Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

Have you played ToS? A game has to be designed around having no trade for it to be good.

Even if ToS were designed around having no trade, it would be bad for me. I’m not excited about a game that’s like Diablo 3, PSO2, or whatever else game has no trade. If ToS becomes like one of those games, I won’t be playing it. I’m excited about what ToS promised to be in the betas I’ve played.

An open world, open ended ( many class choices ) social oriented game with fun gameplay ( killing things is a lot of fun ) and party oriented class synergies.

The game isn’t too far off from this in its current state. If they can fix the linearity issue of the game, and focus on strengthening the social aspect of the game, ToS can become something really special and unique. ( This comes along with class balance and bugfixes, but those things don’t inherently destroy a game, they can always be fixed ). This trade change is a leap in a totally different direction than what I ( and many others ) expected out of ToS.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that a game without trade can’t be good. It’s that what’s currently expected of ToS ( and why so many people are excited about it ) falls flat on its face when you implement something like removing trade. I’m having a really hard time understanding why they’re doing this, its like they suddenly lost their vision and just derailed themselves.


Updated front post to include the latest 30% market tax. Now that decreases the incentive to use the market even more, great job.

Not going to bother addressing the repeats of arguments already raised. These people who blindly cite other games as examples or raise the problem of gold sellers haven’t been reading the thread enough which already answered their queries dozens of times, and are clearly willing to allow the game to crash and burn. They forget that the crucial question is - if this thing causes so many problems, why put it in the first place? Is it even worth defending? There’s such a thing as opposing for opposition’s sake.

Thread’s purpose has mostly been served. Hoping for a reply as soon as possible from the Staff team @STAFF_John, @GM_Erick. kOBT is about to launch soon in a few days, and is highly unlikely to wipe. Let this not be the end of the game.


still no response from our GM’s, i see… :skull:

Card based ? Sadly during the iCBT2 you couldn’t trade cards, you actually had to play a card game with someone and hope to win to get some… And of course, the game had to be RNG based.

I’ve been playing PSO2 SEA from the beginning and I have ALSO played PSO2 since they did the JP beta test for it (only switched when SEA server went live)

In the almost 2 years I have been playing PSO2 SEA I have only gotten 2x 3 day shop passes and thats with even spending Xcubes for fun points and fun points from being a Premium user.


In all fairness, the dude did alot more good than bad if we are to carefully think about it.

The exploits have been in use way earlier, if you’ve been diligently paying attention to bug reports for the duration of the test --teleport, 1-hit aoe, range, missing market items are just some hacks that have been floating around since week1. Most of them end up getting ignored time and again, even IMC won’t give a damn, until of course, that one misunderstood dude took a stand and publicly exposed it. To me he’s a legit hero, not only did he gain IMC’s attention, but he also shed light for the rest (the less-technical) of the player-base to see just how greasy others have been operating in the shadows.


There are tons of way to earn money Imc look at Grinding Gear Games Path of Exile a self published company earn millions just by selling cosmetic and cosmetics collecter founder packages even manage to fund the entire development by themselves… I don’t wanna see such large social potential game I’ve been following for 6years turn into an open world diablo might as well change your game genre to arpg than mmorpg…

I remember that it was hard to get a “My Shop Pass” from the FUN Scratch, based on what my friends say since they rely on it. As for me… maybe I am lucky since I got a few of them myself.
But I never really relied on selling on the Market.
But then IF it is TOS Full release and the TP still regenerates.
Then this should be better than relying on RNG to sell your things…

That is kinda false.
You CAN freely trade items in D3 with some restrictions: for 2 hours after item pickup and only among partymembers that you were with during its aquisition.
For any high end/untradable items in other MMOs there is another scheme: you get “buyer”(lets assume he buys for in-game currency for legal reasons) into party/raid as a dead weight and he gets his item when/if it drops.

None of these methods will work for current ToS.


This tp regeneration thing and premium services is the sole reason I quit archange and bonus the p2w shops as a default user u literal can’t do anything after when ur so called tp points run out while these cash players can horde the economy and game just by buying the pots to refill this ‘tp’

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Hope they give some sort of answer soon, each hour they don’t I get the feeling they just won’t, hah.

The mechanism seemed to be intended for anti-goldseller. Since the game is expected to be on Steam, why not just make the game to be buy2play or monthly subscription instead of so much redundant stuffs, substantial upfront cost will increase uncertainty of profit to goldseller and deter them…

Some more the latest cbt experience told us, current condition of client is more hack-prone than expected. Goldsellers could have upper hand on this too.

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Well well, not sure relevant enough for this thread but I thought I should post it here too.

