Tree of Savior Forum

Maintenance Time should be pushed forward two or three hours. (1am PST)

If you gonna please everyone in your life, you are an idi0t.

doesnt even matter how complex or what to do they do during the maintenance, all u have to know is that theres work to be done. Be it complex, or easy as a routine maintenance or mundane work, work has to be done during working hours and now is their working hours. You dont get to decide when they get to work.

Thanks Mir! I know that when I hosted RO clients way back when they came in three components.

Why couldn’t they run a clone of the server and keep it up then update the clone and then swap when ready?

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Yes. Yes I would. At least personallllllyyyyy I’d be at work. :stuck_out_tongue: but that is if I was being selfish.

The great thing about being the boss is I am just not going to schedule myself to work Mondays or Tuesdays. /flexxxxx

That was my entire point. No idea why he insist on finding the exact explaination on why they have to perform maintenance at a particular time. If IMC enjoys torturing their staff by making them work night shifts, then the staff will have to.

They do have one but that is for QA stuff and having a clone would just be hard to maintain, when they already have a test server to begin with.

You can’t read very well can you?

For IMC’s team, who’ve already had years of experience maintaining their last game (Granado Espada), it’s not. Maintenance-wise, the platform and hosting service they use are mostly irrelevant in terms of “Complexity” and down-time.

They couldn’t clone continuously just for the purpose of updating.

1 x amount of time to clone server -> 2patch ->3 server upload ->4 main server


1 main server running -> 2sever is still up ->3down time x amount ->4 server delete

Is how I kind of see it running in my mind.

Its my sleep time during the week.

So then is the only benefit gained from being on Steam one of popularity and advertising? Why didn’t they just remain with their own client?

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What does this even mean?

He means you’re not the special snowflake you may think you currently are.

btw Ill be waiting your cute special snowflake response, it’s entertaining while we wait for maintenance to be over.

Wait!? I’m not? Hold up, I need to call my Mom asap.

Can we post hot and sweaty secret edit update posts? I like it spicy.

This thread explained a lot. Sure seems like IMC needs to step up their game.

It starts off as a GPU discussion but read into further and you’ll see what I’m saying. I don’t know most the of the deeper technical talk but I get the gist of some of it.


Pretty much. And:

Because by going with Steam, which the community pushed through Steam Greenlight, they get many more potential customers (Not just players, but people who will actually buy things from the Cash Shop) and like you said, advertisement. During the first week of the DLC going on sale, this game was in Steam’s Top 10 sellers.

It’s a double-edged sword though, 'cuz players can rate the game. So if too many people don’t like it, they can push the rating down. Hope it gets pushed back up to 8/10 like before, if they make-do on their promise to rework the current restrictions.

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