Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

Rather than P2W… More like Pay for Convenience.
You still need to work hard to get your God Equips.

In the previous thread, it was highlighted how some games have taken this approach.

However, those games you mentioned are substantially different from TOS where recipes and materials are of more importance and things can’t be so easily self-farmed, thus requiring an actual market to function properly.


Your point is valid, but in the end, who decides is IMC, but i think they will avoid that kind of market, unless they end up leaving the game on Nexon’s hand or other publisher that have the same mindset.
Just because we are complaining beforehand doesn’t mean IMC will comply to them.

IMC if you read this. You see the storm coming. Actually please try to make the game an international success instead of trying to ruin it with lots of ingame microtransactions.

I can only speak for myself but if IMC decides to go full asian (which is like full dead game) with this kind of retarded microtransactions and ingame shop, well. One timesink less and more money to spend on Dota for me. Even through I so much want to play ToS I would never support a system like this, not because of the money as I would have no problem throwing in about 10$ just for a nice costume, but because of the annoyance factor and friends probably quitting early on because of it.


This would be a game breaker for me.

They should focus on selling event scroll (create a map for event in option for PvP or PvE as a cosmetic compare to the existing PvP MOBA) for cheap.


Without trading you can’t even be nice to other people by giving gifts to friends and so ;-;


Learn to read first. You’re only fear-mongering to accelerate the sh**-storm.

No one has to trade using real money, just selling items requires a limited and slowly-regenerating currency which you can buy for real cash.

Furthermore, games without trading are fine and already exist. There is no reason to object to it without discussing the implementation.

It is also true that this method doesn’t extinguish gold-trading - just let customers buy a useless item - but it is still quite effective - gold-farmers would need to increase their prices or deal with lower profit and they would stand out more.

Although, it is indeed a p2w feature which they promised to avoid, since IMC doesn’t seem to intend to rely on cosmetics any other method they’ll implement can be considered p2w, and don’t forget this is a business.

However, it doesn’t mean you’ll have no choice but to spend money. That’s an issue which has to be observed first. Will trading be limited due to the barrier or will rich players abuse the system?!

So, personally, the update is worth to consider and we should discuss the scenarios that could happen and what form of fine-tuning would soothe our worries. For instance, would 2 TP pint per 3 hours be good enough? Or, 15 as a max limit, etc.?

Ah yes, unfortunately IMC is still a failure at interface design, that market window…


Well… being able to list ONE item on market for 3 hours with it appearing in market listing after 2 hours ONCE every 4 hours (1 TP regens in 2 hours ) doesnt sound like a convenient system to me.

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So would it be acceptable if the item is on the market for the full 3 hours?
And why exactly do you want or need to be able to sell more then one item per 4 hours? ( Seriously asking, since everyone should express themselves in full on that matter)
During the CBT I wouldn’t have felt a limited, but overall I only sold a few things as most gear in ToS is better sold to the NPC and everything else is saved up and either traded in bulk or used up.
So instead of letting staff rest in my inventory or chest I’d have to visit the market more frequently, and login more often.

Selling pardoner scrolls? nah, not happening.


if they really do this thing, am quit :v:

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Well, as you noted yourself, that is unknown. I doubt they’ll ignore broken skills and classes. They might also plan to rely on player feedback.

Exactly how does giving them the benefit of the doubt benefit us as players?

If TP (a cash currency mind you) regens, then what use is it in stopping gold sellers? What exactly does this silly system achieve other than making it unduly hard to market?
If TP doesn’t, then this game is over.

Either way it’s really bad.


I think it will be more “fair” if we only use TPs when we want to make our items featured at market, like some e-commerce.

More visibility = more TPs.

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there is more to it:
current system is highly detrimental for party play - there is no way to set up roll (need/greed) or master distribution loot system.

Have you ever sell materials? You list hundreds of them in one stack and expect them to slowly go away.

Or just more common case, list item on market before you go to sleep/work and expect it to be sold 5-6 hours later due to time zone difference.

As of the current change, you can use 2 slots per day, which is extremely limited.

Let just say I ignore the fact that I want my item to sell quickly, I can wait. Now with only 2 slots per day, would I list crafting material? Or would I list equipment? Would I list low level equipment that I don’t use? Or would I save it for something far more valuable?

This change would surely crash the crafting system as well as making it hell for low level players. Now you have to hunt everything on your own from crafting material and equipment.

As a side effect, you can say good bye to helping friend and guild mates, since no more trading available. Oh and now you can’t even transfer items between characters in the same account

Worse? It cannot even stop gold seller haha, they don’t need long listing time, they can sell whatever amount they want with the 2 hours limit, unlimited amount of times.

This change just make it hard for dedicated players that actually farm and sell items on market.


Totally sounds like PSO2 SEA market system which is lame .___.

Guys, I believe they are just testing the i-coin system for bugs. That’s it.

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I haven’t mentinoed anything like that.

Read again. I already said gold sellers would have to rely on less sells resulting in either higher prices or lower profit due to the TP costs or less sells. Trading low cost items for higher prices also makes you much easier to track.

Why is it silly? Trading has already been extensively limited, so the form of design isn’t new either.[quote=“nizidr, post:35, topic:124971”]
current system is highly detrimental for party play - there is no way to set up roll (need/greed) or master distribution loot system.
It also isn’t as if you can’t trade anymore and you have the round-robin or random distribution option. This problem is more related to the party system and is only made more visible after the market change .

Yes, the ingredient trade will become more limited and that’s the biggest issue with the change. However, on the other hand, this question infers that you should rely on trading to get your crafting material.
IMC has the option to change the balance so that trading/crafting classes have to play more with parties to get their staff or implement buy-in methods only available to those classes.

They also disabled direct trades. So no, you cannot trade anymore.

Imagine yourself farming some rate material with a party (party helping you to get that material): what are your chances to get it with round robin or random loot systems?
Translated patchnotes 12/12:

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