124971”]
and there are so few items listed on the market because so many people are disabled from participating in it in the first place?
Who’s disabled from participating? The prices won’t be necessarily too high either, when thousands of players are trading.

As someone said early I’d be okay with you spending tp to make your items featured on like the front page of the market. That stuffs fine since everyone can still list their stuff without having to worry about wasting tp if it doesn’t sell (I doubt they’d give the used tp back if it didn’t sell). I have to hope that this is just put in to help test tp and the market but I’m not holding my breath.

The very idea that some people are okay with this makes me worry about the international release in the future. If imc sees people totally okay with this system over here they might bring it over or even worse implement even more buy for convenience options that screw over people not willing to buy in.

Also them taking away direct trading is just stupid and I hope it’s just for testing purposes other wise the game is dead on arrival.


There are other items they can spam…like useless recipes that everyone gets for certain bosses. Everyone in CBT saw the lag that happened when you overload the market. <_<

I used those “useless” recipes to get a crafting achievement with White hair dye reward and even managed to profit from it.


So reducing lag is now a good reason to wipe out trade? wtf


Since only TP below 10 regenerate, what about such a situation when I pay with real money for extra, let’s say… 1000TP? Will I be entitled to a pool of “free” ones as well? Because I’d rather use these than 1000TP I got for costumes. If not, it will deter a lot of people from purchasing TP.

I hate this change and despite being excited about this game, if developers leave the market as it is, I will strongly reconsider spending my time on iOBT. With such economy, this game will fail drastically very soon. It’s basically excluding one of the most interesting aspects of a MMO.

Then some limits like eg. 10 types of items per person (with a total of 50 items) listed at once could be imposed, if you wanted more, you’d have to do a one-time premium payment. But not every freaking single time, paying 8TP or so for a 120h listing lol…
Also ban inexpensive items, which can be bought at NPC, like megaphone from the market, it will reduce lag as well. Or just simply get better servers to start with XD


We were talking about the market, as you could clearly see…

Lol pso2 sea market was literally controlled by rich kidz


A new line of argument has started to emerge - ‘it is not as bad as it seems, so it’s okay.’

So even if we take the riskier route and assume that IMC allows TP to regenerate, how is this a good reason to even implement the update at all? Everyone is giving me reasons why I shouldn’t worry (negative reasoning), but nobody is actually giving me solid reasons why it should be implemented (positive reasoning).

Do you realize how much trouble this update is causing us? It really isn’t even worth it at all. If we want to do a limit, then why not just … do a limit directly? Why such a complicated and roundabout way that simply frustrates and alienates your playerbase? Slightly irritate gold sellers and reduce lag (which is the server’s problem and shouldn’t even be bandaided through the market), but at what cost?

So, the question shouldn’t be ‘how can we implement this update without pissing as many people off as possible’, but more like ‘why the hell is there even such an update? is there even anything substantially great that this update brings.’ For every piss poor reason you give me, I can give you several reasons why it is a bad update.


No kind of balance will fix it. It will either get too easy to craft on your own and screw the market, or you can’t craft anything and you are screwed by the market.

There is a dreaded outcome as well, since people only get 10 free TP per day, and use those on 2 slots, the items they sell will surely be those that ‘equivalent’ to the TP price, not cheaper.

Now direct trade is not useless with the update, because direct trade requires you to be online to sell. Market does not.

A simple system to prevent putting item into market to buy silver is:

  • Hide seller name (already done in newest patch)
  • Item does not appear immediately in market (already done)
  • Item only appears after a random amount of time, from 30 minutes to 6 hours

That way you cannot simply sit and wait for it to appear, but you can still count on your item to be there if you leave the computer.

Note that nothing will completely eliminate the silver seller, but you need a good anti-bot system, and frequent GM patrol to ban advertising account. Also disable all chat until a character reach level 30-50 or something to prevent low level account spam advertisement.

I’m not sure why such simple system is not implemented but rather this abomination.


That Sounds horrible.

So I always 24/7 play with my boyfriend. (Not that we play 24/7 lol)
So with out Personal trading… Well I cant trate some drops i dont need But He does and vise versa. Or give it to a friend. Or brew Post for my friends and Personal trade to them.

Yeah Market was laggy and buggy. But lets say a Limit of 5 or 10 slots for every Person on the market. So you can Register 10 things (stacks should use 1 space)
And before you can register another item, you need a free space (sell 1 of 10 registered items)
That would reduce overload on the market. And you actually need to think what to sell and not just Spamm Everything on it.

But just delete the Option for Personal trade is horrible. I would not play/leave the game for that.

I quite did not get those buy in Shops and did not use them. So I would not miss them.

I think 1on1 trade should always be there. And normal market should not be an Cash feature.
You can ad Cash Features to it like in real.
Pay for bigger text. More items to Register etc.

But there should always be a regular non Cash version.

Paying with rl money for a Feature that should be non Cash is like Charging money for breathing.

Just my 2 Cents on it.
I hope It is just for test purpose. And will be back to normal or at least with reasonable changes.

Thanks and have a good day.


I can’t decide if a lot of the people defending this are either trolls or don’t understand the affect it would have on the game. The automatic reaction to something like this should be repulsion not “lets wait and see”


Assuming that these things are set on stone (which i don’t think it will) we all know what will happen, i don’t think it’s a good way to limit the number of itens you can put in the market (specially due time expiracy) and if they want to use cash to enhance economics there are some ways that are more fair and attractive to both sides, here are some of them that i thought while reading this topic (probably won’t work with TP regeneration).

• Add an TP exclusive item (expensive for ‘balancing purposes’) that can prevent the potential loss for the next trade (quantity may change for each item such as +15 gear).
• Add an TP exclusive anvil with lower success chance that will denny potential loss on failure (may be limited to certain +X).
• Limit each account or character selling slots at the market (3 or 4) and allows the player to buy more slots with TP.

These are some was to have usefull Cash that is not gamebreaking, you won’t have to pay for the basic and also can get some benefits for specific situations (like selling that godly weapon or a 0 potential gear).