Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed

NO , its quite appropriate , its only INFORMATION , thank you for understanding my point

I agree on a b2p model they dont have to set the bar high for it either there have been alot of games on steam that saw sucess with a 30$ price like ARK along with a cosmetic shop this is truly the best option if anyone from imc reads this plz do it i mean 30$ is a very low window for most players on steam

Having the prices lower isnt always a bad thing look at dota 2 and u will see this
they dont make the most of thier money from arcanas but from the variety of lower priced items in the game

So, throw away already implemented cash shop and try to sell an unfinished product? Get real dude. Also b2p is hardly the best option.

Just where have I said it’s a bad thing? I said that higher prices aren’t bad either and teaching IMC how to do buisiness is a bit naive.

Also take this

you earned it.

So im new to threads dude mb iv only recently hopped on the pc scene… i usally dont get so passionate to bother to post but im rlly looking foward to this game i didnt mean to offend no need to rage stay friendly man in fact im almost udderly perplexed as to the relevance of that photo oh and many people have indeed sold unfinished products in case u havent noticed early access has been a thing for quite some time

Who is raging? Such assumptions are a bit strange.
As for early access, it’s too late to sell it. iOBT is coming soon.
Also if you intend to post in 1-6 month old topics, prepare to be called a necromancer.

This is how it works.

Well ty for the heads up ig mb for interpeting ur picture as some form of rage
i’ll keep the whole old post thing in mind

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Imc pls no :frowning: ive been anticipating this game with love and hopes pls dont break my dreams :cry:

If you are for P2P state it now and stop screwing aroung !

I am bumping this thread because I think this is a crucial time of importance for the discussion - that this feature IS going to be part of iTOS. I think it’s time for those people months ago to start reappearing for debate again, since it is actually happening.

Do Tokens allow 1:1 trading? It’s not stated on the Early Access announcement.
-Yes, they do. We have updated the image on the announcement.

Also, I think it’d be better to concentrate all the complaints into one thread and channel that energy into proper argumentation instead of mudslinging.

Edit: Also, please read the original post in light of iTOS and not kOBT. This means that:

  1. Auction house ISN’T behind a paywall, but highly limited by it (1 item for free users, 5 for token). Originally, Korea planned for auction house to be a purely TP based feature.
  2. Market tax rate (30% for free users, 10% for token). Sales commission rate (50% for free users, 100% for token) (still need to check if this is the case)
  3. Trade is behind token (Both users require Token)
  4. No buy shops
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Well… Forbidding free and private trade in a MMO is retarded.
I want to give items to my friends/alts/randomplayers, I can’t. That’s your definition of a MMO ?
There shouldn’t be any need to argue.


I hope this isn’t true, I am really looking forward to play the game, but this is a major let-down :frowning:

I don’t particularly have an opinion on AH as it’s not something I look into before launch, so I will trust those with more experience on this matter.

Regarding 1:1 Trade, only enabled for Token users, it kinda breaks the MMO aspect. IMO, 1-5 transactions a day for free players should be a thing at the very least, not being able to trade with a friend because he doesn’t have a token doesn’t make sense to me.
I understand this restriction is meant to limit goldsellers activity, but objectively, goldsellers have the money to invest into token and make a profit.

I fully support this[quote=“elysium, post:535, topic:124971”]
Also, I think it’d be better to concentrate all the complaints into one thread and channel that energy into proper argumentation instead of mudslinging.

@alloin It has been confirmed


Sure it does you and your friend don’t have permission to be friends until you both pay IMC and they approve of it, and even after that they will limit what you can trade with each other.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn

I know this thread is old but seriously you guys need to take another look at this system.

Its bad <-- not debatable

Calling it now Gold sellers will craft equipment with 1 potential left then sell it to players rather then dealing in silver. Gold sellers arnt going to go away. And there is no reason to ruin the game experience trying to get rid of them.

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“Please to add Poney_Roxxor as friend, complete the following form:
-social security number
-tax ID

Back to topic:[quote=“thebloodyaugust, post:539, topic:124971”]
there is no reason to ruin the game experience trying to get rid of Gold sellers
This, end of speech.

Does it solve the gold seller problem should be the question. How could you see a gold seller getting around this?

how could you see a legit player getting around this should be the question. this ■■■■ doesnt only scare away the gold sellers, it scares away everyone lol. did they seriously think they could get away with this because the game is good? no, this spiritual successor of RO is turning into a spiritual failure because of publisher decisions.


You are being to generous. It should be “did they seriously think they could get away with this because the game has the potential to be good?”


Hm, why wont they allow 1:1 trade inside guilds? Also restrict joining a guild 1/month. Inside the guild, everyone can trade after reaching X amount of Guild Xp.

That means that even if somebody wants to trade and sell gold, they would have to play with the others for let’s see, at least 1 week? I think this is a solution.