Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

I just think it’d be bad if the thread got deleted with all this feedback because of derailing.

I’d prefer if it wasn’t pay per month personally, as it gets a lot more expensive if you plan on playing for a while (which I tend to do). I haven’t truly (only tried) played any pay per months games, just because of this. But I get why some like it, it makes developers work more to keep the game good.

Buy the game and with cosmetic shop for real currency would be more my thing, or f2p with cosmetic shop and other micro transactions.

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I’m seeing some of screenshot in korean TOS community of developer’s conversation in game

and the key word is use of token for trade in 1:1

Exactly what path of exile self published by grinding gear games did, best part it’s f2p model also but earning tons of $ from seasonal cosmetic packages I hope Imc themselves have the will to follow what ggg did and stop this lazy buying game content feature

Can we get some information here please?

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @GM_Erick @GM_Fuji

We are talking about a change that would cause a serious number of players to leave you. It is kind of important.


If this means what I fear it means, that means personal trade requires tokens, and would be instant pay2win.

I will wait for the dev’s responses.

If not, G-A-M-E O-V-E-R.


Smells like pso2 and archeage all overagain -_-

Sad to see that this game that has a potential to become a great game, ruined by a dumb decisions.

Though they can always try what Black desert did, make the game buy to play on iServer, while the other remains f2p.

B2p is somewhat ok but still sketchy if it goes f2p imo

This is the exact reason i don’t play archeage, it would be a shame to see this game make the same mistake.

Ikr Koreans no doubt make good games just the business model ruins the entire game it’s so sad but true

Ohh right.
Now nexon gets a cut from the gold sellers … didnt think about that xD.

It’s like diablos auction house xD.

“We know we cant fight em, so we use em!”

the staffs and gms wont be here for a while

i bet they want to monitoring this thread a little bit more


With planned 600 level content they can easily release an expansion every 6 month or so from current content. Sorta will encourage them to release content every now and then to support the cost. Sorta like Guild wars. I’m fine with cash shop on the side selling cosmetics and storage upgrade as long as no p2w.

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I’m worried since none of the gms are responding.
Hopefully they will soon.
I’m not one to get worried but I am.


AlsoI forgot to mention they have supporter designer packs which let founders make extra weapons or content for the game balancing and quality control still have to go through the development team tho

C’mon IMC, you can do better than this!
I hope this issue will be resolved soon.

Good luck !


Continuing the discussion from General kTest Thread:

Woooooow. Having Korean net cafe bonuses is one thing, but having such nonsensical bonuses? 3/5 of them are so over the top. RIP Korean players.

The link compiles some hack reports that have been reported early November:

perhaps ‘ignore’ was such a poor choice a word in this case, as the GM did reassure with a post that they’d look into it; then again, sh*t still happened three weeks later.

P.S. to the OP and the rest, this will be my last digress, thanks and peace out! :sweat_smile:

I fear they will replace kcafe with vip system on iTOS lol…


U are not the only 1 the whole thread is