Tree of Savior Forum

[MAJOR COMPLAINT] Market now requires cash to use + trading removed


has this nonsense really spread beyond hope?


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Maybe they need to start temp banning people who are spreading false information, cuz I don’t find it funny.


And where have the true information?

that works in real life but how it could be good in a game? The money we lost in marketplace’s tax goes no where, nobody benefit of taxes and poor people just waste their time trying to sell items via chat instead market (creating useless spam in chat). People who sell items in marketplace raise the price for equilibrate the difference between selling price and taxes the only one who lost in this game is the buyer that buy an overpriced item.

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You have no normal trading in this game.

If what the OP said is true then…

IMC/Nexon turned the economy from a free-market-trade capitalist model (can be easily corruptable by the players, e.g. monopolies, selling gold, selling pre-paid codes, etc.) to a totalitarian-communist like model (can only be corrupted by and everything is controlled by the “government” which in this case would be the developers/publishers e.g. putting price limits on items, buy-in shops removed, etc). In this situation, players are unhappy by how painfully limited and restrained the trading system is, which is understandable, players can’t freely trade with friends or within their own accounts for that matter, but at the same time it greatly hindres (but does not entirely put an end to) selling gold and pre-paid codes, which if you have played any of Nexon’s games in North America, it is unassailable that their free-market model is plagued with hyper inflation and monopolies due to the copious amounts of gold/code sellers.

How can we re-introduce the free and traditional trading system while at the same time avoid the typical economic problems that all MMO’s have to deal with? I have not a clue. This is kind of off topic but what this reminds me of is America’s political donation issue brought upon us by the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Citizen’s United vs. FEC. Politicians can be easily bought by large corporations and billionaires with bribes being disguised as political donations which in turn corrupts the establishment.

But anyways, it’s really interesting to read everyone’s opinions and ideas on the matter.

Greatly is a over statement, barely is more appropriate in other forums we have discussed many many ways gold sellers can work around this bullshit and if we can figure it out that easy/fast so can they.

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I agree with you and I’m interested to know what those loopholes that you were talking about might be if you’re willing to share.

trading removed is not only on TOS, tried Closers (also from Nexon KR) it had 1:1 trade removed too…AND it is a freaking stamina limited dungeon based game… Nexon must really hate 1:1 trade, it’s funny how removing 1:1 trade don’t do any good because the inflation is real bad, 100 - 150m ingame money for a 3 stars costume.

Trading is getting implemented 1/28 for 1:1 trades that do not involve silver or high silver value items. ie goldbars, silverbars.

Edit: You have to have tokens active… Which are pretty cheap once you’re 160+. Or you can spend in the cash shop to purchase them in the nexon market.

On both players or just one player?


          20 charssssssss

I’m a little tired of the p2w MMOs as well. I was really looking forward to playing ToS. If that business model is in the international release I won’t be playing it at all. I really enjoy a game when it is fair game for EVERYONE!

TOS Home page notice :
Although at the moment, we cannot say for certain what the international version would be like

maybe it won’t change, but i wonder how cash shop work with steam client. never used it before

you can expect us to have things the korean server doesn’t get as the steam store usually gets exclusive cosmetics or just real good value bundles

I’m a big fan of getting a lot of little things for cheap for cosmetics… But you know… whatever makes them money. I want a good flow of content and high prices on cosmetics specifically I can get over. I think it’s going to be more fun anyway doing the dye unlocks and getting my favorite hats ingame then just paying for them.

You know this is not ragnarok getting private servers are harder then it used to be. Do you know how many YEARS it took before someone managed a wow private server?

it still happened you ve said it yourself