“I hear no siren, they must not be coming”
There’s no proof that they ignored those posts.
Just because there’s no visible action doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything.

The market aside (that one is basically people putting too many junks and let it rot on the market and eventually max out the market’s capacity so any addition just fail to shows up), the others can be boiled down to server lacking some security measures (checking if incoming command is valid) but that is an issue that cover a large area (as seen with people doing the picture/color chat or other things) that to really fix it it’ll take time to both create the solution and test it to avoid it causing different problem.

I’m not saying what he did was wrong (reporting an exploit), just that the method he used was not a good idea (posting a really exploitable bug in public view)

If IMC really ignore how grave the issue he posted was and let it go, then they’re not a good dev to begin with and eventually this will come back to bite them. (some might argue THIS is it coming to bite them, but frankly I’d consider it ‘too soon’)
But if IMC understand it, was working on it (again, we have no proof if they are/aren’t working on it), then suddenly was told to make up something quickly because people are crashing servers.
That’s time being distracted to work on something else instead of finishing that actual fix.

Anyway, all of this is just in the past, rather than arguing who’s right/wrong, it’s better to take lessons from it.
For me, I want people to learn 2 things:

  1. Sensitive information should not be publicly mention. For example, keeping the lid on Bin Laden hunting operation = good. Posting on facebook on how you successfully committed a crime…
  2. The world goes on. This is more to those say “it’s the last few days of beta!” - if you act like a rampant uncontrollable mob who can’t follow basic moral/rule of “don’t abuse exploits”, have you ever consider that it might make IMC think a lot less of you? Like…say…enough for them to cut off a possible 2nd beta extension? (just possibility, but since we did get a beta extension before so who knows)
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Somehow I think that some changes are forced by executives/publishers/investors/etc.
Maybe IMC knows how to do it right but just isn’t allowed to because it is not really hard to see what works and what not if you just look at the most popular games.
Maybe it is just an asian thing trying not to get international successful and just stick with some thousand players and a horrible monetizing system.

I mean it is the same in the video business which tries to fight pirates all the time just to make the life for their honest customers worse instead of trying to fight the reason behind.
If gold sellers really were a problem one could just adjust the game design that no one even needs these. Like having a trade npc in which you can change $ or silver into special coins and coins back into silver and then trade these coins for cosmetics or unlocks like hidden classes.
Then people can either buy cosmetics by farming or (especially if your time is limited because you actually work) just buy these. Or if you need some quick silvers then turn in some coins. It is not like lots of silver make you win, it just saves time because this is mainly the reason people buy from gold sellers. They do not have the time to go farming for hours and just want to enjoy their free time.
People that need quick silver can get it by official means then and farming/botting silver gives you nothing but ingame coins and no real $ which means there is no profit for them.

If the problem is earning $ they can follow Grinding Gear Games path of exile a f2p self published game company way of earning $

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The proof is they didn’t do anything. kOBT was right around the corner and would’ve gone live without any solution to the exploit getting tested.

For example, an enemy spy wants to assassinate a politician in your country. Keeping a lid on that is good? Your Bin Laden example is loaded since you expect everyone to get on the moral bandwagon against the terrorist, but in this case, the people who wanted the exploit kept under wraps most were exploiters. Who benefits from imc listening to you and taking a slow, low profile approach to the bug? People who want to use the exploit to get ahead with open beta characters that might not be wiped.

Getting people to post their crimes on Facebook is a good thing because it means they’ll get caught easily. Do you want criminals to get away with their crimes?

I hear no siren blah blah blah.

So the spy doesn’t know you know he’s coming and can catch him off guard (possibly without the politician in question even knowing)? YES.
The bin laden example had nothing to do with moral bandwagon, just that they had an important mission (assassinating a major target in the enemy country) and they don’t want the enemy to know they’re doing it, so lid on.

And frankly I’d prefer dev properly fix things, possibly behind the scene (while also catch those exploiters while at it) than people who are essentially just random strangers coming in and demanding the dev do what they want on their speed…hmm…I think there’s a word for that…coughentitledcough

You know what those exploiters do when a patchwork solution is used? They know the underlying problem isn’t fixed and exploit something else.

Oh look, you want to counter my argument by using moral bandwagon…
I said that as example of stupid decision a certain thief made (just google thief brag on facebook)

Hmm, I dunno, do YOU want terrorist to keep bombing countries? Since you apparently had something against me using that bin laden example.

^I think the metaphors are going out of hand and a little off topic

something something hitler something.

Honestly, you cannot trade anything besides via market, and that requires real money? Well, I understand they want some mechanics against gold sellers, botters, etc., but this is insane. Just make it a monthly fee to play then, That’s better and more honest with the customers.